Nosdyn had been quiet since the encounter with Aranor.

The man freely traveled between various worlds through dimensional doorways...gates. He was no stranger to the concept but he did know one thing that he and has son had discussed for many years. Nosdyn had a weakness to teleportation style magic, gates, portals, all those sorts of arcane magics. He shook his head as they walked home. He looked at Cerna. "He freely teleports, that could be a huge problem for me down the road." He told her calmly.

Xelldra and Nosdyn help her to their large house...Nosdyn would have been fine carrying her himself though. He looked at Cerna. "I could have carried you, you know." He said with a small smile. "We all need to talk once you recover. I've seen that magic before...long ago."