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  1. #1
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    If rain is what you want (Shinsou Level 16)

    Time for an update! I’ve tried being a bit more presentable with my profile, for starters. Updates will be in green. I dropped one or two basic abilities, and added a few in. Hopefully none of them too OTT.
    Name: Shinsou Vaan Osiris
    Gender: Male
    Age: 35 years old
    Race: Telgradian
    Eye Color: Gold
    Hair color: Brown
    Height: 6’0”
    Weight: 155lbs
    Alignment: Neutral
    Background and Personality

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris is a Telgradian; a race of magically astute humans who each specialise in a particular school of magic or swordcraft. On his homeworld of Telgradia, he was considered a heroic prodigy and wielded power that awed even some of the Council of Five (Telgradia’s top warriors), including his father Telos Soltair. However, after a civil war broke out between the Telgradians and an opposing race, the Jal Shey, Shinsou was sent on a mission that changed the course of his life. Princess Rhovani of the Telgradian Royal Family had been kidnapped by the Jal Shey, and Shinsou had been sent to successfully bring her home. As he arrived at the temple in which Rhovani was being held, the Telgradian discovered a terrible Jal Shey bioweapon named Temperance. Watching in horror as Rhovani was consumed by the beast, Shinsou tried to destroy it but became subjugated to its strong psychic will. The Jal Shey then sent Shinsou and Temperance to destroy Garah, the Telgradian capital.

    Thanks to the efforts of the Council of Five, the possessed Shinsou was stopped and Temperance was sealed away. Unfortunately, no-one believed that Shinsou had he had acted against his will, and he was imprisoned in the lowest level of Kokushi. It was determined that his memories would be wiped in an attempt to “re-birth” him, after intervention from Telos prevented his summary execution.

    Eventually, Shinsou re-awakened and (after being briefed on his situation) was sent on a mission to retrieve the Pillar of Osiris, which had been stolen from Garah and taken to Althanas by a rogue commander named Jaeger Keats. The Pillar (unbeknown to Shinsou) contained his memories, and eventually Shinsou obtained it, gifted to him by Jaeger Keats. Assuming that Shinsou’s memories would restore him to Jal Shey control, Keats revealed that his intention was to destroy Telgradia with Shinsou once again at the helm. However, Shinsou (no longer being under Temeperance’s control), made the choice to destroy Keats and self-exile on Althanas, realising that he had no evidence to present to Telgradia that his past crimes were outside of his control.

    After many years of trying to find a place for himself on Althanas, Shinsou wound up coming into the service of the Brotherhood of the Castigars, a small faction that operated out of Whitevale that was run by a council of powerbrokers looking to make an impact in Corone. After coming into brief conflict against Storm Veritas during the Lornius Corporation Challenge, the two once again re-united after Veritas received an “eye” from the council – a token of “selection” for their plan – and ran into Shinsou Vaan Osiris. With neither man particularly keen on being manipulated, they decided to form an alliance to upend the council, and eventually led a two man coup to usurp the power at Whitevale. Under the new Brotherhood, Shinsou and Storm’s friendship grew fast and the Brotherhood itself flourished from a small town military junta to a fully fledged faction, whose reach extended to Tylmerande and beyond. During this time Shinsou formed an on-off relationship with the Gilded Lily leader Philomel van der Aart, and took on Felicity Rhyolite as his apprentice.

    During this time, Shinsou’s right hand man, Arius Mephisto, was plotting to overthrow the pair and take power for himself. The failed Siege of Radasanth presented Arius with an opportunity to take control, and shortly after the Brotherhood were forced to regroup the mage struck with terrifying force. His powers had been kept from the pair for a long time, and as a result he was able to nearly kill Shinsou and fling Storm and Felicity Rhyolite into Raiaera via a portal. Shortly after, the town of Whitevale was wiped out.

    Eventually re-uniting at the ruins of Whitevale, Shinsou and Storm resolved to kill Arius once and for all, making him pay for every single drop of blood spilt.

    As a result of all this, Shinsou’s persona has changed in recent years. Whilst he often remains strikingly calm, intellectual and calculating, his close relationship with Storm Veritas has definitely given him a rougher edge. He has picked up a few of his friend's own mannerisms (heavy drinking, cursing and gambling), including elements of the electromancer's temper - it hasn't gone un-noticed that the often stoic Telgradian sometimes burns through his stock of patience quicker than usual with people he deems to be 'un-cooperative'. He is now much quicker to use his more dangerous abilities openly to resolve conflicts quickly, rather than use the conservative approach he was renown for.

