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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile

    Nosdyn ~Level 8~

    (Note: ~Level 7~ that was my level 7 update I'm going to do a few updates this level up and maybe get a few new abilities. As always all updates in BOLD thanks for understanding.)

    ~Name: Nosdyn Krotar

    ~Race: Demon Lord

    ~Height: 5'9"/1.75M

    ~Weight: 260 lbs./118 kgs

    ~Job Class: Demon Lord

    ~Eye Colour: Yellow/Amber/Goldish

    ~Vice: Wrath

    ~Virtue: Justice

    ~Appearance Data~

    Level 7 Appearance: Nosdyn is a blue skinned demon. Oft he wears a mask when he goes out of his city, Theselak, in Tular Plains. He has a bald head, pointy sharp ears. And amber coloured eyes. They are much brighter now, he has a thick long and grey beard now. He keeps it well braided and decored. He is somewhat short, and is built extremely well physically.

    Level 5 Appearance: Years have passed. Nosdyn now appears older and wiser for his tribe...back home, on The Tular Plains...he would have been an Elder of his people. He has a slightly darker blue skin tone than he had in previous years, his eyes have become etched with experience at that point, and have a much wiser shine to them. He has an incredibly well built physical structure. He's had at least several different structures (Houses.buildings/etc) collapse completely around him. One such incident was during the times he encountered Jake Narmonalya. He is built as that of someone who can withstand incredible physical damage, a tanking style character. (No changes for level 6)

    Skill Sheet:

    ~Leadership: Nosdyn has leadership capacity. He can make leadership decisions on the fly and oft acts a Squad Leader when the situation calls for it. Nosdyn can inspire fellow Demons to great victories against their enemies, and he can also inspire great fear in enemies.

    ~Military Tactics: Nosdyn is a tactical genius. He thinks on the fly and adapts to situations quickly but there is always room for improvement and getting better He is willing to go to great extremes to finish any job that he is hired for. Nosdyn is capable of solving problems on the fly, but his tactics are not without flaw. His mind allows him to see greatly into whatever matters at hand and think through situations that would make most cringe very few things bother him at this point.

    ~Sword Mastery: Nosdyn has mastered the use of his weapon. No other weapons or armaments interest him. Only achieving mastery in his Beam Weapon, though there are still secret arts that elude him. This combat prowess applies to the iron maces he now uses.

    Level 8: Combat Prowess: Moving on to a different type of weapon, Nosdyn has learned to explore the subtle mastery of 2 handed mace style weapons. He traded in his iron maces for a Prevalida large mace. Two hander style weapon. He can fight skillfully with his mace and counter/parry effectively but still has a long way to go to achieve true mastery.

    ~Horsemanship: Due to a recent need, Nosdyn has taught himself upkeep and maintenance of Horse-kind. He can ride with a great degree of skill and can push mounts with a considerable degree of success. He prefers to ride at this point. Nosdyn will sometimes use his Mantle of Fear to dominate horses in the wild and take command of them versus paying for a horse through legal/legitimate ends.

    ~Survival: Nosdyn knows advanced wilderness survival tactics often resorting to crude tactics to survive. Crude but efficient. He can survive in most wilderness settings and find basic supplies on his own.

    ~Strategist: Nosdyn is a master Strategist thanks to his military training. He comes up with tactics on the fly even in a non-military situations, on the fly but even his mind can make mistakes and miscalculations every so often.

    Ability Sheet:

    Level 5: Nosdyn and N'Jal share a strong psionic link. It is not flawless, but she can enter his mind at will and commune with him mentally. He cannot directly enter her own mind on his own just yet.

    ~Enhanced Endurance: Nosdyn has achieved 10x's the enhanced Endurance of a standard Althanas human. At this point, Nosdyn has been training how to survive incredible damage and punishment. Nosdyn has survived a direct smite attempt from N'Jal herself. So he can take an incredible amount of punishment and keep going.(Going to attempt to max out my Endurance for level 7.)

