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  1. #1

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
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    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)

    Celandine level 3 update

    I have done a wee update here just changing some abilities because I don't use Kin anymore and want to take Celandine in a much more scholarly direction.

    New stuff:
    Blessed - Memory
    All Ken abilities
    [RIGHT]Name: Celandine Vaan Rameses
    Nickname/Alias: Cel
    Age: 9, but appears a young mature faun
    Race: faun/half-faun
    Height: 5' 0"
    Weight: measured
    Occupation: knitter and scholar


    Celandine is the product of Philomel and her second in command, the human Vaeron. She dislikes being solely associated with her mother, however, and prefers to not talk about her parenthood unless it is mentioned. She is usually happy, positive and ultimately a peacekeeper, preferring scholarly pursuits and her connection to animals. She will try to see the best in people, is somewhat naive despite her wealth of knowledge.


    Celandine was conceived as an idea to forge an empire of strong, determined leaders, beginning with Philomel van der Aart, her mother who is half feminist, half liberator. Her human father, Vaeron, came up with the idea to establish Philomel's line, but with himself as the father - for as he claimed any other man would mean a hold over Philomel. Vaeron is the only male commander in the Gilded Lily, is homosexual, and promised he would never have a controlling interest in the child. During the pregnancy Philomel was greeted by her goddess, Drys, and knew then that the birth was sacred, but she has never told anyone this.

    Philomel gave birth to Celandine in a storm on a Scara Brae island, assisted only by a fox known as Veridian and a geisha called Sakura ... While being hunted by rioters. Celandine was taken to a brothel in Radasanth where she was raised for her first four years in the care of brother and sister Ennis and Etna, who raised her with their children and under the guise that she was born of another faun there - Anthea Rose. She revealed a good hold of languages during her childhood. Celandine knew, as she grew, that she was the daughter of another due to dreams she had of a tall blonde lady in a grass green dress, but has never told anyone about these, not even her mother's. She was taken from her home there, at the age of almost five, by Philomel. She left her friends with little difficulty, knowing from her dreams that she has always had, that she was destined for more than a life in a brothel. She was spoilt, but taught well, in strategy, writing and all forms of good education. She quickly learnt, rapidly understanding that she indeed was blessed by a goddess and that she was able to take on things faster than others. She had a musk oxen for a while - Erik - who died saving her from a Gorgon.

    Philomel is now awaiting the coming of her second child, whom she apparently has designs to 'be a better mother to' and has been public about the pregnancy, which is opposite to how she was with Celandine. Cel does not mind, but has taken the opportunity for her mother's change in circumstances to embark out on her own now into the world, meaning Philomel can be the figurehead and Cel can learn the true extent of the Gilded Lily in a practical way.


    Cel has short brown hair cut in a bob style, and chestnut fur covering her goat legs. He human genetics can be seen in her perfectly rounded ears. She is of medium size and build, with pale grey eyes. Often she wears pretty clothes, that are modest. Her favourite outfit tends to be a loose woollen jumper and a short wrap at her waist. She can sometimes wish be seen with a little knitted hat or bonnet. She has small, neat ram horns that curl forwards at her cheeks.

    Weaponry - Celandine is trained in short swords, polearms, crossbows, archery and the lance, and excels at most.

    Etiquette - Celandine has received a lady's education, and knows how to hold herself in court, as well as adapt to many situations. This includes being able to dress appropriately to the occasion and tea ceremony.

    Conversation - Celandine has been trained in the art of holding conversation well, picking up subjects rather easily and adapting to a situation. This includes skills in storytelling, rhetoric and word craft.

    Knowledge - due to her Blessed ability Celandine has a wide knowledge of various subjects, with the ability to pick up them very quickly if she reads. This includes botany, theology, philosophy, theoretical physics, biology, literature, and music. She has a basic knowledge in all, but could not yet be considered an expert in any.

    Knitting - this is her main hobby. She is very, very skilled in it and currently mashed money by selling her jumpers and scarves to random people.


    Celandine's primary ability is her accelerated maturity and ability to learn. Though she is currently only nine years her body is fully mature, having aged fully on her eighth birthday. She seems to mature roughly at twice the normal speed, including mentally, physically and emotionally. On learning a subject also she is able to learn four times as fast as the average person, giving her huge skill beyond her years. What might take one person a year to complete she will do in three months, in terms of comprehension. This includes anything that can be taught - from swordplay to craft to education.

    Blessed - Book Smarts
    Celandine can read up to five times as fast as the normal person and has accurate photographic memory, remembering all of the essential facts from a volume. She can read a single average book easily in one or two hours, depending on the complexity, and then use the knowledge directly. This however does not refer directly to practical or physical use. For that she must use her standard Blessed ability and experience. For instance, she could learn the names of plants and know how to visually recognise them in an hour but would not know how to carefully handle them. She could know the theory of how to hold a pair of chopsticks but not put it into actual practise without experience.

    Blessed - Memory
    Celandine has an almost idetic memory. That is, with prompting, she can remember almost anything that she has learnt. For her Dreamcasting it takes usually a larger prompt as she has her visions in her dreams, but anything she experiences during waking periods can be recalled with relative ease. This includes facts about people, about the weather, things like card counting and goes all the way back to her early childhood. This was not an ability she has always had, but rather she woke up one morning and realised she could remember the entire route when she first rode her father's horse when she was three.

    Celandine has the ability to dream into the future. She knows full well that her visions are subject to the whims of fate, and so what she might dream in a night might never come true. She can have up to three precognitions a night, that predict possible occurances up to a week in the future, and can come in the form of visual dreams, audio only or even just emotions. In particular she can sense if she will meet someone that next day, and get an image of them, if something catastrophic will happen in her wider community or if she will face a danger. They are usually about her personal life.

    Ken is a series of abilities that concern Celandine's scholarly persuits and abilities. She can use them for any kind of information, but as with Blessed knowing something does not automatically make her physically adept at it.

    Ken - Instinct
    Celandine has a developing ability to be able to look at someone and understand their core being. That is, in a Sherlock Holmes type of discernment, she can take up to five seconds to understand a person from their likes to dislikes, their lifestyle and profession. She cannot know in depth secrets but can understand anything that the appearance might give away. For instance, a tiny black blot on a collar might point to them being a clark or a dust on the backs of their boots might mean they took a certain path to get there. Everyday her experiences build up and teach her new things.


    Knitting materials
    Lots of woolly jumpers, some with holes eaten by Renegade.
    A pair of damascus steel knitting needles enchant to be sharp when they make contact with flesh/skin.
    Basic survival goods.
    Last edited by Celandine; 01-31-2022 at 05:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

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