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  1. #1

    EXP: 1,484, Level: 1
    Level completed: 75%, EXP required for next Level: 516
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    Preston's Avatar


    Preston Fletcher

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    AC 2021 - Round Two: Team Two

    Round 2 will begin January 5th, 2022 at 12:01am EST.

    Round 2 will end January 21st, 2022 at 11:59pm EST

    Team 2
    - Celandine
    - Umbra

    The country of Alerar has been turned upside down by the emergence of the Demon Gate. While it was first thought as a mere inconvenience to be studied, a thing of cultural significance to the demons of the Tular Plains, now it has become a nightmare. Demons of Haiadia are spilling forth into Alerar, swarming the open countryside and the Khufein plains as they advance towards the isolated cities of the region. Mere shock-troops and scouting parties have advanced so far from the ruins, but surely more is to come as the portal remains.

    In response, the Southern Border of Alerar has been encroached upon, and being overrun, by the Tular Plains demon population. These far more humanoid demons, having lived on the surface of Althanas for decades, can feel the calling of their Infernal brethren. They take up whatever arms they can find and march towards the plains, unorganized and fanatic commoners, but en mass number upwards of tens of thousands.

    From the North, the dwarven armies emerged as well. They are not only acting in defense of their mountain fortresses, but actively marching into the open flatlands of Alerar. Slowly they advance towards the gate in an organized force.


    Your challenge for Round 2 is to find a way to continue your story from the end of round 1 seamlessly into round 2. What has transpired since you ended your last round? How have you, and your new partner, come to end up working together?

    Additionally, you should incorporate the factions that you had worked with initially, and how they progress towards the ending - with elaboration on the end goal.

  2. #2

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,240

    Umbra's Avatar



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    Alerar had been dealt a mighty blow over that had left the entire nation reeling.

    The emergence of the demon gate was the catalyst that had sent the nation spiraling downward toward a complete and total societal collapse. And so long as the hellborn demons continued to pour into this world there would be no solace afforded to the men and women of this once proud nation.

    Even in this remote fortress located within the maze of jagged rock formations known as the dragon’s teeth, the death knells of cities under siege cried out for aid before eventually falling silent one at a time.

    The silence of cities and outposts that once held hundreds if not thousands was akin to a wave flowing across the land, which all could be traced back to a single point of origin, the demon gate itself.

    Sanctuary as the old fortress was once known could afford little in the way of its namesake. Ordinary farmers and merchants from nearby settlements that knew of the old fortress had abandoned their homes and valuables seeking solace within its steel walls. Those first few days saw a steady flow of fleeing civilians turn up at their gates. But the demons had not been far behind them, and when they tired of burning down broken buildings they turned their wicked eyes upon the steel clad bastion with all of their wicked wrath.

    Umbra had witnessed first hand the mindless cruelty these demons were capable of, their kind was little more than a plague that needed to be sundered from this world as soon as possible.

    Fight after fight, siege after bloody siege. There were no more men turning up at Sanctuary’s gates, just more demons fit for naught but slaughter.

    Surely this nation had survived such hardships once before, that the flame of hope had yet to be extinguished and that this land would once more flourish with their technological marvels?

    “There has been nothing quite like this since the last great war with the demons. One that had ended only with the first king sealing the breach into this world using his own sword as the catalyst.” Umbra said out loud within Sanctuary’s once great library. Many of the shelves had been upturned or pushed over as devastating spells rained down from a burning firmament that shook the fortress to it’s foundation.

    “Though such tactics could only delay the inevitable and the descendants are forced to face the consequences of the failures of their ancestors.” A morose voice called out causing the mercenary to close the leather bound tome with a crisp clean snap before turning to face their unexpected guest.

    “So this is where you have been skulking as of late.” Troy commented with an open look of disgust. The only other remaining party member of the delegation that had set out from Radasanth looked much paler than he normally did, his cheeks gaunt and possessed visible bags under his eyes that spoke of many sleepless nights that had troubled him as of late.

    “I doubt you will find much here, other than dust and cobwebs,” He said disdainfully as he ran his finger along a particularly dusty shelf before grimacing and shaking his hand clean with a rag he pulled out from his pocket.

    He would have been right under any other circumstance. What Umbra currently sought did not lie within the pages of well worn tomes or shadowed grimoires. A single stack of books piled in one particular corner had attracted the mercenaries' keen yet curious eye. This was, or rather had been, Celandine's stack of books. The secrets within all told Umbra as much as he gleaned that the girl had been researching the first king, and the sword he had used to seal the demon gate the first time around.

    “Come along now, I’m sure we can find something more productive for you to do than standing idly by.” The dignitary spoke with a tired tone as a grandfather would. Though Umbra privately thought that the idea of this man as a grandfather would be naught but a detriment to the wellbeing of any grandchild.

    Umbra gave the lonely stack of books one last look, feeling the torrent of distant emotions stir at the mere sight of them. Though the young girl had given everyone the slip days ago there had still been signs of where she had been, what she had eaten and where she had slept within those first few days before the girl's presence had disappeared completely.

    It would have been wild speculation to guess if the girl was even still alive somewhere within the walls of the fortress, or if she had long since quit this place. All these books could only tell Umbra of the long and sordid history of the elves of this nation, while they spoke of nothing about if a single girl had been in this room days or mere hours ago.

    Umbra lingered within Sanctuary’s library for only a moment longer, discarding their doubt in favour of attending the remaining Radasanth dignitary that they were contracted to protect.

    Falling into step with his companion, they made their way through the now familiar white stone walls of Alerar’s self proclaimed impenetrable fortress. Though that claim was being sorely tested as of late. The silence that lingered between the two of them were broken up by machinery that hummed in the distance and Umbra’s heavy metallic footsteps upon the metal plated floors as Troy silently kept pace.

    “Have you heard the latest news?” Troy eventually asked with a sidelong glance towards the faceless visor. Without waiting for an answer the dignitary continued on “The Dwarfs are on the move, they apparently have tired of waiting for the Dark Elves to fix the issue and have resolved to march to the gate and deal with it themselves.”

    Curious.’ Umbra considered carefully. “And how do the dark elves feel about that?” Umbra queried curiously.

    “About as well as you could expect, But between the Dwarfs and the Demons from the Tular plains, Alerars finest diplomats are all too busy crying over the legality over their actions,” Troy said with a sardonic grin. An errant thought crossed the man's bearing as his grin widened allowing for his teeth to gleam within the fortress’ artificial light as a chuckle rumbled deep within his throat. “As if they even have a country to claim as their own any longer. Watching the diplomats scramble in their talks for an alliance while their outposts, towns and cities drop off the map like pieces in a game of chess has certainly been such a rewarding learning experience.”

    Umbra’s strides came to a quick and sudden halt as the mercenary gave Troy a long and withering glare. While the man had always been something of a rich entitled asshole before, there was something else altogether unpleasant that had been unearthed from the deepest depths of Troy's mind of late.

    “You are trying to broker an alliance are you not?” Umbra asked slowly, calling his intent into question.

    “Yes, yes, of course I am. Without the brat here to do her job, it inevitably all falls to me. As it should have been from the start.” Troy said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Now if you would pardon me, I need to attend yet another delightful session with the menagerie. Perhaps you could entertain yourself atop the battlements rather than a stuffy outdated library.”

    Perhaps I could.’ The mercenary mentally relented as they watched Troy continue on alone until he was out of sight. Lingering doubt settled over Umbra’s mind like a dark shade, once again questioning the wisdom to allow the young girl meant to be their diplomat to wander off on her own to get up to who knows what.

