He was an exceptionally good man.

Seeing the woman injured and likely left for dead or dying, Lorenor approached her calmly. He knelt down at her person and took out a water skin. "Hey. Are you conscious?" He asked of her and gently ran his hand through her hair. "My name is Lorenor. My friends have a village near here and I'm going to take you there to get help." He explained gently. He picked her up with tremendous strength and carried her all the way back to the nearby village without complaint.

The Holy Light commanded him. It was his mission to save the girl. He could see the demonic taint, he'd once been tied to N'Jal long ago. He knew what demonic energies looked like. He knew what they smelled like. From his momentary interaction with the girl, all he knew was that she needed his help. He would never judge her, it was not in his nature to judge folks. He had replaced the water skin in his packs before picking her up. As he walked to the village he noticed his son, The Black Knight, was waiting for him. "Are the medics ready my son?" Lorenor asked.

His son nodded. "They are father."

The villagers were present who were adults and they saw the bad shape the strange girl was in. They walked up to Lornor carrying the girl. "The healers are ready my lord." One of the female servants said calmly.

He nodded. "Make sure she has our best ready for her." He commanded to his son. And they go to one of the healing temples in the village...