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    One Thread in a Tapestry's Avatar


    Lyric White-Hook
    Androgynous Male

    View Profile
    When faced with doubt, people will try to hide from it. They will ignore it, bury it, run from it. Anything to keep it apart from them, least it endangers who they set themselves out to be. When your settled in your ways, doubt can feel like a corrosive force that eats away at your very foundations. After all, what did it all mean if the information by which you made your choices were lies? Who is left to blame if all has already been said and done? How long can you ignore that the castle on which you've built your life was made atop pillars of sand?

    Bordeux, only one of her name, asked herself much the same.

    From her beautiful room in Revellier Manor, she studied the letter she had been given. Something terrible had happened in a very remote place here in the cold vastness of Salvar. Something, they are saying, involving vampires. Her old foe, from by-gone days, had killed so many in a very public and ritualistic manner. She studied the letter's wording, trying to decipher the hints among it's lexicon of what could be true and what could be speculation. Fearful people were not reasonable people, and liable to make false statements. After all, modern vampires did not really do something so brash such as hanging up their kills. Not since the bolder, more powerful and threatening vampires of her own time, had she heard of such a thing happening and being attributed to a single vampire of all things.

    It didn't seem right. It tickled her senses, honed from years of experience, and as of yet not dulled from retirement. She had done her service... Lived out her most exciting times. Now, she lived comfortably in this beautiful manor, owned by her patron who's family viewed her as their savior. As a reward for her service to them, they promised her a comfortable life for which to retire. When she finally had, she thought she would feel more at peace here...

    So, why didn't she?

    Setting the letter down on her bed, she swung herself to the bed's edge where nothing hung off the end. She was a double amputee; Both legs were unaccounted for, ending just above the knee. Her clothing, specially made, fashioned like tights that covered both ends. This was not news to her of course. She hadn't had legs since she was a girl. Indeed, she had spent more of her life without them than she did with.

    Despite being up in age for a human, she certainly wore it extremely well. Her arms were slender, but tone. Her waist and hips, much the same. Even her thighs, all that was left of her legs, showed the figure akin to a figure-skater with slightly more bulk. She was flexible, and could get around quite well on her arms alone, even in her old age. There was hardly a winkle of her, save for the unmistakable line that curved beneath her eyes. You couldn't find a woman in better shape, and anyone who met her would have no doubt if told she was a hunter for the church.

    Piecing blue eyes peered down past her bed, finding her prosthetic legs. Her silver hair was held tight behind her head in a very tight bun, an expertly place crease down the middle of her head that kept anything from falling into her face as she leaned over and took them up, one at a time. The legs themselves were rather ornate, looking like metal greaves, and ending not in feet but pointed ends like that of a deer. A purposeful design done out of comfort. The legs which she would take to work in her past, they were weapons that ended in sharp blades... Granting her incredible balance after a lifetime walking in them. Regular feet, they felt downright clumsy to her now. Even in retirement, she couldn't stand the way they felt. Hence, these unusual, specialized prosthetic legs were made for everyday use that wouldn't poke holes in the nice floor and carpets like her work-legs would.

    She slipped into them as easily as gloves, manipulating them like she was born with them attached as she stood up from her bed. Back straight, posture perfect. It always was. Never compromise on posture. Striding over to her bedroom mirror, her mind weighed heavily on the letter as she checked herself. Her collar was high and tight, covering her whole neck, and the finely dressed suit she wore hugged her form right down to her fingers. A compromise between dressy, and comfortable for her. As a result of having such rich patrons, she had been raised in high society, and now as a permanent resident here and no regular job she had taken on the role of teaching younger people etiquette and proper behavior. Dressing and behaving right, it was all a part of leading by example.

    As she contemplated the mirror, a gentle knock on her door reached her ears. "Come in." She said, not turning, able to see the door from her mirror. Though, she already knew who it was. As the heavy door creaked open, a short pair of eyes cautiously peeked into her room.