    Klaxons began to wail through the fortress’ halls, another familiar sound as of late Umbra noted as the alarm was signifying yet another siege had started.
    Last edited by Umbra; 01-09-2022 at 12:35 PM.

  3. #3

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    It was dank, dark and ugly. Grimy, and smelt of … Well. That.. A rigid part of her still longed to adhere to the ladylike customs that had been her later upbringing. Decorum. Politeness. The perfect smile and laugh. Words and language. Such it was that her lips strained to form the word that clung to her lips, her nostrils, her eyes and even her fingers. For it was a horrid and messy word; one which described more than just the utility of the pipe she was crawling upwards to gain entrance back into the Sanctuary, one which explained more than the situation of the wretched country at war that so many felt abandoned to their fate in, and one that emphasised just the limits of what she had felt the past three weeks.

    Utter shite.

    Her hand slipped from it's supposed safe location on the curved side of the concrete sewer. Unfortunately it landed directly into a slurry pile of the very thing she had been avoiding. Celandine bit back an ugly, tangled screech, and ground her teeth in silent horror. She had to remain quiet, despite all of this. No matter what, she had to remain quiet for the demons were everywhere, surrounding not only the entirety of Alerar but also the supposed impenetrable Sanctuary itself. They had assailed this fortress for the few weeks she had been absent, as well as the rest of the land - city and country alike - whilst her ken and wisdom had led her through pipes and caverns and mines, through the caved in wonders of this ancient world that many had long forgotten about. Which she had discovered ... Through books.

    There was a low scuffle behind her. Glancing back the young faun saw a small rat scurrying across a shaft of light that she had passed by not too long ago. It squeaked, and carried on its journey down a narrow pipe that was far too small for any humanoid, barely giving Celandine a second glance. Down there was a vent, and the scholar had been able to spy enough granite brick to be able to see that she was indeed heading in the right direction. Blowing hair from her face and briefly washing her abused hand in the sickly water that ran limply in the basin of the sewer pipe, she continued onwards, leaving the rat to its own life.

    It took some more long laborious minutes before she came to what she had been looking for - a hatch. A grilled level that came up into the lower latrines, that aimed to filter some of the worst of the bodily crimes of the Sanctuary's inhabitants. Setting her mouth to a thin line, knowing that the stink was about to get much worse, Celandine set her hands upon the slanted metal and pushed, using her strong goat legs to shove her weight up and forwards.

    The rusted, ancient grill fell open easily. As if there were few who desired to come down here and clean such horrid messes. There was an unpleasant sound as her movements loosened days old waste directly into her path and she barely had enough time and space to avoid the worst of it. Conditions were as they were though, she shook her head and shoulders and used muscle that had been training brutally the last three weeks to ease herself up and into the lower latrines.

    Disgusting. Noxious. Revolting.

    Celandine squelched her way over to the sinks and turned each of them on in turn. Her small satchel was clinging to her, as well as the various black and grey tightly knitted garments that had become her everyday apparel. These she stripped off, dumping them in the first sink to soak and set the satchel aside. She could dig out the carefully wrapped books later. Turning off the taps she dumped her head wholeheartedly into the water and let herself just soak.

    Soap. Scrubbing. Breathing. Eventually she dressed herself in a simple shift that was at the bottom of the bag and the driest thing she owned. The rest of the items she slung over her shoulder with a wet slapping sound, and without any shame the young faun, now a saviour to a whole village and possible solution to the dire circumstances of Alerar strode into the Sanctuary.

    Just then though the loud sound of warning bells began to resound.

    "Umbra!" she whispered.

    And began to run.

  4. #4

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
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    Umbra's Avatar



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    The wailing klaxon soon gave way to the dark elven commanders barking orders to their squadrons in preparation to meet the demon horde head on. The artificial lights dimmed as the first wave slammed against the steel battlements causing the underground facility to rumble in earnest. Even this far below ground the unholy shrieks of the demon horde could still be heard rendering a wave of doubt to settle over Sanctuary’s most valorous defenders.

    Whispers amongst the guard spoke of abandonment, that the country was lost, that their nation had long ago fallen.

    “And you're just supposed to roll over and die and let this vermin have their way without a fight?” The nearest commanding officer spoke out in clear opposition silencing his men as they turned their undivided attention towards the man of rank. With his sharp steely gaze he looked upon each of the men and women under his command.

    This dark elf was growing to be another familiar sight within Sanctuary almost as much as the dull white walls and artificial lights had become. As an elf, most would retain a youthful appearance long into their twilight years, to find an elf that looked old was almost considered a practical joke. Though Commander Raimneth was almost one such person, his ashen black skin looked as weathered and aged as some of the more well travelled merchants Umbra had known. His long white hair was swept backwards and styled unto multiple braids that swayed to and fro from his movements as he held his helmet under his arm.

    “Aye, outposts have fallen, our towns and cities ransacked. We may very well be the last of our people still standing.” He began with a sullen tone though the spark of life never left his eyes. “So now we go and get the bastards that did it!” He snarled.

    “If you want to give up and die, fine, that’s your choice to make,” he said as his gaze burned with his conviction. “But not before we go and make every ugly Iblith stain REGRET that they ever stepped foot in this land, in OUR land!” The commander stated pointing to the ground beneath him.

    “You are to make each and everyone of them pay in blood a thousand fold over before you are even allowed the luxury of dyeing. Am I clear?” He asked his squadron with a cruel smile.

    “Crystal, Sir!” Came the unanimous cry.

    “Of course I am," he said smugly and chuckled, satisfied by their renewed vigour “Sanctuary will be broken long before her guard gives up this fight.”

    Umbra continued with a steady pace as they watched the proceedings with a curious tilt of their head. That they should treat their own death as a privilege was something that had been repeated often over the last few days. Even now it was abundantly clear that the fortress was now effectively cut off from all outside help and that they were all on their own for as long as they could hold out.

    Unless something changes, Sanctuary really will break.

    “Ah- Well met mercenary, will you be joining us this fine morning?” The commander said as soon as they saw the aforementioned mercenary arrive as armed and ready as always. Umbra levelled a single nod of their head to affirm that they did indeed seek to aid them in pushing the horde back once more.

    “Very well then, Please provide support the same as last time. We've had reports that there have been new variants spotted in the last battle but we were unable to verify any truth to these claims.” The commander warned, causing Umbra to frown in concern. These hell-borne demons were fearless and merciless, their strength supplemented by their sheer number and viscous nature. And yet though they were dangerous enough on their own, albeit easily outwitted, they were somewhat predictable in their fighting styles.

    They fought like wolves, though they took any advantage they could muster even if it meant cutting down their own allies.

    Umbra along with the squadron led by commander Raimneth stepped into one of the platforms that adorned the back wall. Machinery clicked and began to whil to life with a loud clang and a rattling of chains before the platform beneath them began to steadily ascend upwards to the outer walls battlements.

    “Weapons out!” The commander called out and Umbra unsheathed their battered great-sword alongside those that would be fighting by their side. The old weapon was a welcome weight within the Mercenary's hands as they stood stoic, waiting for the platform to finish it’s ascent. The walls shook under the weight of the assault that crashed against the impenetrable fortress.

    Dim lights glinted across their battered armour, as the floor below them locked into place with mechanical precision. As one, Umbra and the dark elven guards took in a deep breath as the doors before them slid apart before being ruthlessly pulled apart and carelessly tossed aside as a ravenous toothed maw of a demon smashed against the new opening with a hideous shriek.

