(Will contain erotic scenes)

That day...

Nosdyn had not seen his wife for many hours. He was growing concerned. About midday, Lady Xelldra and several other Undead citizens sought Nosdyn out. There was an immediate air of danger. Nosdyn sees Lady Xelldra and hugs his closest ally. Only Cerna was higher in the ranks above Lady Xelldra, his son and his wife Lilly. Nosdyn hugged her and helped her relax for a moment. "Tell me what's the trouble?"

Xelldra caught her breath. "Our on the East Ridge, our scouts reported Lady Cerna is acting quite erratic." Xelldra explained with a deep voice of concern.

Nosdyn listened to the woman. "Tell my son to fortify our city's defenses while I am away. Lady Xelldra, you and the others are in charged while I handle this matter. I am not certain how long this will take." He explained to her. He grabbed his nearby gear and put his great cloak on.

He clasped the cloak around his shoulders and it moved about him with the wind. His eyes narrowed. "I will be gone for as long as it takes to save her. Lady Xelldra take care of Theselak while I am gone." Nosdyn took his leave.

"Thaynespeed Nosdyn." Lady Xelldra had a look of deep concern on her face...