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  1. #11

    EXP: 31,692, Level: 7
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    Level completed: 59%,
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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    Azza cast a glance to Leoric’s back between his shoulder blades and saw the inked lines of a tattoo. She couldn’t exactly make out what it was in the dim light, but she could guess what it meant: a criminal’s branding or a clan’s marking. Easily identifiable to those who knew what it was and for those that didn’t, it could serve as a deterrent depending on the cultural ideals surrounding tattoos.

    The young woman couldn’t help but tense and roll her own shoulders before flexing her small wings, ruffling them slightly before offering what she hoped was a sympathetic smile. “I have something like that too. What’s the saying? Birds of a feather flock together?” Turning her attention to Kylie, Azza couldn’t help but ask in a teasing tone, “Do you have one hidden somewhere too?”

    Kylie looked to be caught off guard with her spoon halfway to her mouth in mid scoop. The girl looked quickly between her caretaker and her current guest before slowly continuing the spoon’s journey. It took another moment before she just shrugged. “I don’t think so, though it’s not like I can look at my own back. But I guess my horns and you know how hard it is to hide horns already.”

    There were several things that Azza wanted to say, but she bit her tongue to stop herself before looking over at Leoric. “Well, there you have it. Though I suppose I’m a bit more free from those clawing hands. They’re more guiding hands since I was the one doing the bad things, you know?” She gave another quick glance at Leoric’s form and studied it in the dim lighting for another moment before adding, “Maybe I could even guide you. Put what I’ve learned into practice and all that.” Resuming her own meal of the soup, Azza noticed that Kylie couldn’t stop glancing at her and Leoric as if considering something.

    “She’s right, you know?” Kylie suddenly said. “I mean, about guiding. You’re headed to Underwood, right Azza? Leoric, I think the recent troubles here are due to something happening over there.”

    That was certainly a surprise to Azza as she looked at Kylie. The mention of trouble at Underwood didn’t exactly sit well with her, but then again, it could be anything really. Trouble was, after all, everywhere and as minor as just the usual day to day or something more serious. Well, why not? Downing the rest of her soup, she then stuck out her hand towards Leoric with a bit of mirth, “What do you say? Want to hire me on as a guide? Maybe even a bodyguard from all the dangerous flora and fauna around in the woods?”
    Last edited by orphans; 06-01-2024 at 09:33 PM.

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