Crux nodded as they enter Nosdyn's house. "It seems our world is fill with strike and war." He began. "But it gives me hope that you two have each other and are strongly bound to one another." He said calmly. He looked at Nosdyn gently. "I trust you have good drink and food here, I'm parched after all Tular Plains are a hot place..." He raised his eyebrows saying that part of it.

Nosdyn nodded. "I have drink for us all. Nothing too fancy or vintage, but some ale yes." Nosdyn chuckled. He went to go gather food and drink for them from the cooking area, the kitchen. He gathered a large serving of stuff for them all. He placed everything at their table. "Help yourselves to good food. Tular Plains cooking." He chuckled. "Hope you lovely folks enjoy." He felt uncomfortable, he was not the most social animals, but he was trying for Cerna's sake.

He folded his arms across his chest indicating he was nervous. He looked at Crux. "Try the ale, I think you will like it Crux."