Name: Cerna Rose Bloodwing
Age: 26
Race: Draenei

Personality: Stern, Cold, Sarcastic and Savage, But kindhearted to close friends
Equipment: Iron Greatsword and Iron Mace
Skills: Swordsman
Ability 1: Cerna can hear the Voices of the Undead. She can call two Spirits to her side, But only for a short time. She can Summon the spirits 4 times a day before needing to rest.
Ability 2: Mining: Cerna can Mine Copper/Iron from rocks
Ability 3: Smelting - Cerna Can smelt ores she receives into Bars. Can only do so with ores she can get herself
Ability 4: Companion - Cerna Gains an Animal Companion to aid her in her travels. (A bat to be specific. The Bat can gather resources for her)

Background / History: Cerna Rose Bloodwing was formerly a living Draenei that was well Loved in her homeland. However she perished when a natural disaster tore through her village. She was raised by an Undead King and forced to serve him for many years before she was rescued. She now is trying to learn how to cope with her new existence and discover what it means to truly be alive once more