Rehtul frowned and held up a single hand. A cloud of mist rose around him and a faint tinkling echoed through the nearly silent chamber. The ground around the mage cracked and split as blades attached to heavy chains shot forth from within the earth.

They flew through the air toward the wall. One sunk into the soft rock, stuck like a thrown dart.

Quick little bastard, aren't you?

The second chain swung through the air in an arc and seemed to catch on something in the air above the cavern floor. A harsh thud sounded through the room as dust rose up from the ground. The chain was wrapped around something unseen that struggled desperately to escape. The ice mage exerted a bit more effort and more chains erupted from the ground, arcing over the thrashing form. The chains drew tight and pinned the creature to the ground.

He brought a single hand over the form and a giant icicle appeared over the creature. With a swipe of his hand, the spear of ice impaled the writhing form. Blood splattered the rock as the black and purple skin of a demon showed itself from between the chains as the creature issued its last breath.

“That's why.” He brought his hand to his lips and blew. A floating mist of frozen water droplets filled the room and brought the outline of a couple dozen other shapes into view. Long, lanky bodies slinking through the shadows, creeping on the walls came into view.

Elijah cursed. A few of the demons ran quickly toward him, aware that they no longer held the advantage of surprise. As they rushed in, Rehtul stomped his right foot. A geyser of ice erupted forward from the ground in front of his foot and impaled most of the attackers in one fell swoop.

Rehtul waved his arm and a set of icy bladed pinions appeared, floating inches in front of his forearms. He crossed his arms and fanned the blades out, pointed at the demonic entities.

“Everyone on your guard! These things are quick.”