    Several of the dark elven guards stumbled back in surprise before their training took control. Sharpened blades pierced forwards a second later, the demon’s eyes widened in a brief moment of surprise as the dark elven guards pushed forward with their spears and drove back it’s oversized carcass. Umbra came out swinging only a moment later, cutting down another of the ‘imp’ type as it attempted to leap into the crowd.

    Thrust and stab, Umbra’s blade met many opponents still scrambling to climb over the sides of the wall, many of which were not in a position to defend themselves. Though, to those that were, Umbra paid careful attention to their movements, shirking back out of reach of swiping talons before striking back. The iron blade struggled to cut deep into the demon's flesh, but that was fine as far as Umbra was concerned, though their blade struggled to rend their opponents, it’s hefty weight and size served as an effective bludgeoning tool against those it failed to cut.

    Broken bones hampered the demon’s ability to fight almost as much as sundering their limbs.

    Amongst the mindless bloodletting, Umbra distantly recalled the commander offering the mercenary to use one of their own elven sabres for one of their previous battles. Umbra had turned down the offer, citing that the elven blade felt too flimsy, too light in their hands and that using a weapon they were not comfortable with for a life and death battle would as easily get them killed as much as using nothing at all.

    Though Umbra was perfectly comfortable using their fists too. An imp lunged up and over it’s fallen brethren, and Umbra reacted in the only way they knew how, by delivering a back handed fist into the creatures jaw sending it sprawling to the ground where the mercenary finished it off by stomping their heel atop of it’s jugular.

    Deep breaths, pace yourself,’ Umbra recalled, preventing themselves from getting too carried away by their bloodlust. ‘How many were that just now, six, seven?

    Shield bearers came to the front of the Elven guard creating a steadfast wall that the rapidly encroaching horde slammed against with tooth and claw. The defenders pushed back with gritted teeth and yells of exertion to hold back the horde both figuratively and literally. Spears thrust through the gaps piercing the hellish chitinous skin earning screeches of rebuke as the imps reached around the tower shields to paw ineffectively against their armour.

    “Look out!” Raimneth screamed to Umbra’s right. The shield wall seemed to hold firm for a few brief moments longer, up until an elongated tail snaked up and over the bastion wall and pierced the metal plate armour of an elven defender in a single stroke. The man barely was able to scream in pain as the tail tossed him to the side and reared back to strike again.

    Umbra was faster to react as they darted forwards and grabbed the offending appendage before it could pull itself out of reach and viciously pulled the tailed demon into the clearing it had just made for itself.

    Umbra scowled as they gazed upon one of the supposed new variants, It’s long tail and crab-like pincers lent itself a scorpion like appearance. Numerous uneven eyes scattered across it’s cranium darted about searching for the one that had grabbed its tail and all converged upon Umbra with a vile hate filled hiss as it scrambled forward amongst the Elven troops to strike the Mercenary with no heed for its own safety.

    Umbra snapped forwards to meet the new assailant head on, smashing their iron helmet against the demon’s face cracking chitinous protrusions and causing the demon to stumble long enough for the Dark Elven guard to close in and close the gap, trapping the demons neck between two tower shields allowing for a number of spear tips from within the defensive line to silence the demon forever.

    The defensive formation closed ranks and the injured soldier was pulled to one side to avoid being trampled underfoot as the group continued along the steel battlements.

    Umbra wearily pulled back momentarily to gather their wits. Gritting their teeth while looking out across the battlements for any more of these ‘Scorpion’ type foes. The sky burned red in the morning of a new day dawned over the jagged gulch, greeting the demons' bloody swath as they challenged the fortress’s walls with reckless abandon, clambering across their own backs until they were able to scurry up and over Sanctuary’s outermost defensive wall to meet more squadrons of Elven defenders that bravely met them head on.

    “Umbra, Above you!” was the only warning from a familiar voice Umbra got before a shadow descended upon the Mercenary. Red lightning crackled around Umbra as their gaze rose to meet the ghastly talons of a winged Demon rapidly descending from the sky. Umbra’s movement was brief, the innate ability of the spell was able to propel the warrior a fair distance at an alarming speed, though here and now, Umbra merely took a single step to the side and rose a clawed gauntlet upwards to seize the flying demon by the neck. Momentum slammed into an immovable force as it’s limbs twisted into odd angles before being slammed mercilessly into the ground.

    Umbra stomped down upon the chest of the winged demon as they rapidly turned to the one that had yelled out the warning. “Celandine?” The mercenary uttered, unable to hide the surprise emanating from their throat for the first time in a long, long time.
    Last edited by Umbra; 01-12-2022 at 05:08 AM.

  5. #5

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    The young scholar barely avoided another flying attack from a tiny devilish creature who was all claw and tooth. Ducking down she let out a light shriek, which extended into an uneasy laugh. It had been stupid to come to the battlements, that was clear - yet it was where the rumours of the worst assault had come to. And the metal hulk of a mercenary that Celandine was looking for would surely be where the fighting was most engaging.

    Nervousness wracked her. Despite all her training with spear, scimitar, bow and many other weapons besides Celandine was not born for warfare. Never had her desire been strong to practise swordplay as a hobby, as her mother's was. To actively seek out violence was not her calling, and neither was it to actively involve herself in any battle - unless it be one of wits. Nevertheless she still seized up her dastardly knitting needles in her hands, wielding them like an idiot straying into chaos.

    Yet they held a secret. These needles, on contact with flesh, would dig through the skin and cause deep, lacerating wounds. Ones that were not perhaps the choice weapon of an ordinary warrior, but the key to self defence for such as she.

    Flashing her left hand in the air to fend off the bared fangs of the tiny demon she answered Umbra finally.

    "Me. Hello Umbra. What a time to come back!"

    Hissing back in response to the imp she swung her head to bear those tiny horns nestled amongst wet, lank hair and dared him to assail her.

    There were plenty of other enemies. But the dark elves and other assorted soldiers seemed to be holding their own enough. What was not ideal was the fact a couple of the wingless demons now scaling over the top of the wall saw the small faun and picked her out as an easy target. Grinning, they wielded wicked knives and ran forwards.

    Easily, a lithe black-skinned elf nearby cleaved one in twain. There was no elegance in it, no hesitation. One moment there was a demon, next there was the beautiful dark elf and their sword. Strangely exotic. Classically handsome. Her heart beat for one single moment. Then, pushing herself back into the battle Celandine savagely blew a raspberry at the flying gnat and when it retaliated with a dive she swatted it with her needle, stabbing it right through the heart and into the path of the second demon.

    Distracted, that one was quickly cleaved down by other swords.

    "Get back down!" Umbra shouted at her. "Out of the way. This is too dangerous for you!"

    "I've survived for three weeks on my own, thanks," Celandine rolled her eyes, but she had to admit he was partly right. "I can tell you though these demons are weakest in their stomachs. Their leader is Andrael, he looks like an ugly bastard and wears a blue coat. Cut him down and they'll flee."

    Her hiding and investigating while trawling the countryside had been rather useful. Her knowledge now of many of the main demon generals had grown and though she did not know exact locations of every wild army, she still could share some secrets.

    Quickly she took another step back, and as she did she gestured down below to a vaguely familiar flash of brilliant blue fabric, belonging to one orcish brute who was carelessly weaving his way to the front lines. Behind him swathes of demon warriors flocked, as if he was their knight in shining armour.

    "There!" She cooed. "Get him, Umbra. And when you're done come find me in the library. I've found a way out of here. Saved a village. Can get us to the shore." She slipped back to avoid a barbed arrow.

