The old man held his woman closely. The room was pretty well lit with a few candles. Outside, it was already growing dark that day. Lorenor looked out their window and could see stars twinkling in the night sky of Scara Brae. He could see a large and full moon, pregnant. He felt bad he could not give her children because he was undead. He kept himself inside of his woman.

He massaged her belly gently and his other hand played with her lovely hair.

"Look out our window my love." He tells Lilith. The night sky was quite lovely and there were many stars twinkling. He held his woman close the window was closed though and he made sure the warm bed sheet was wrapped firmly around the two of them. The night sky was lovely as his woman was. He kissed her softly as he held her. "Let's go to sleep my love." He told her gently he held her closely and started to go into a deep sleep...the day he met her had been so perfect to him.