(Open only to Nosdyn or any of his characters. Will Contain erotic content.)

Act 1: On the Run

Verisyl is a Draenei of refined tastes. She is a Warrior that clawed, Scratched, and Kicked her way to victory. She is a woman that knows what she wants out of her life and that’s to not rely on people to get the things she wants if she can avoid it. She loved the thrill of battle and often times you would find her out in the middle of a Heated blitz of swords and battle cries. She loved the attention to detail a Battle Brings. The sharp witted movements of her prey, The cunning actions of her hooves, and the swift strike of her blade. She loved it all. And there was little she wanted more, But one thought did vaguely pass her mind. She wanted a companion at her side. Life on the battlefield can get lonely after all. She wanted someone that can kick her into shape when she was down and someone that can help her pick up the pieces should she ever look defeat in the eyes. She longed for company. Be it an animal or another person. She cared not who, But she wanted company.