    ~Heightened Senses: Through his training Nosdyn has achieved heightened senses. He has roughly 3.0x's the enhanced senses of a standard Althanas human. These senses allow him to see better with some concentration, hear better and smell better also with considerable concentration. For certain acts of sensory awareness he still has to focus to sense them but for minor acts he can detect it. These acts are things such as attempting to find hidden traps and things of this nature. With extreme concentration, Nosdyn can sometimes feel when he is in danger. This applies mainly for when someone is out to kill him or something of that nature. Demon Slayers and things of that nature. It is not flawless and is mainly a quest ability. (Only update I want for this level)

    level 7: He can detect with some degree of accuracy, most immediate dangers to his person. Being a demon on the Tular Plains one learns to survive and prepare for danger.

    Level 8: Now, after many years of training on the Tular Plains, Nosdyn can concentrate and detect most hidden traps he comes across. He has the knowledge and skill at this point to disarm these traps as long as they are not overly complicated. His experiences in Ettermire had prepared him for this moment...

    ~Focused Strike: A strong attack that allows Nosdyn to swing his two handed weapon in a large, brutal strike attempt. He can uses this maneuver with one full turn of prep work. The Focused Strike, if it connects causes moderate to heavy damage on the targe. It has a lot of tells so it can be easily evaded or dodged by the skilled. Should a Focused Strike land though...Aside from the full turn of charge up time, the attack can be attempted a full 3 times per thread. Once the third time connects or is dodged, the ability is on cool down for that session.

    ~Smash: Nosdyn's strongest attack. Concentrating his demonic rage and will into a singular point, Nosdyn's rage can explode in a show of strength and prowess. When he strikes his weapon in this way he can caused a focused explosion on a particular target or around a target. The area around the impact point explodes outward and this could be quite dangerous on unprepared targets. The attack has a large tell and can be evaded by the agile types. Currently, Nos can only Smash three full attempts in this fashion. The target radius is a circle on the impact point of about three feet in radius. With his Prevalida weapon, he can Smash most stationary objects in this way. He can smash up to five full times per battle and the preparation is two full turns of concentration.


    ~ (Note: As per request I did a weapon upgrade this update as well that went through here is the link of that transaction) Prevalida 2 hand Mace thanks for giving me time to purchase my upgrade first!

    ~Armour: Nosdyn wears full leather armour for combat. It is coloured black. He sometimes wears a cloak. Note: At this point Nosdyn is a follower of N'Jal and wears her symbols/marks on his armor now. Note 2: Nos no longer is a follower of N'Jal he wears black leather clothing. His armour has the stylized "K" symbol for his demon house, Krotar. He also sometimes wears a mask.

    (Short update my massive update will be for level 10 range. Thanks for understanding) 2 hand Mace thanks for giving me time to purchase my upgrade first!

    ~Armour: Nosdyn wears full leather armour for combat. It is coloured black. He sometimes wears a cloak. Note: At this point Nosdyn is a follower of N'Jal and wears her symbols/marks on his armor now. Note 2: Nos no longer is a follower of N'Jal he wears black leather clothing. His armour has the stylized "K" symbol for his demon house, Krotar. He also sometimes wears a mask.

    (Short update my massive update will be for level 10 range. Thanks for understanding) 2 hand Mace thanks for giving me time to purchase my upgrade first!)

    ~Armour: Nosdyn wears full leather armour for combat. It is coloured black. He sometimes wears a cloak. Note: At this point Nosdyn is a follower of N'Jal and wears her symbols/marks on his armor now. Note 2: Nos no longer is a follower of N'Jal he wears black leather clothing. His armour has the stylized "K" symbol for his demon house, Krotar. He also sometimes wears a mask.

    (Short update my massive update will be for level 10 range. Thanks for understanding)

  2. #2

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
    Level completed: 21%, EXP required for next Level: 3,958
    Level completed: 21%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,958

    Tyr's Avatar


    Tyr Vythari

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    Thank you for your update! All is good.

    Have fun out there!

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