    "Kill Andrael. It'll make this fight a lot easier."

    There were a few guffaws around her to those who just saw a little child in a night shift but she stared at them defiantly, bright eyes scanning them all.

    "Fight. Survive. Then I'll get you all out of here."

  6. #6

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,240

    Umbra's Avatar



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    Seeing Celandine here once more atop the battlement was enough to gladden Umbra’s stoic heart long enough to forestall any reprieval that they had laying in wait for the reckless faun. Though her presence certainly raised more questions than it offered any answers, they would have to wait all the same as a battlefield was a poor option to stop and reminisce.

    Hopefully Celandine would find some cover while they dealt with this demon in blue.

    One of the assailants managed to slip by the phalanx of elven defenders and sprinted towards Umbra’s flank with gleaming talons. It’s swiping claws struck air as Umbra slid around to it’s left lashing out with the nameless sword to behead the foul beast in one clean stroke and kicked the rest of it’s remains away in disgust.

    Raimneth approached the two cautiously as his men secured a foothold atop Sanctuary’s outer wall. However before he could pass any comment on the situation his nose crinkled up slightly under his initial approach as a pungent aroma still lingered around the faun despite her best efforts to rid herself of the grime.

    Politely, he refused to make a comment on the subject and instead turned to peer down towards where this supposed ‘Ugly demon wearing a blue coat’ could be. His eyes narrowed as he no doubt caught sight of this elusive foe that had so far managed to stay out of sight of the recent assaults.

    “Him? We would be torn apart before anyone here could even get close enough,” the man hissed, holding back several choice swears from reaching innocent ears. His mind assessing the demon for what it truly was, a high value target. Even now it was surrounded by the densest gathering of hell born demons that the Commander had seen thus far since the opening of the demon gate, it had to be a leader amongst their kind.

    “I’m going to need your help,” Umbra commented quietly while also staring down the singular distinct demon from the rest of the horde.

    Raimneth tore his eyes away from the distant demon to examine the mercenary beside him, days of fighting side by side had given him an inkling as to what Umbra was capable of. Charging headlong into the thickest throng of enemy combatants was not one of them.

    Umbra knew that too, which was exactly why they were not going to attempt that and instead stepped to the side to pick up a nearby javelin that had been discarded, piercing the cadaver of a random demon's remains. The weapon was plucked out of the red flesh with a sickening squelch and Raimneth slowly began to catch on to Umbra’s intent.

    If they couldn't get to their target, then the logical thing would be to lure the target to us.

    But would it work? Was the underlying question. Demons were viscous, fearless, could they really get them to stop long enough to deliver a message.

    “I think we have something fit for purpose. Let us see if they adhere to the rule that Might makes right.” The dark elven commander gave a grim smile and brought a horn to his lips and let loose a single powerful brassy note that rang across and echoed between the jagged spires around them. Soldiers resolved and braced themselves as they stood unmoving. And the demons miraculously paused only long enough to question what their prey was doing.

    Umbra wound up with the spear at the ready, and before the horns call had finished, threw the javelin over the wall with all of the might that they could muster. The javelin gracefully arched high into the air before dipping and dropping down into the cluster of demons that stood amongst the enemy leader in blue far below.

    Andrael, or whatever it’s name truly was, watched the siege commence with anticipation and glee. It had been far too long since they had last been in a mortal world teeming with life ripe for pillaging. With but a single word a village would be burned to the ground, with a command a fortress laid to ruin.

    Long sharp pointed teeth smiled in anticipation, hoping beyond hope that this one didn’t crack too early. Then like an angry god, a singular spear descended from the very heavens themselves and pierced the demon to Andrael’s left so forcefully that the rocky ground that they were standing upon cracked from the impact.

    The sense of elation that Andrael had felt mere moments ago evaporated in an instant to the sound of beating shields. The demon invaders looked up to the dark elven defenders that stood atop the fortress’ walls in defiance, beating their swords and spears against their shields in a growing cacophony.

    “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The battle hardened soldiers repeated over and over again.

    And there Umbra stood amidst it all looking down upon the demon in blue and held their worn battered sword high into the air, before leveling it to point directly at Andrael in challenge.

    “Let us see if they do indeed adhere to the rule that Might makes right.” Raimneth spoke gleefully while watching the antics of the enemy commander proceeding to lose their composure attempting to goad the horde into continuing their assault. But instead of listening to Andrael’s command however, the demonic masses merely stood waiting for Andrael to make his answer.

    Overcome or succumb?

    “I hope you know what you're getting into, friend.” The elven commander said stepping away, with any luck the demons would clear open a path straight to their own leader. Andrael however had other ideas, flames swept around his body after a final furious growl of distaste. The demon then launched itself off the ground in a monumental leap that saw the fiend retrace the arc that the javelin had taken and landed upon the wall mere a few feet away from Umbra.

    Convenient.’ The mercenary thought thankful that they need not wade through the horde of ill-tempered demons that could strike out at any given moment. No, Umbra was very much glad that this ‘duel’ would take place here and now upon flat ground littered with the bodies of fallen demons and discarded weapons.

    Andrael himself was a sight to behold, a tall and lanky demon that did indeed wear a blue coat, though the coat in question was tattered beyond belief leaving strips of worn fabric draped across the demon's gaunt figure. It’s lips had long since deteriorated leaving a grinning maw of sharpened yellow teeth to grin at the mercenary and the commander both.

    “Naught but your bones will be left after I skin you alive," Andrael hissed and ran his elongated tongue along the length of it’s blood stained sword. Umbra did not deign to reply, and only moved to the centre of the ring the defenders formed around them with their shields up.

    Andrael's patience could not wait any longer, he glided towards Umbra on a torrent of flame and was upon the mercenary in a near instant, swinging their cursed black iron blade overhead. Umbra threw up a hasty but potent defence with their own blade and felt the impact run down the length of their arm.

    Those scrawny arms are stronger than they look!’ Umbra’s mind rang out.

    The demon continued to advance forwards with a mad cackle, swinging recklessly as he pressed the attack. Umbra defended the first few blows to the best of their ability before ducking backwards to evade the rest. Umbra steadied themself as they held their breath for the next assault all the while being keenly aware of their own footwork with the myriad discarded weapons and bodies that littered the arena.

    Umbra watched their opponent intently, gauging it’s reaction to every blow that they evaded. Though the demon's form was tactless Umbra observed as a wild swing left it’s right flank completely unguarded. It would have been foolish not to capitalize on the demon's mistake and advance forward with a vicious strike of their own at the hellish demon commander. Andrael twisted out of the way at the last moment and battered the mercenaries' offending blade away and unleashed a torrent of fire from his hand that had Umbra quickly retreating.

    The demon laughed maniacally as the mercenary backpedalled out of reach of Andrael’s hell born flames. And coasted across the ground scraping the tip of their cursed black iron blade along the arena floor and unleashed a shriek that led into a devastating overhead strike that Umbra was forced to block against.

    Son of a-’ Umbra hissed out under the exertion before grunting with exertion to push the demon's blade to the side to prevent it from cleaving them in twain. ‘Focus, don’t let him lead you, make him strike where I want him to!’ Umbra mentally berated themself before refocusing on their opponent in earnest taking careful note on how the demon was swinging their sword.

    All power with no form.

    Andrael continued to press the assault, and started to slowly growl in frustration now that his attacks were no longer landing. Though powerful, the demon was reckless with its strength and the mercenary found it’s next flurry of wild swing to be almost predictable. The seething anger that rose to cloud Andrael’s cognitive reasoning was entirely unprepared when Umbra stopped backtracking and flowed forwards and rammed the demon’s unguarded chest with their iron pauldron.

