A couple days later...

Nosdyn was pacing back and forth that day. He was listening to Crux's instructions on the wedding ceremony.

Never had Nosdyn wanted to get everything right for Cerna's sake as he had wanted to get their wedding right. He went over the ceremony precepts making sure that he memorized everything. Crux gave Nosdyn the notes for the ceremony on hand, documentation, scrolls and parchments. A large volume of text that Nosdyn had to memorize.

He was following a traditional Stonevale wedding rites, he didn't want to offend his old friend and his people. So he was trying extremely hard knowing full well Cerna, in a separate locations of the wedding grounds, was learning her part of the rites. Nosdyn needed a break a few hours later, his head hurt and he had rapidly consumed all of the information he needed to know. He looked at his old friend Crux. "Like that yes?" Nosdyn asked of the particular steps of the rites.

Crux nodded. "Yes. Exactly like that, you're doing quite well Nosdyn." Crux complimented the old demon.

Nosdyn sighed with concentration. "Thank the Thayne." Nosdyn said. "Can we take a break now? My head actually hurts."

"Study that last part of the rite. To appease Lady Y'edda that is when you must get the rites exactly correct my pupil." Crux said. "Yes, study that portion of the ceremony everything must be done exactly correct."

Nosdyn nodded. "I will not fail."