    "Is nanny dressing?"

    "I am dressed, my dear. Come in."

    With permission granted, a young boy gleefully came into her room, needing to crane his neck to look up at her as his joyful green eyes searched for hers. Finally breaking eye contact with her own reflection, she peered down at him from the corner of her eyes and dared the smallest of smirks. To her slight dismay though, he was reaching up with his arms at her, trying to prompt her to lift him.


    "Desmond, you are too old to be carried." She had told him as much before.

    "But you are the only one who can-!"

    "Act your age."

    Almost immediately, the annoyed huffing and borderline whining came in a wave. He was young, yes, but... Just barely at that age where treating him like a baby was acceptable. Still, Bordeux was not having it, looking down at him with indignance and a stare that screamed 'Are you done?'. She had become something of a guardian to him, fourth child of her patron. Though she was not blood related at all, they looked at her as their grandmother, and would call her as such. She didn't mind, but the number of times guests had come over, seen her with a child in her arms, and assumed she was their mother was irksome to her. That they would think she looked young enough to be a mother might of been a compliment to most women and a testament to her looks, but she very much wanted to be treated her age.

    "But-! But-! M-Mom says-!"

    "Did you just come into my room to ask me to pick you up like a baby, Desmond?"

    "N... No..."

    "Then what's the matter?"

    "Mom told me... To tell you... To come talk to her... About the letter-thing." Him trying to speak between little winy gasps was unbecoming of a boy of his lineage, but Bordeux chose not to correct him on it quite yet. He was, in the end, still a child. And, him telling her this, well... Clearly, his patron wanted to discuss what to do about her summons.

    "Thank you, Desmond, for telling me. Now..." She turned to him fully. "Back straight; Mind your posture..." The boy did so immediately, jolting almost comically to correct any bend in his spine. This was a practiced routine for him. "Now walk with me." With that, doing exactly as she said, he made for the door shortly after her, all posture he had just forced immediately shattering with the arrival of goofy look on his young face. He seemed ever fascinated by her 'funny' legs, and stared at their every step as they both made their way out.

    The walk to the study where the boy's mother resided was a short one. The mother had been the one who took the letter for Bordeux, and had read through it's contents already, so was already very aware of the request that was being made and of course why they would want it given to Bordeux of all people to begin with. It was no secret that an old vampire hunter resided here. It was simply that the people who would truly care or find any reverence in her work were either retired, buried, or waiting to be. The people still alive that would have remembered the guild from which she used to belong, of her family and their old ways, were for the most part right here in this manor.

    Demond's mother, a woman of twenty nine, was nearly half Bordeux's age... Yet, was wise beyond her years. She had a reverence and respect for Bordeux ever since she herself was a teenage girl, when her mother had given her permanent residence here for her deeds, and needed to take up full responsibility of the manor and all the family's dealings after her husband and brothers died in war. If left her a single mother, yes, but also one of the singularly richest women in the region, as all their property went to her now. It was in the study where she spent much of her time, handling business and sorting out the long list of responsibilities that now fell to her, where she met with Bodeux... Her son departing, his little job well done.

    "So... I take it you read the letter?" The chestnut haired woman, young girl in Bordeux's eyes, asked from behind her masterly carved desk that was probably older than her. She had a look of nervous excitement in her eyes, curious and mindful.

    "I have."

    "What do you think?"

    "I think the people are mistaken, calling it a vampire."

    She seemed to light up with interest, leaning forward in her seat. "Oh? Why is that?" Juine, head of the household she was, always had intense interest in the things outside. Getting Bordeux to talk about her past adventures, about witches and monsters, was always so exciting to her. This was simply a wonderful excuse to hear more, an act Bodeux had long gotten used to.