    The demon stumbled back, the action had merely knocked it back with no lasting harm, as if the gnat could ever hope to defeat him. The thought had little time to form in the demon's mind as Andrael's next action was to squawk in surprise as the mercenary's fist found itself embedded within the demon's gut. Now disorientated, Umbra pressed on with the advantage Celandine's advice had awarded them and pulled the demon's face into a bone crunching headbutt against Umbra’s enclosed helmet.

    This sent Andrael reeling backwards with a bloodied nose, screaming their frustration into the air the demon swung it’s free arm to the side and unleashed another torrent of flame that spewed across the battlement’s floor. Umbra quickly retreated back as the flames licked at their armour and cries of surprise rang out from the onlookers surrounding them.

    “I’ll Burn you alive mortal! You. Will. Burn!” Andrael screamed out and raised his hand into the air. Arcane power swelled into form from the very air surrounding them until coalescing into a single flaming orb that danced between his elongated yet mangled fingers. There was no small amount of power that Andrael was mustering, all through the siege the demon had called forth devastating incantations that tested Sanctuary’s very foundations.

    Umbra could feel the incantation run along their spine, as they gritted their teeth and held the hilt of the nameless sword in both hands. Once more red lighting flickered around Umbra’s form, the dash step spell was nowhere near as impressive as the demon's own, the two could hardly have been compared in terms of power or complexity and yet, it was for that exact reason why Umbra knew that it would allow them to come out on top.

    Through the fire and flames, Umbra’s iron clad form sped towards Andrael along the current of their spell in a single bound. The mercenary had crossed the distance between them long before the devastating spell the demon had conjured could ever hope to be ready in time for. Umbra’s nameless sword lashed out at the unprepared demon who’s attention had been completely focused on the complex incantation. Andrael’s mind barely registered surprise before Umbra’s blade separated their head from body in a single inglorious instant.

    Andrael fell limpless to the ground while the flames of their spell began to dissipate back into a gentle unseen aether.

    Silence fell over the battlements, Umbra stealing a few shaky breaths under their armour before seizing their prize and lifting it up over the wall by the horns for all the demons to clearly see.

    “Next!” Umbra called out in challenge to the horde below.

    None stepped forwards, they merely stared in stunned silence until one took a single step backwards after regaining a potion of their senses. That single action acted as a precursor for what was to come, a terrified screech began to rise from the crowd below. What once had been a fearless force quickly turned tail and ran away terrified without their leader. They scurried over each other to get away from this place as quickly as possible. Though with their sheer number, that process was bound to take quite some time to accomplish.

    Raimneth stepped forward and slapped Umbra’s pauldron affectionately. “Well done my friend! though you had me worried for a moment there!” He laughed relieved of the tension that had rooted him in place as he watched the ‘duel.’ Umbra scoffed in reply and carelessly tossed the severed head from atop the wall.

    Andrael had entirely been his own worst enemy under any other circumstance, the fight could have easily gone the other way. Umbra dismissed those distracting thoughts and watched the dark elven soldiers celebrate their victory in earnest and chase off any stragglers that fell behind their cursed brethren.

    “We've earned some reprieve thanks to you at any rate, but they'll be back, possibly in greater numbers along with a leader that may not be prone to losing their temper like this one,” the dark elven commander lamented and took in a deep calming breath of air. “Now what does the little lady have planned? I wonder, shall I send word to Troy so we can all find out?” he asked the mercenary with curiosity shining in his eyes.

    Umbra nodded, it was past time to hear of what that girl had been up to these past few weeks.

  7. #7

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)

    There was no need to send word to Troy. Instead the tangled mess of a man who had been struggling to hold his own in the diplomatic proceedings saw the young faun in the white shift as she sped towards the library, away from the demon incursion. Briefly, her eyes flickered to him, but three weeks of fighting for survival and depending on naught but herself for a scholar who was magically inclined to mature and learn had had an effect. Barely did she let her anger rise this time, and instead just gave him a glare before she came to the library doors.

    Troy stopped, confused, but also appalled, and it took him some moments before he decided in his panic to follow the girl, accusations on his lips. He floundered, gaped and watched other preoccupied people run to and fro before he battered through the double wooden doors himself.

    "Now, young lady, just what have you been-"

    "Spare me the lecture, old man," Celandine said sharply, already walking swiftly down an aisle of books. The library interior was full of them; rows upon rows of shelves that stretched to the ceiling bearing an entire country's abundance of history, culture and inventions. She paused before taking a sharp turn down another aisle, out of sight, and Troy groaned. He had gotten lost in here before, so akin was it to a labyrinth.

    "You disappeared!" He tried, "abandoned us all here, not to say your mission. I knew you were not mature enough! You should have let me at the start-"

    "Troy," she sighed, and it was her voice he had to follow this time as another sharp corner took her away from him. He growled and marched faster.

    "What would your mother say, hmm? You've disappointed her, and I must say I respect her, but you-"

    "You really are pathetic you know," Celandine came back with a note of irritation.

    Then her voice seemed to stop. Troy passed a large brown section on 'treatises of the Jagged Mountains' before he came to find her present and settled. She had finished her apparent journey at a small brazier, one of many set into the dark wood of the maze-like structure. Beside the brazier was a pile of books, carefully stacked aside from the top couple which lay askew, and a crate with a cushion atop. Carefully Celandine set aside the cushion and set down her bag to begin rummaging through it. Troy watched - aghast, furious, fuming - as she tugged out the dark woollen clothes that still stank of waste and set them on the crate to dry.

    Looking up at him she had a stoney face set with determination. "I've been away saving our sailors and finding a way out of here. I spent a couple of days in the library - here actually," she gestured to the makeshift reading corner, "I found key information regarding old routes in and out of this place, old tunnels and demons. Then I set out and saved those sailors we left in the village. Now-"

    "What sailors?" Troy looked confused. "Village?"

    "You're an awful leader," she rolled her eyes as she began to shift through the books, her eyes scanning the titles and authors. "When we first came to Alerar, Troy, the sailors and soldiers that brought us here, who were injured after the ship crash that you basically caused." She paused at one book and flipped open the cover. Those grey eyes sparkled with life and excitement before she continued. "Remember - we went through a remote village and I arranged for the injured to remain there and be a guard for any inconvenience, demons or otherwise. Anyway," she looked up at him as she closed the book and brought it to her chest. "I went back to that village, and saved their arses. What was left of their arses anyway. Now," she gestured back the way they had come. "Can you go back to the door and tell Umbra and whomever he brings with him that -"

    "You don't order me around, little brat," Troy immaturely said, although he looked more awkward than that. He shifted his pace. Studying him up and down with pursed lips Celandine thought a moment and then grunted before setting off herself, still hugging the same book. "Come."

    Marching forward she moved past him, leaving the fire burning and her clothes drying. She seemed full of determination, which was no surprise seeing what she had been through. Troy, however, still seemed in some doubt of her skills and thus it was he paused and let her get away from him before he realised he would end up lost again. And miss out on whatever important meeting was to happen now.

    By the time they made it back to the library doors again they were flung wide open. Standing, gazing with those bright eyes and perfectly carved face was the handsome dark elf (also known as a drow, literature told) that had saved Celandine's life before.

    Dumbfounded, caught off guard, she stopped, eyes widening as she felt a strong twinge in her chest. His short, cropped hair was dyed a rich crimson which matched the blood slowly dripping down from a small cut on his temple.

