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    EXP: 31,692, Level: 7
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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    Those That Carry the Wind and Water (Leoric and Azza)

    Memory was a funny sort of thing for Azza and her kind. She could certainly remember when the last time she was in New Brookeshaven, but she was still astounded by the vast change that had happened between her last visit and the current state it was in. It had always been a sleepy fishing village without much else to its name. Perhaps the brook running through the town was something of note. Or was it someone’s name? Azza couldn’t quite recall it perfectly - she was a child then when it was all being explained to her by old Jacobs.

    Still, the sleepy and quaint village in her memory was in the midst of reconstruction with broken buildings and burnt out remains being the more common sight than anything whole. Azza had heard about the situation briefing while riding back to Corone on the bridge of the ship. It was all a bit surreal and to be completely honest, she felt a little lonely now standing here on familiar yet alien soil once more.

    There was the temptation to look behind her to see if the white ship with black sails was waiting for her to come back. Then again, even if it was, Azza might not have been able to see it with its veil up and running. A tinge of regret began to well up in the girl’s heart as she sighed with a glance back at the empty horizon of the ocean. “Right, eyes forward.” Picking up her pack and sword, Azza slung it over her shoulder with her wings folded to avoid crushing them, before walking towards the town proper to ask for directions.

    Heading to Underwood shouldn’t pose too much of a problem. Azza was certain she remembered the path there, but even so, the situation of Corone was uncertain now and there could be blockades and other things that could hamper her travel. She wasn’t on Se’lutia anymore and thus no longer viewed with reverence for something she never did. She was just plain old Azza again. In some ways it was liberating to be a stranger again and at least the land wasn’t completely unfamiliar this time.

    “Hey there stranger! Where’d you blow in from?”

    Looking over to the voice that called out to her as she entered the center of the village, Azza couldn’t help but grin a bit. “Coyo. This is where you ended up huh?”

    The young man laughed as he spread out his arms as if to show off the village. “Sure did. They need a smith everywhere, even if it’s just nails and horseshoes. You might see a few familiar faces around here too, but you’ve certainly made yourself scarce these few years.”

    Azza shrugged at the question and just maintained her grin. “Guess I have.” A few lumberjacks passing by gave a few wolf cries towards the pair’s direction which gave Azza the pleasure of watching her childhood friend’s face turn a dark crimson.

    “Oh shut up! The whole lot of you! Ahem, anyways. I’m guessing you’re headed to Underwood to see Mother Holly?” Looking behind him quickly towards the town entrance, Coyo then returned his gaze to Azza. “Might want to head out tomorrow. Probably getting dark now in the forest-”

    But Azza began snickering at her childhood friend’s worry. “I know, Coyo, I’ll do just that. We grew up in Underwood and the surrounding forest so don’t worry about me.”

    Scratching the back of his head, the brown hairs of his head becoming more disheveled by the minute, Coyo eventually heaved a sigh and shrugged. “I’d offer you a place to stay, but I’m grouped in a lodge that’s filled with just guys and idiots. I’m not sure if there’s room at the inn either. Or what’s left of it.” Spotting the sword on her shoulder he added, “But I’m guessing you can take care of yourself. Guess you always did.”

    Hearing what Coyo said, Azza saddled up a little closer with a bit of a smug grin. “Are you complimenting me? You? What did you do with Coyo?”

    “Aah, shut up Azza! There’s a few traveler stops and camps around on the outskirts of town so I’m sure you can find somewhere to camp out. I’ve got a few more things to take care of.” As he began to walk away, he stopped and managed to grin back, “But it’s good to see you again. Welcome home, I guess.”

    Azza watched as her friend strode off with only a hand thrown back as a wave. With a slight huff and a smile on her face, Azza continued on towards the outskirts of town. Maybe it won’t be that lonely and maybe… just maybe, she’ll be able to see everyone again. Some day. For now, she wanted to wash off so somewhere near the water would be ideal.

    Veering off the road without a second thought, Azza began to push on through the shrubbery despite her long robes hampering her a bit- or were the plants and bramble moving aside for her ever so slightly? Whatever the case, it wasn’t as bad as she thought and soon enough she found the brook that flowed through the town again and began to follow it up stream.

    By and by Azza found a nice little niche by a small pond that had formed near some abandoned ruins. The main road leading out of town was also a stone’s throw away, but with plenty of foliage in the way for privacy. The area itself looked to be a well used rest stop by merchants or travelers on the road. The remains of a recent fire was also evident with some of the charcoaled wood still about.

    But all of that didn’t matter much to Azza as she dropped her pack on the ground by the water, sat down, took off her boots, and dipped her feet into the cool water.

    Last edited by orphans; 06-01-2024 at 09:58 PM.

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