    "Vampires of today, they are not like when I was young. The days of openly displaying your kills and brazenly overfeeding is a thing of the past, a remnant from when the vampire bloodlines ran deep and their influence and power was more plentiful. At least, in Salvar..." Memories of the horrors, of wars fought in the dark, came back to her. Truly, vampires in this region used to be far more terrible. "These days, whatever vampires are left here are born of diluted blood... Just... Pests in the night, like rodents, trying to survive. Not even magic can exist here anymore, you think a vampire could ever reach the heights of power they once had in this modern age? No. Nothing will ever be like that again, not so long as the Sway holds dominion. And that is a good thing." And largely why she herself had become irrelevant over time...

    "So you think this isn't a vampire? Did you read the part about the bite marks?"

    "Animals drink blood all the time. It could be any manner of things."

    "But what if it isn't? I don't think animals pin people to trees."

    She didn't say that in a frightful tone, rather, an interested and curious one. Still, Bordeux's eyebrow raised, seeing Juine's clear motive, "Are you suggesting you think I should go investigate?"

    "Well..." She relented, "I mean... I... Am not suggesting anything. I am curious though, if you... Thought about it? Not that I want you to, or anything, it is not my decision to make. I just never saw anything this odd before in the region, and was interested in what you thought."

    Cute. She was indeed very curious. "Yes... It is very odd."

    "... You... Don't want to know what happened though? What it was?"

    "I would have to see it for myself."Bordeux concluded, admitting a small truth to her. Of course she was curious. It called to her, this old sense of duty... But, it was odd. She was trying to resign herself to her retirement, to not let rampant imagination run wild. Things would never be like they were in her day. People like her, they didn't need to exist anymore. To concede to answering this call when it wasn't necessary, it would only diminish her already faltering self worth.

    "... Would you want to?"

    The question surprised Bordeux. For being impartial to her inaction, she sure seemed eager and wanting! "Well... I suppose so..." Now, she surprised herself. Why was she admitting this? Yes, okay, she did want to know. It all seemed too strange. But, to admit that to Juine would be tantamount to asking permission to go.

    "Granted!!" Juine excitedly shouted, seeming downright gleeful and putting Bodeux in surprised shock. "Just-! Please! Tell me everything about it on your return! I must hear of your exploits!"

    Well, she seemed excited after all. So excited, the decision was apparently made for her. But... how could she say no now? Before she had realized it, she had agreed to go and take up this mystery for herself. Juine, her excited patron's clearly willfull egging on aside, she was actually quietly satisfied with this little meeting. She loved her life and the kids here, but... Duty would always call her. Juine must have known this.

    "I wasn't sure if you'd actually agree..." Juine followed up, smiling from behind her desk. "But, I'll admit, I may have become a little more invested in the mysteries of this little incident." As if that wasn't obvious to Bordeux. "So... I have already called an old acquaintance of mine for help in this little venture."

    Bordeux's eyebrow raised. "Oh? You called hunters from the church?"

    "Oh goodness, no! Actually, a very dashing half-elf by the name of Arphenion will be arriving here. I can't wait for you two to meet! He is very handsome, I think you'll like him."

    Privately, being told something like that, Bordeux pictured something... Incredibly unappealing in her mind. At her age, until she actually met someone, she always assumed they were both younger than her and far less capable or annoying than they may actually be. Essentially, everyone started out already having made a poor impression without needing to say or do a thing... But, she would never say as much out loud. Only quietly dread meeting someone who, as far as Juine had felt she should know, was that he was 'handsome'.

    "Arphenion..." Bordeux echoed, feigning interest. "I will look forward to meeting him." She didn't, not really. She was assuming it would be another rich aristocrat who thought they were personally more useful than they actually were. That's usually the kind of people who courted Juine, after all, so she had no reason to believe any differently here.

    "Good! I look forward to seeing you two team up in this! You MUST tell me EVERYTHING when you return though, don't you forget it!"

    Bordeux smirked. "I won't."

    Time to go dust off her old equipment...
    Last edited by One Thread in a Tapestry; 06-12-2022 at 11:18 AM.

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