    "Uh … hi," the much tinier girl said with surprise, having not expected to see him here.

    But the curious pause was halted, for the warrior quickly stepped back, standing to attention as his commander - with the white dreadlocks and proud demeanor - and Umbra came in, each of them looking exhausted and the drow relieved.

    "Hi!" Celandine said with a bit more enthusiasm this time, shaking herself. She smiled up to the Mercenary and this true mighty General who held his own easily. Behind her, puffing, Troy caught up with them.

    "Greetings!" he said with some discipline he managed to cobble together.

    "Hi," Celandine ignored him mostly. She kept her gaze firmly on Umbra and Raimneth, not wanting to be distracted by the other soldier. It was odd - she had never felt this way before about anyone, or their appearance.

    Hold yourself together! she hissed to herself.

    "Right, hi. Yes. I am Celandine, you must be the commander Raimneth," quickly she bowed. "We briefly met I think when we first came to Sanctuary. And then shortly after I disappeared. I can see the awkwardness there. But I had a reason."

    Umbra quietly prompted her. "The demon general is dead. The warriors fled, as you said."

    "Good, good. Yes - uh, yes, so - I have spent the last three weeks really finding a way in and out of this place that they do not know of. The demons I mean," she enthusiastically smiled. "And I happened to be able to learn more about the demons and their factions more. There isn't really one commander - it looks like actually they aren't as organised as an army. It's as if all are taking opportunity to flood your country with chaos, seeking what power and territory they can grab."

    Flustered with her high energy levels, still stuck in the exhaustion of the short but meaningful battle the drow commander stared at her a moment before he nodded slowly, taking in her words.

    "This would … fit with what we know of the demons. Yes."

    "Yes, hence why they ran away so quickly." She let out a breath herself, seeming to need a solemn break. It was then she seemed to remember the book hugged to her chest. Glancing down at it she saw a small amount of stray waste material caught in the narrow folds of its binding.

    "Apologies for my smell," she said quickly, letting herself breathe for a moment. "But I came through the sewer pipes. It is the only way in and out of this Sanctuary that none would usually think of and it leads directly into …" she coughed and straightened herself, glancing quickly back at Troy who was unexpectedly silent.

    "The old mines," she grinned. "Did you know there is an entire labyrinth of ancient mines beneath the north and west of your land commander? Left over from an ancient race of dwarves who used to dominate these lands. Of course I'm talking about hundreds, thousands of years ago!" She addressed Raimneth. His eyes seemed to glow as he shook his head, taken aback.

    "Well, the mines and natural geology. But routes nevertheless. Some that are hidden and caved in and flooded. There's clear sign of why the dwarves abandoned them, and there's loads of history there. So interesting. Forgotten about, in fact I think I discovered some fungi that -"

    "Celandine," Umbra prompted her.

    "Yes, sorry." Again, she steadied herself, let out a breath, then breathed in, chest rising and falling. "Sorry. Um well, basically I found a route. It's difficult but it's possible. I got to the village where we left the soldiers." She looked to Umbra, expecting them at least to remember them. The metallic helmet nodded. She ignored Troy in this. "Well they had been attacked a couple of times but they were not completely gone, thanks to one of their villagers being a master of stealth, so they had been hiding in cellars and basements cleverly concealed. Anyway," she paused, tapping the book with a finger. "Not this book, but another led me to know about the mines and tunnels. With the help of those who remained we forged a way to the shore and - well. There is a clear route to the western shore, more or less."

    Beaming, proud of herself and her abilities she looked to each one of them. "So … we can escape. We can get your people out! We can -"

    "No," Raimneth quietly said. He shook his head a little, pausing for thought.

    Confused, both Celandine and the handsome drow looked at him. The brows of the soldier lowered. "Sir, but -"

    "You said they went north as well, miss?" The commander asked. "The tunnels?"

    "Yes," Celandine nodded. "So say the books but it's the path to the shore that is clear and we -"

    Turning to Umbra, Raimneth fixed his eyes on the visor. "The dwarves of the Jagged Mountains are moving in the north."

    There was a pause. Celandine was taken aback, frowning as her plan was tossed aside seemingly. She brought the book in her hands back to her chest, hiding its contents for now.

    "You want us to go to them and tell them to stay away of course," Troy butted in. "Correct, they have no place here. You are a strong people who need no help." Bowing, he saluted badly to Raimneth. "I will go. I can succeed better than -"

    "I take Celandine," Umbra grunted. "We'll find a route north to the dwarves and they will help to fight. You need reinforcements."

    The commander dark elf was completely taken aback. Eyes narrowed he looked between the two men, disregarding the young faun who had brought such promising news for a moment, being given two vastly different options that were offered before he had spoken. Quietly, he growled a little, not especially liking all this change in pace and the emotional complications. After all, he had been prepared to die today, as had all his comrades.

    "Sir," said the warrior from the door quietly. "If I may."

    "Captain Vanimar," Raimneth nodded to him, allowing him to speak.

    "If you allow it, I will go with the young girl and this noble knight," he nodded to Celandine and Umbra. A shiver ran down Celandine's spine as she remembered that 'noble' was what she had also called the mysterious mercenary. "We will go north, as suggested and try to find the camp of the dwarves. We will neither deter nor command them, but see what their wills are. If they do not come in peace to our country then …"

    Raimneth cocked his head to the man, and then slowly smiled. "You speak with the interests of our kind, Vanimar. Indeed, go with them. You are lithe and strong and can aid. If all comes to failure and Sanctuary is taken over we will have a path through to the north so that I and the rest of the men might return to the Jagged Mountains. Then …" he nodded. "Seek their purpose. That is your responsibility and your mission."

    He turned to Celandine. "Yours is to guide my warrior and use your skills already proven, young maiden, to get my man there. And I believe your friend here can go as he wills."

    Troy grunted. "Yes, of course I can. I will -"

    "I meant Umbra," Raimneth quickly frowned and looked to Troy. "You have work to do here, do you not? If there are potentially alliances to be made will you not be needed as a diplomat? And though the dwarves have gone there still are other delegates here."

    Troy paused. He looked completely disheartened but the scholar couldn't find a way to hide her grin.

    "Yes. If there's any of the dwarves we parlayed with before you'll need to inform them of all this." She gestured to him and out of the door. "Off you go, Diplomat Troy."

    There was an awful, awkward pause. All eyes were on him. Troy anxiously moved from right to left foot, his face flushing. Celandine didn't know how Umbra felt from the fact their face was out of view, but she hoped … and suspected …

    "Hmm?" Vanimar was the one to prompt it.

    Held back sniggers. Mutters. It seemed the faun was not the only one who disfavoured the civil servant. Troy bowed his head to the one individual who truly held the ability to command in that room, the one he had already saluted to. With a growl he turned and without a further word he strode from the library.

  8. #8

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,240

    Umbra's Avatar



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    The nameless blade had never taken a beating more severe whilst wielded by the cold and logical mercenary than it had this day. The iron blade now had several points where it had been dangerously warped under the monstrous strength wrought by the demonic commander. The once proud blade had already been old when Umbra had first gripped it’s hilt, weathered, beaten but unyielding despite Umbra’s own violent methods of fighting.

    Now though, Umbra felt at odds seeing the scratched surface and the missing chips that endangered the blades integrity. Umbra twirled the sword in their grip and placed the borrowed whetstone back atop the library table they were currently partially perched upon.

    “If only the dwarven delegation had not left after Shinsou pretended to kill nearly everyone in the room during the opening talks.” Raimneth lamented after stepping away from the red haired captain. The vexation he currently felt were clearly etched into his brows as he came to a stop beside the table the mercenary had occupied.