    In spite of this, (and ironically), Shinsou's calmer side comes out more around the ill-tempered Felicity Rhyolite, whom he has taken on the responsibility of training after seeing huge potential in the young girl. He also has a soft spot for Philomel Van der Aart, who remains a complex part of his life as a lover whose loyalties were tested during the Siege of Radasanth, and who has since come back into Shinsou's life through a pledge of fielty.

    Since Shinsou's focus switched from expansion of the Brotherhood to dealing with Arius Mephisto; a former right hand man of his who betrayed the Brotherhood and attempted to assassinate him, the Telgradian has become obsessed with revenge. Such is the level of disdain for Arius that Shinsou can no longer commit to any other task, prioritising the traitor's death or capture above all else.

    During the events of Unleashed, Shinsou Vaan Osiris and Storm Veritas finally destroyed Arius Mephisto and put an end to the great evil. The Brotherhood’s township of Whitevale was destroyed in Arius’s assault prior to this confrontation, and since then has undergone extensive rebuilding funded by the remaining treasury.

    Whilst repairs were being attended to, Shinsou’s decided to travel abroad to build and nurture new Brotherhood connections and take some time for himself. One such journey took him to Stonevale, where he met a trader named Preston Fletcher (whom he entered into a trading agreement with). After concluding this business, the Telgradian became mixed up in a dispute between the Lady of Higanbana and Stonevale itself. Once this matter had been settled, Shinsou returned to Corone and answered two invitations to the Citadel. One was from Rehtul Orlouge, the nephew of the famous Sei Orlouge. The other was from the demon Nosdyn, who vowed his revenge on the Telgradian after previously having threatened Felicity Rhyolite, his apprentice.

    Name: Enpera
    Type: Iai Sword (modified Katana with no curve)
    Material: Prevailda
    Quality: Masterwork

    Enpera (previously named Kadingar at level 14) was re-forged by Shinsou Vaan Osiris in the hellscape of Telgradia's underworld after the events of The Redemption of Tylmerande. Incorporating a special metal into its design, Enpera is comprised of a Prevailda compound that has not only strengthened the blade, but also Shinsou's spiritual connection to the weapon. The hilt is comprised of a traditional feudal grip, wrapped in black and gold cord, and the blade's metal is tinted slightly golden.

    So fine is the cutting edge of the blade that each swing emits a light note, and this has caused many to believe that the Raiaerans (famous for their enchantments) were involved in its design, although this is untrue.


    Once per thread, for a duration of four posts, Enpera allows Shinsou to draw on the sword's power and enter an enhanced state of being.

    In this state, Shinsou's reactions are enhanced to 6x that of a normal human, for four posts. This allows him to process information much more quickly, allowing him to react to events much faster than his base self.

    Once Shinsou's berserk state ends, the Telgradian spends the next in-character post in a state of debuff. His reactions fall to HALF of that of a normal human.
    Base Form Abilities

    Note about abilities: Base, Hakai and Senkai

    Enpera has two seals placed upon it, and these seals regulate how much of its power Shinsou can access at any one time (and therefore by extension his abilities). In its base form, Enpera only allows Shinsou access to 10% of its total potential, giving him access to the skills listed with (Base) tags. When Hakai is activated, the first of Enpera’s two seals breaks and Shinsou taps into up to 50% of Enpera’s power, allowing him access to abilities with (Hakai) tags. When the final seal is broken, Senkai is activated and Shinsou draws out 100% of Enpera’s power, granting him access to abilities in (Senkai) tags.

    Shinsou is able to detect the presence and strength of living or un-dead people that he has already met, either through exposure to flesh or magic. The stronger the person, the further away he can detect a presence. This ability is passive and always active, but won’t work against people he has not met.
    Dark Matter

    Shinsou is able to wield, manipulate and use an elemental material called Dark Matter. Cold to the touch and consisting of a marbled purple and black, slightly electrified material when formed, the dark matter that Shinsou creates is of Prevailda strength and solidifies when manifested. It is no longer unstable, and can therefore be used to create physical objects up to 260lbs in weight, and 8ft in length. However, Shinsou cannot create anything with moving parts or mechanics, limiting his spell to forming weapons, tools and physical, static objects.

    Objects created by dark matter have an endurance of three posts before shattering.
    Enpera Kurohitsugi

    After years of training, Shinsou has finally managed to perfect his original Enpera Kurohitsugi technique. This new iteration of his deadly barrage spell involves the Telgradian opening up a thirty foot wide, wall-like expanse of void behind him and summoning up to thirty dark matter spears from it. On command, Shinsou unleashes the spears upon his opponents (either individually, in small batches or all at once). The spears do not explode on impact, but are extremely powerful and can tear through even Prevailda armour.

