“WHAT?” Sivienna screamed as her lavender orbs locked with those of her father’s. An angry growl escaped her lips before she screamed, all presence of her sweet nature gone as she roared at her son “SALIL MIZAMI! FAMILY REUNION DID NOT MEAN THIS BASTARD HERE!” the vixen’s eyes darkened as for the first time in a long time Sivienna revealed her fang’s an honor to her vampire heritage. Her voice was low, dark as she hissed “Father….you can go to hell and LEAVE!”

Salil’s gray eyes blinked, in a jovial voice he asked “Mother really, is that any way to treat your father? You say I should treat mine with respect, what manners are you showing me by screaming at grandfather?”

The room’s air was changing, growing colder, more frigid, as the family reunion’s atmosphere had completely changed with the appearance of the night angel’s father. Sivi’s rage was building as she was having trouble speaking, as both fury and panic were vying for control in her body. Serenity noticing this barked loudly “Damn it all, this had to happen! Did your ever precious grandfather explain the history between your mother and himself?” her twin tails twitched as she hissed “Shit, this isn’t good, she’s losing it! Seth you may want to speak to Sivi, I”ve never seen her this way!”

“Keep your wits Sivi, he's doing it on purpose,” Seth cautioned even as a blade left holster and began to dance in his hand, “We aren't at a complete wash yet…let's give the asshole a chance to prove his idiocy.” He looked pointed at Lord Mizami, “I still owe him for ordering Sarah’s siring.”

Sivienna’s whole body was shaking, her eyes locking onto Seth’s for comfort, her aura was beginning to glow as her flight or fight response kicked in. Listening to her lover’s words was a comfort for her, the aura lightened slightly, as she tried to remain calm while answering her son’s question “No Salil, manners are one thing, being treated like you're not wanted is another.” Closing her eyes, the night vixen shifted a little from nerves as she explained “You have no idea how persuasive your grandfather is my child. How much he loves control, how everything has to be perfect according to his world! Nothing can be a miss, no child can be different! Only his law is word!”” biting her lip so a bit of blood fell from her smooth lips she finished “I said I’d be honest with you Salil, so hear is the truth. My father hated me from the start, just for being sweet, for loving humans.” She gestured to Seth as she continued “He taunted me when he found this out, killed those I was close to without remorse...do you really value someone like that in your life Salil? Even if he is family?”

She then looked at Seth softly saying “Don’t worry, we’ll pay my father back for Sarah’s siring…”

Salil let out a laugh as he said snidely “You seem to contradict yourself with every word you say to me mother…” turning to look at the kistune, Salil blinked once before he answered tersely “Shut up fox, I won’t speak to an animal, I’ll only answer Sivienna’s questions!”

Serenity’s tails twiched in anger, as she growled succinctly in response to Salil brushing her off.

Raoul on the other hand laughed ominously as he roared “Oh my dear prodigal daughter, so sweet, so innocent, yet so naive! Do you really think humans care for you? A vampire?” his grin widened as he said callously “Do you think this man, this cattle that you foolishly slept with, gave yourself too and had a child with, really loves you? Or does he fear you for the beast you are?” his dark eyes then bore into Seth’s coldly, almost mocking him to answer.

“Careful there Raoul, I beat the crap out of Lord Cardenas for less, and he's your superior,” Seth taunted. The knife was flipped to his other hand as he carefully twirled, “You don't want me getting the idea you resent me. Otherwise, I might get upset and take some of your blood for my sister, I hear it does wonders for thralls.”

Raoul growled lowly, his cane slamming into the ground with a loud THWACK, in a dark tone he muttered “Silly Dahlios, so cocky! So brash, just like that sister of yours! You do realize what that cost her don’t you? My little Rianna was so pleased to claim her after the fight she put up!” looking at Salil he said strictly “Listen closely Salil, you could learn a thing or two!” he then smiled jovially at Seth murmuring “Now your sweet sister is nothing but a thrall of my family AND” his aura pulsed slightly, the strength of his power being hinted at as he taunted Seth “Cattle never have taken my blood, nor has any vampire hunter been able to slay me! What makes you think you can touch me demon?”

Serenity let out a warning growl, as Sivienna let out a scream of wrath, shouting “SHUT UP FATHER! I WILL NOT LET YOU HARM SETH!” her tone rose, along with her anger as she spat “YOU KNOW THE FAMILY RULES! IF I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL, YOU CAN’T HARM SETH! SO BRING IT! I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT MASTER DRASTOIL TAUGHT ME!”

Raoul’s lips twitched at his daughter’s challenge, bowing mockingly he purred “Awww my little baby thinks she can beat me? I’m more than ready to see what your perverted master has taught you my dear! BUT;” he looked into his daughter’s eyes darkly as he finished smoothly “I think you’ll find, your skills fall short of mine my sweet little daughter!”

Salil’s stormy gray eyes perked in interest, as he murmured “This should be interesting to see how Sivienna truly fights! But,”” a coy, almost mocking smile was on his face as he asked Seth “Since mother wants to tangle with grandfather, why don’t we play Seth?”

Serenity’s tails were bristling after Sivi issued the challenge to her father, hopping off her mistress’s shoulders, she trotted over to the thief and whispered to him “I can’t let you fight on your own, I know your powerful Seth. But we have no idea what tricks your son hides. I can’t help Sivi against her father, she wouldn’t want me to, this is her own obstacle to beat. So allow me to offer you aid Seth!” her twin tails twitched in anticipation of the fight as she waited for the demon to respond.