    Umbra remembered the outrage the dwarven emissary had displayed once they had all regained their wits, demanding that the AWOL co-leader of the brotherhood's head be delivered to them before they would even entertain talks of an alliance. Needless to say the lack of a head had been the reason they had left merely hours later, heading north before the demons had overtaken the lands.

    Are we even hoping they made it out alive?’ Umbra wondered. While the presence of the dwarfs own politician would have aided them considerably, providing they were willing to listen in the first place. Even should they get through these tunnels and find the marching dwarven army, would their leader even be willing to listen to the plea of - who was going again?

    Celandine, themselves, the red headed captain along with a small group of soldiers to help clear the way. Until there was a safe passage all other diplomats and civilians were to stay within the Sanctuary's walls. So this foray into some lost ancient mine would be worth the trip even without considering any potential alliance with the dwarfs.

    Umbra’s reflective thoughts stalled the moment Celandine came rushing back from some dark corner of the library carrying a rolled up map. “Found it, I knew I had seen it before in the geography section!” The girl proclaimed victoriously and sprawled the map along the table prompting Umbra to hop off as she placed a book in each corner to stop the old parchment from folding back up.

    Raimneth gave the girl a courteous nod before pouring over an old hand drawn map that displayed some of Alerar’s earliest settlements and the entrances to several mines that dotted the landscape. Raimneth tapped one particular faded portion of the map and turned to lock eyes with the young girl and the mercenary in tandem.

    “This map doesn’t show it but this is Sanctuary, our current location.” He explained, and Umbra looked to see that much care had been taken when it had initially been created. Though some of Alerar’s land mass upon the map appeared skewered, it was unmistakable to anyone that had seen a modern map of the land.

    Raimneth’s finger traced a rough path along the jagged mountains, passing more rough terrain upwards to the north stopping on one of the mine entrances that must have been several miles in length. Not too far a distance Umbra concluded but the unknown state that it lay in would prove this venture's making or its ruin.

    “And this is most likely where you should find an exit. As children we used to always play by old ruins, though we never ventured too far in.” he said with a small grin tugging at the edges of his lip as he considered that his finger hovered over a place long forgotten by many of his people. Though another errant thought caused his frown to deepen and his lips settled in a grim straight line. “Now for where the dwarfs are marching, that would be the demon gate if our earlier information has any truth to it. Sadly we were unable to verify their intent.”

    His finger traced a wide circle along a patch of plains between the mine's entrance and the border to Salvar to the north. “I also know these plains well, my home town is roughly around here,” he said whilst marking it’s position. “It should still be standing as we don’t think the Demons have reached that far just yet.”

    Though he spoke with a straight voice there was no hiding the unease that resounded in his voice as he said it and steeled himself accordingly before tracing a rough line from north to south indicating a clear path that he felt the dwarfs would march along. “If you have any chance of intercepting them before they reach the gate then it would be around here along the foothills.”

    “What's the message?” Umbra cued the commander. "Will your diplomats really agree to permit them on their lands if Troy can’t even convince them to allow Corone’s forces to intervene?” The mercenary queried. Three weeks was an awfully long time for Alerar’s representatives to drag their heels in upholding their isolationist stance.

    Apparently they were even willing to die before their politicians allowed foreign armies to get a foothold so deep into their lands.

    “Ugh, your kidding, Troy hasn’t even accomplished that much while I was gone?” Celandine bemoaned rolling her eyes in an exaggerated manner. Umbra was sure the girl had some choice words to describe the middle aged man though the mercenary personally didn’t care for it.

    Raimneth stepped back from the table with a heavy sigh “With Sanctuary being cut off as it is from the rest of the country, we can’t even be sure if our military let alone our people are still intact.” He levelled a grim look towards the young girl. “Under these circumstances as the highest ranking officer I'll be imposing martial law up until the time we can determine just what is left of our country.”

    “I’ll grant you your alliance personally.” The dark elf stated resolutely whilst looking directly into the faun's eyes as though to convey the message that an agreement had been already agreed upon. “The next issue is the demon gate itself, we have no means of knowing how to close it, even the first king was unable to permanently seal the breach.”

    Umbra looked at the man in surprise, having him declare martial law would certainly expedite any plans that they made. That he had not done so earlier spoke of his reluctance to take such drastic measures. Perhaps he still was reluctant. Umbra didn’t know for certain but Raimneth had proven to be a good man thus far.

    Here’s to hope that he sees his people through this crisis.

    “Oh! well funny you should mention sealing the gate!” Celandine spoke with the smile of a mad researcher who just had their life's work finally validated.

  9. #9

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    Finally she unbound her tight fingers from where they had been hugging the book to her chest this entire time. Carefully, she laid it beside the map, and twisted a partially dried curl of hair behind her ear and over her horn. She paused as she flicked through the pages quickly, eyes scanning faster than was humanly possible before she came to a page and slammed it open. There was a large amount of text, as well as a curious but calculated drawing of a partially cut away rock, with fine lines and labels explaining the features.

    "In essence, I believe that we should be able to use this material as a replacement. Which is again why the dwarves are key allies to make here. Because of the history, the potential discovery of a life time!" She flicked her fingers over more pages, marking the current one with a pinkie. In a deft movement she came to an unmistakable image of the demon sword itself, drawn in exact detail down to the elaborate design of the hilt.

    Vanimar was the one to lean in most enthusiastically, his eyes brightly shining blood red in intrigue. Celandine tried to not let her gaze betray her towards him, but she was sure they strayed before she snapped back to her purpose.

    Looking up instead to Raimneth and Umbra she continued. "So this is the sword," she nodded to the ornate drawing, "stolen I think by Cazri, the master alchemist. Probably unable to locate now. And this," she moved back to the more text-laden page, "is a metal I read of during my time of study, before I left. I only took one book from the library - pardon me Drys for taking it without permission." She quickly touched the area of her heart, blessing herself for the goddess she worshipped.

    After her quick prayer she went on. "This is a metal that these old Dwarven mines were originally made to find. The name is lost to the tides of time but …" she bit her lip, excited. "If everything I have read and studied is correct it should provide the perfect substitute to create a new seal for the well."

    A small laugh came from her as she stood up, looking from the dark elf to the mysterious mercenary, of whom she knew so little but felt an unbreakable strong connection to. There should be Shinsou, of course, as well, but whatever he was doing and wherever he was wasn't going to help them now. Celandine just prayed that he was safe and sound, and in his right mind.

    It was Raimneth who agreed first. A slow nod, and a good decent smile that matched the appreciation that seemed to be growing from the competent authority to the young scholar. Perhaps, like many others, he had just seen her before as a young protege who only had her mother's reputation to uphold her. Now as he watched her steadily, with her passionate eyes and unwavering spirit the dark elf commander was persuaded of her true abilities.

    "I'm not a warrior," she said quietly to him, "but my mind is sharp and I am sure that we can find this metal on our way. With Umbra's help and that of the small contingent you have granted us we can find a source to all of these worries. All this Sanctuary needs is for you to hold it."

    Slowly, Raimneth nodded. "Which I will do, young faun. You show great promise, and will be known well in my kingdom for the future should this all go well."

    And he stretched, causing them all to stand upright and stand to loose attention as he, the true authority now in this Sanctuary, held their lives in his hands.

    Swiftly he nodded from one to the other. "Go. All of you. As swift as time can allow. Keep each other alive and be true. Then come back as soon as you are able."