    This ability can be called upon twice per thread and remains in effect until all thirty spears are expended from the portal, which can be opened and closed at Shinsou's whim.
    Enpera Asurendo

    By concentrating an intense amount of dark matter energy into Enpera and touching the blade’s tip against the ground, Shinsou can rend parts of the earth ahead of him up to a distance of forty feet away. This creates a “line of sight” debris field of jutting rocks sharp enough to stab an opponent from underneath, at worst, or destabilise them at best.

    Shinsou can use this twice per thread.
    Aura Break

    Once per thread, Shinsou can negate the effects of a magical spell or physical attack for three seconds. Enpera will smother him in an aura of Dark Matter that solidifies into a crystal as hard as adamantine. Once the attack hits, the membrane of the crystal will shatter and Aura Break will be unusable for the rest of the thread.
    Dark Gate

    Shinsou can quickly inscribe his personal seal on any surface using Dark Matter. Once per thread, he may phase out of the physical plane and re-appear where his seal was inscribed. The seal glows with a purple light once inscribed, and can be destroyed / nulled with even the slightest physical or magical contact.

    Shiroihitsugi is Shinsou's highest level technique. It used to be so powerful that the Telgradian was required to seal the source of it within Enpera instead of his own body, but has since been able to use it in Enpera’s base form.

    The Shiroihitsugi seals its target within a large, white orb, which is formed when Enpera generates enough spiritual energy (this takes one full post). Once fully formed, Shiroihitsugi envelops the opponent with a powerful torrent of gravity, before spawning several white Enpera Kurohitsugi protrusions. These spears then simultaneously lance the orb, lacerating the one inside from head to toe.

    The spell is very difficult to use, and requires full concentration to maintain. It can only be used once per thread. It can be destroyed with one full powered electricity or dark magic attack from within or two attacks externally. It can withstand other elements twice as much, requiring two internal hits or four external ones to completely destroy.

    Once Shiroihitsugi has engaged, it will shred itself to atoms and dissipate entirely.
    The Vault of Garah

    Once per thread, Shinsou may create a key made from dark energy. This key allows the Telgradian to open up a small expanse of void behind him and pull from it a copy of any weapon that Shinsou has physically seen with his own eyes.

    The weapon that Shinsou chooses is not the original, but has all of the original's characteristics, abilities and enchantments (according to those that have been approved through the Realm of Greeting). Shinsou can use these at will, according to their originally approved limitations.

    In order for this ability to work, any weapon summoned MUST have been previously approved through Realm of Greeting, or otherwise been previously purchased in the Bazaar. In both cases, Shinsou MUST have seen the weapon being used, IN PERSON, during his time (This includes Althanas 3.1 threads).

    This ability can be called upon once per thread and remains in effect until the weapon dissipates at the end of a third consecutive post.
    Hakai Form Abilities


    The power flowing through Enpera embues Shinsou with immense energy, and augments his speed. Twice a thread, Shinsou can increase his movement speed by up to eight times his normal limit for a duration of one round. This is used by Shinsou to primarily deliver a lightning quick attack, but can also be used to evade or put distance between himself and an opponent. There is a cooldown of three posts before Shadowstep can be used again.

    Shinsou can further imbue his Aura Break with Hakai power to improve it beyond its original form. As long as Shinsou has not already used Aura Break in a thread, he can summon Shirudo. This ability shrouds Shinsou in a thick, dense cloak of dark energy which acts as an impenetrable armour against all magical attacks (cast by characters below his level) and prevents him from being effected by poison, sickness, or any other status effects. This cloak can be summoned once and lasts three posts, but can be destroyed immediately if Shinsou is successfully hit with any type of melee attack.

    Drawing on his mastery of dark magic, Shinsou is able to taint Enpera for his own ends. Once activated, Enpera slowly begins to secrete a thick, powerful liquid toxin that coats the cutting edge of the blade. If an opponent is cut by the sword, the poison enters their bloodstream and causes dizziness, vomiting, temporary loss of vision, palpitations, fever and loss of feeling in their extremities. The poison also works if skin contact is made, although symptoms will be limited to dizziness, vomiting and sweating. Shinsou is immune to the effects of the toxin, which lasts for four posts, and this can be activated once per thread (the secretion lasts for the duration).
    Senkai Form Abilities

