This is a tale of the times before.

“Before what?” William blurted, interrupting immediately. Gerard stopped and looked sideways at William, a frown of disapproval turning down the corners of his mouth.

“Before what? Before everything, boy. Now do you want me to tell you the story or not?” William clamped his mouth shut and nodded at Gerard with wide, eager eyes. Gerard cleared his throat and shot William one more look, though this one was decidedly more lighthearted.

This is a tale from the early days of the land, when the name Amra wasn’t even a ripple downstream in the river of time. These were the days when the spirits lived in harmony with everything that dwelt beneath their knowing eyes. These weren't the spirits that you would recognize today. Ours are foul things, tricky and guarded. But these spirits were new. They were young and trusting things. Their light and laughter causing the soil to burst forth with life and the waters to run icy cold, pure and sweet.

And living beneath the spirits beneficial arms were the first people of the land. Yes, there were people here long before the land was even itself. And like the spirits of then and now the first people were a far cry from the people of today. The first peoples built their cities high and open to anyone who wished to come and go. They had no walls, for they never warred, and they had no need of taxes or tolls, because whatever they needed was freely provided by the land itself.

The first people spent their days laughing and living their lives as all men were meant to, free from worry and want. Their greatest loves were for learning and creating, taking everything that the spirits had to offer and using it to enrich everything around them. And they were apt pupils, growing far and wide to cover the land that loved them.

It is said that a rising tide raises all ships, but no tide could raise the first people because they were already at the top.

“But there’s a problem with being all the way at the top, Will. And do you know what that is?” Gerard asked.

William shook his head in the negative, still unwilling to speak lest he lose the rest of the story.

“The problem, Will, is that nothing lasts forever. And though you have nowhere to raise to when you’re at the top, you have everywhere to fall.”