    Vanimar immediately saluted. Umbra solemnly nodded while Celandine found herself just nodding slowly, tugging at her shift and gathering the books and now the map once more into her arms. Of course she would need to go back to get her knitted garments that allowed her to keep to the shadows, and her satchel which bore the original treatises she had borrowed without permission. And Vanimar would perhaps be the one to go gather food and other supplies for their journey. Yet they would all work in haste, gathering together soon in the lower latrines to begin their adventure that could save countless lives.

    She just reminded herself that they should clear and clean the toilet first before their descent.

  10. #10

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,240

    Umbra's Avatar



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    The moment Umbra dropped down into the festering sewer was one the mercenary would not soon forget. Rancid rancor that dripped from the excretion stained concrete walls was almost enough to churn the stomachs of even the most stubborn stout hearted of warriors. The putrid was all but suffocating as it burned their lungs with an unparalleled putridness.

    “Disgusting.” The Mercenary muttered while following the young faun that had taken the lead into these foul depths. Umbra tried to not think about the smell that the young faun had discovered as something soft squelched underfoot as the mercenary’s foot descended into the darkest shadow.

    Initially, there had been a series of pipes that the faun had to climb through to get in or out. But if the commander was going to consider this route as a feasible means of escape by a host of armed soldiers, destitute civilians and politicians, then he would have to consider the ease of access for all involved. He had promptly ordered a group of soldiers to tear a bypass through into the sewage systems below, to which the men and women that did so, did in earnest.

    By the time the next dark elf descended, Umbra held no room for any doubt that this was by far, the second most unpleasant experience they had ever encountered. The stench was so palpable that the foul taste congregated upon the tips of their tongues.

    “By the gods, What did we eat?!” Vanimar complained while he almost slipped upon a less than savory floor below. His brow grew heavy in the few seconds he looked upon the floor in disgust only for the smell to assault his senses causing the captain to heave and choke for air. After a moment of silent heaving the Drow pulled down the mask covering his face and spat the offending glob of spit off to the side.

    “That is foul …” The captain bemoaned as he replaced the wrap of cloth over his lower face and peered off into the darkness. The captain rummaged around the sack of provisions that Raimneth had provided for them and withdrew a mechanical looking lantern that shone a bright artificial light along the walls of the sewage tunnel.

    Ignorance as they say, was bliss.

    “What an incredible smell you discovered,” Umbra quipped uncharacteristically. Though the offhand comment was rewarded with the quietest of sounds, Umbra knew without a shadow of a doubt that Celandine lips had curled into an amused grin despite not being able to see her face as she led the van.

    Celandine so far had endured the rancour far better than Umbra had initially given the girl credit for. It was no easy feat gathering the resolve to traverse such a putrid path and yet the girl had already paved her way along this merky trail at least twice before. To do so again was almost admirable if Umbra didn’t feel a loathing sense of pity that the faun had indeed had to do this three times.

    I don’t think I will ever get this stench out of my helmet.’ The mercenary quietly lamented, whilst wondering how much of an impact it would make on their reputation or when looking for employment. ‘Better stand downwind for the foreseeable future.

    Four more soldiers dropped down into the tunnel from the latrines each bearing more provisions and tools that would surely help them clear a path should they need to lead the civilians down this route. Troy had even turned up one more time after hearing that Raimneth had declared martial law, but any attempt he made of insisting that he come with them had died the moment he had seen where their path would take them through.

    Thankfully the way through the sewage tunnels was a short and easy path as only a few yards away a broken section of the wall had collapsed from rot and damp giving entry to a large cavernous expanse.

    The stale air was cold and flat, undisturbed for countless years until the faun's fledgling foray into it’s shadowed depths. Umbra raised their own mechanical lantern upwards to cast more light into their surrounding area and found hoofprints heading in two different directions.

    “This way.” Celandine called out with a wave of her hand. Her path led off towards and around one of the many stalactites and stalagmites that surrounded them. Cold and wet to the touch, if Umbra stopped and listened carefully they could hear running water somewhere off in the distance.

    A part of the sewage system or an underground water way?’ They considered before dismissing the thought in favor of not losing their footing to the dark depths that lay hidden amongst the gloom.

    And yet even these desolate caves could not hide the eyes that two of their companions would silently make at each other, or rather a timid reverie in the perspective of the faun. The captain's stolen glances however spoke more of a warm fondness. Umbra personally cared little for their innocent doe like routine and spoke up before Celandine could make a misstep into a puddle of water.

    “Then by all means make haste.” Umbra snapped in an irritable tone, snapping the Fauns attention away from the captain and back to their shadowed trail. The sooner they left these caves behind the sooner Umbra would find peace of mind. Dark damp claustrophobic inducing caves brought up some uncomfortable memories that the mercenary would rather not revisit.

    Their winding path soon came to a crossroads where the faun stopped to ensure that everyone was still with them when she pointed the route to the right. “That way leads to the shore, that’s the path I had intended to take us," she explained. Umbra noted that the remnants of her hoofprints had indeed gone off in that direction, though it was also apparent she had not yet ventured down the path to the left.

    “Keep your guard up, who knows what might be lurking down here,” coldly warned the iron clad mercenary.

    “Do you really think anything is down here with us?” The red haired captain responded wearily, his hand slowly reaching for the hilt of the elven sabre by his side. Umbra offered a small shrug and carefully examined the dirt amongst the smooth rocky floor below them. There wasn’t any sign that anything had been through here, but Umbra wasn’t about to rule out that there may have been something down here that did not need to traverse the floor.

    “Just keep your guard up, 'tis better to be safe than sorry.” Umbra cautioned as they pushed on into the unknown shadowed depths hidden below the Jagged Mountains. Or not, Umbra found as their path took them along a flat patch of land with suspiciously straight walls.

    Light of their lanterns continued to push back the evanescent gloom and gradually started to reveal surprise after surprise that led them to believe that they had found this mine that the commander had spoken of.

    The corridor up ahead glowed a dim blue light causing Umbra to hand off their lantern to one of the soldiers accompanying them and unsheathed their battered sword and bid them to stay while they would take a look. Celandine fidgeted from where she was made to wait as her eyes betrayed her inner scholar that begged to be let loose upon this old and ancient find. Umbra paid them no heed and approached the corner slowly and cautiously so as not to needlessly rattle their armour. The mercenary slowly turned the corner to investigate the mysterious light only to pause and stare at the sight before them.

    “Wait, this isn’t …” Celandine spoke out loud from Umbra's side, having snuck up unbeknown to the Mercenary to satisfy that scholarly itch. Umbra paid her no heed and just waved to the dark elven soldiers that there was no danger.

    The large open chasm was akin to two cliff faces running the length and breadth of a fathomless abyss. Which was to say nothing of the apparent stone city that had been carved along either side with a multitude of bridges and pathways laid about in a labyrinthian-like manner. The dim light that had caught Umbra’s earlier attention were crystal tipped magical torches that had remained lit for many long undisturbed years.

    Old wooden structures lay in tatters including the remains of an old water wheel that had fallen off its hinges causing the running water to fall far into the abyss below. Old rusted broken chains dangled in over the chasm as part of some old mechanism that had long since been lost to time. And yet for all of this mine's ancient past, nothing was more prominent than the gargantuan stone statues that stood proud and undisturbed for over nigh a thousand years.

    “It’s a Dwarvern mine.” Umbra commented, finishing Celandine's train of thought while beholding the splendour of the dwarven statues of eld, their long flowing stone carved beards along with the architecture around them being composed of sharp corners and bold shapes forestalled any doubt.

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