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Thread: Cronk

  1. #1


    Ron Von Cronkski


    Name: Ron Von Cronkski
    Nickname: Cronk
    Race: Human?

    Appearance: Cronk is a specimen. He’s 6’8” with the bulk of a horse. Pure muscle. He has a goofy face, with big, almost elfish ears, chunky cheeks and a Cheshire grin. He has a tight end. Humans, elves, fauns, dwarves. No one can resist him.

    Personality: YOLO. Cronk just wants to party, drink, and slay some bitches.

    Skills: Cronk isn’t terribly smart, but he can read a defense and try to get open. He can out drink He’s never handled a sword, a bow, or any other type of weapon, but his 12 inch hands pack a wallop if they Cronk punches someone.


    Roids - Due to years of roiding, at baseline, Gronk is stronger than 3 men. He also has the endurance of 3 men. However, he’s slower than most, and is not terribly agile.

    Rage - when Cronk drinks alcohol, he gains strength at the cost of intelligence. Mechanically, this works at a per post basis. Cronk can consume 1 beer per post. Each beer he gains .5 strength and loses .5 intelligence. If he has more than 15 beers, he passes out. If Cronk is in a setting where alcohol is served, he has unlimited access to free beer. If he is in a setting where alcohol would not be sold, he has to bring his own (each case of beer will be purchased from the market for 20 GP - he can only carry one case at a time).

    Slay- Cronk is ridiculously charming. He can turn a crowd with a few words. One per thread, Gronk can attempt to charm a player character. If successful, that person will follow 3 non lethal commands.


    Weapons - None (except Roy and Earl, the names he gave to his fists)

    Armor - Iron lined shoulder pads

    History: Cronks parents are rich, so he was sent to the best schools in Scara Brae as a child. He had his first beer at 8, slept with his first whore at 13 and never looked back. After graduating, he moved to Radasanth and has been a mainstay in the club scene ever since. LFG!

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Welcome to Althanas dad - I mean, Cronk.

    You are approved!

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