    Shin no Kotei: 1st Grade

    The dark powers contained within Enpera are manifested to their fullest potential. Once activated, Shin no Kotei (1st Grade) allows Shinsou to touch a shadow and phase out of the physical plane. He may then reappear wherever a shadow is cast by an object or person, and does so by emerging from the shadow itself. This can only be done once per thread, and Shinsou may only remain outside of the physical plain for three seconds.
    Shin no Kotei: 2nd Grade

    The dark powers contained within Enpera are manifested to their fullest potential. Once activated, Shin no Kotei (2nd Grade) can project an afterimage of Shinsou to an area which is touched by a shadow. The strength of the afterimage depends on the strength of the opponent, with anyone above level 10 experiencing a full bodied hallucination of Shinsou’s presence to the point where the hallucination can become real and interact with objects and people independently of Shinsou Vaan Osiris. To anyone below level 10, the afterimage appears holographic and cannot physically interact with them. This ability can be used once per day, and the afterimage projection lasts for three posts.
    Shin no Kotei: 3rd Grade

    The dark powers contained within Enpera are manifested to their fullest potential. Once activated, Shin no Kotei (3rd Grade) ensures that any wounds that Shinsou or his opponent inflict on each other's body will emerge on their body as well, as if shared. The effect lasts for three posts and this ability can be activated once per day. Its effect can be cancelled by releasing Shinsou’s grip on Enpera at any point within the three posts.

    Shin no Kotei: 4th Grade

    The dark powers contained within Enpera are manifested to their fullest potential. Once activated, Shin no Kotei (4th Grade) will allow Shinsou to manipulate all the shadows in the area to amalgamate around a foe and form a powerful seal. In non-competitive stories, this can be used to fully seal an opponent. In competitive play, this seal can be used to partially disrupt an opponents movements by forming around part of an opponent’s body and solidifying, paralysing that part. Once an opponent has been sealed, it will not break unless Shinsou has been disarmed from Enpera or exits the Senkai state. This ability can be used once per day.
    Saigo Form Abilities

    Shin no Kotei: Saigo, 5th Grade

    The Saigo technique represents the fullest realisation of Shinsou Vaan Osiris’s power, to its absolute maximum of 100%. Enpera disintegrates completely, merging with Shinsou’s body to create an entirely new form for the Telgradian. This form can be swapped into and out of at will, but may only last a consecutive four posts before draining Shinsou of energy. After this, he will need to wait a day to be able to access the form again.

    In the Saigo form, Shinsou’s physical appearance changes dramatically. His height increases by a noticeable foot. His skin gains an ivory, bone-esque, flexible armour plating equivalent to the strength of Prevailda that covers his body from his toes to his neck, where it ends in a bone like collar. Shinsou’s irises turn black, along with his hair and eyebrows, and he gains access to the following abilities:
    Saigo: Endurance

    During Saigo, Shinsou’s armour can endure any hit from any weapon or magical attack (piercing, concussion or otherwise) up to Prevailda strength without being hurt. Any weapon equal to and above this will cause half of its normal damage appropriate to the attack. Doesn’t work on unarmoured sections (the head).
    Saigo: The Dying Light

    During Saigo, Shinsou can call upon the use of a blade of pure dark matter to strike down his enemies. The dark matter is as strong as Prevailda and can be used to stab, pierce and cut like a normal sword. However, this version of dark matter deals hits, cuts and pierces with quadruple the force of its metallic equivalent.
    Saigo: Lindenhurst’s Lament

    During Saigo, Shinsou can heal his or any allies wounds quickly. Minor wounds are healed instantly. Medium wounds take only a couple of seconds, whilst serious to life threatening wounds require a minute of healing. The time required to heal these wounds is cumulative and not concurrent, meaning that healing a major wound for twenty seconds and being interrupted would then only require a further forty seconds (assuming the wound did not get worse).
    Saigo: White Matter Enpera Kurohitsugi

    During Saigo, Shinsou’s Enpera Kurohitsugi is made from white matter instead of dark. The same limitations apply as Enpera Kurohitsugi in his base abilities, but the white matter lances can be psionically controlled, either individually or as a group, for the duration of Saigo.

  2. #2

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
    Level completed: 21%, EXP required for next Level: 3,958
    Level completed: 21%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,958

    Tyr's Avatar


    Tyr Vythari

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    Heya, Shin. Thank you for your update. Letting you know I'm looking over this and will get back to you with questions if need be.

  3. #3

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
    Level completed: 21%, EXP required for next Level: 3,958
    Level completed: 21%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,958

    Tyr's Avatar


    Tyr Vythari

    View Profile
    Alright, Shin. Some are high end abilities, and the one I'm on edge most about is "The Dying Light". Oi. I'm going to go ahead and allow.


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