He smiled at her and they prepared to go to his house.

It was a good day that day in Scara Brae. Lorenor had to adjust his eyes once they stepped outside of the healer temple. His eyes narrowed for a moment and he greeted people he came across. The house was a short walk from the temple itself. He made sure she was well periodically asking if she was good to continue going. The house was a small, three story house. It was built squat and sturdy in the standard Scara Brae architecture.

Lorenor looked at Lilith for a long moment and nodded. "Home." He said calmly. He'd actually preferred the nomadic life style himself, living off the land...but the reunion with his son had forced him to adjust to a village life style. He didn't mind it the refugees were good people.

He opened the door to his house to allow Lilith inside his house...