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Thread: Emi Seafarer

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  1. #1

    EXP: 950, Level: 1
    Level completed: 48%, EXP required for next Level: 1,050
    Level completed: 48%,
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    Emi's Avatar


    Emi Seafarer

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    Emi Seafarer

    Gonna try to put profile here, but mobile is difficult, so have a link for clarity. I'll see about editing in formatting when I'm home from vacation

    Name: Emi Seafarer

    Race: humanoid

    Age: mid-20s

    Gender: female

    Height: 5'4”

    Weight: 130 lbs

    Eye color: green

    Hair color: black

    Complexion: bronzed (think Moana in terms of skin tone)

    Typical appearance: Emi wears her hair in a series of corn rows that fall to just past her shoulders. The end of each braid is adorned with a few beads. She typically wears somewhat poofy capri pants and a tank top (both in varying colors). She also has a sea coat for intermittent weather. When on land, she wears sturdy boots. On Wavedancer, she typically goes barefoot. The only jewelry she wears is a small Lhunstone locket in which she keeps a picture of her late parents.

    On the back of her left hand is a series of tattoos to aid her in navigation

    Personality: kind-hearted, but firm when she needs to be. Emi tries to get along with everyone she meets and does her best to avoid conflict. She’s often quiet at first, while she observes the people around her. She is absolutely loyal to friends, but is somewhat picky as to what determines a friend. She is well aware that not everyone you meet is a friend and may come off as somewhat guarded until she is more sure of a new person’s intent. She is confident in herself and her ability to take care of herself.


    Polyglot: Emi has the ability to understand any spoken language after hearing it spoken for a few minutes. The longer she listens and subsequently uses the language the more proficient she becomes. With only 5 minutes of listening she can hold a simple conversation (such as might be needed to ask for directions, order food, or make general purchases). If she does not use the language, it stays at the beginning level.

    Special note: This is not an ability that changes in strength as the profile levels up. She will always need 5 minutes at minimum to learn a new language. Only the list of languages she has learned and the level of proficiency with said language will change.

    Languages learned:

    HOME: native speaker. This is her birth language.

    Althanas languages:
    Common - Intermediate

    Eagle-eyed: Emi can see 2x further than a normal person.

    ISun-sight: Also, due to her many years at sea, the glare of the sun on reflective surfaces does not affect her vision as much as it would a normal person.


    Sailing – expert sailor. She knows every inch of Wavedancer like the back of her hand. There is very little that she doesn't know or is unable to intrinsically figure out about the sea.

    Mechanic – mechanical expert. She can take every last mechanical thing on her ship apart, and put it back together (and won't have leftover parts or wind up short a few parts).

    Carpentry, with a focus on boats – She built Wavedancer from scratch. 'nuff said

    Fishing – decent enough to feed herself well.

    Combat - Emi can defend herself reasonably well against a foe that is reasonably close to her in ability. This is, however, a last resort. She will attempt everything she can to avoid a fight, including flat out running away as fast as she can go.

    Swimming - having been raised on the sea, Emi is an accomplished swimmer/diver.

    Acrobatic: Emi is very flexible and accustomed to climbing/swinging on and through the rigging of Wavedancer. She is able to climb most climbable surfaces with relative ease and is sure-footed on narrow/slippery surfaces.

    Weaponry: Emi does not carry anything that is specifically to be used as a weapon. These are primarily tools for a peaceful life on a ship. Both of these are made of a metal similar in strength to steel called Lhunstone. As far as she is aware, Lhunstone is found only in her homeland. When Lhunstone is forged into metal, it has a deep blue-purple shimmer effect. Once forged into a blade, the blade never needs to be sharpened again and is resistant to damage from items equal to steel or less.

    fishing knife - karambit style

    fishing spear – a small harpoon with a rope attached to the butt.

    Neither of these are a first weapon of choice, but she does know how to use them against a foe if necessary.

    Due to the unique nature of the metal of her karambit and harpoon, these items may not be sold or traded.

    Special items: Note that these are essential to the character and are not sellable for any reason.


    -Emi's ship, Wavedancer, is on the smaller end of seaworthy ships. It is in the style of a catamaran. It is equipped chiefly for sailing, though the sails are also solar panels (think “Treasure Planet”). She is roughly 60' long by 35' wide. The Wavedancer is also equipped with a depth meter powered by solar energy.

    Note: the engine is small. Top speed is about 25 knots (just a hair under 30 mph), so it doesn’t move fast, but it moves. She tries to keep use of the engine to a minimum, preferring the wind to the engine. The engine and depth meter are the only “powered” instruments on board.

    History: Emi is from a group of tropical islands far to the east of Dheathain. It is a bit more technologically advanced than the known world, having moved further in technology than steam. Her homeland has developed solar energy and has developed several ways to collect and contain that energy. This includes cloth. The sails of her ship are made of this solar panel cloth to collect energy to operate the ship’s back-up engine and depth finder.


    Today has been an exciting day! It is the first time Poppa has allowed me to sail on my own. You'd think by 17 I'd have already passed this milestone, but Poppa was adamant that I be able to pass his own particularly high standards of knowledge and ability. No matter though, for hours I was at sea alone, just me and Wavedancer. I'm quite proud of her. I have only some minor pretty details to finish and then she will be complete. For now she is of sufficient size to allow me to roam for at least 2 months at sea, maybe more if I get creative with supplies storage. Next month will be my 18th birthday. After that I will see about getting supplies for Wavedancer's first proper voyage. Today's test run went smoothly, but until she is 100% complete and out beyond the bay, it won't be a true voyage.


    Best birthday ever! Poppa got me my very own seaman’s coat. It is quite warm and sturdy. He also surprised me with a month’s worth of supplies. I’m writing this from a day’s journey south of Carmella Bay. Wavedancer is sitting nicely in a little cove along the coast, awaiting sunrise. The weather report says I should have smooth sailing for the next few days. This is it! My first truly solo voyage! I wish Momma could be here to see it, but I’m sure she’s watching from Beyond and is as proud of me as Poppa is.

  2. #2

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
    Level completed: 21%, EXP required for next Level: 3,958
    Level completed: 21%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,958

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    Tyr Vythari

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    Thanks lots for your registration. I'm going to go ahead and approve this and hope you have fun out there!


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