Off-worlder... The Holy Light told him carefully and he blinked for a moment.

He nodded. "You're on a world called Althanas." He tried to explain cosmic knowledge in very simplistic terminology. "You're in a temple of healers in a small village in Scara Brae Village." He said to her, telling her the basics of the basics. He was an extremely patient man. He was trying to think of what else to tell her. "I found you by that river a few days ago." He added. "I don't know how long you were running before that though."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Tapping it a moment or two later. "My son has made this village from a few years back. We are a decent The Holy Light fearing folks." He told her carefully. He never once brought up her demonic lineage. "You are welcome here if you wish to stay with us."