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  1. #11

    EXP: 31,692, Level: 7
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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    Azza cast a glance to Leoric’s back between his shoulder blades and saw the inked lines of a tattoo. She couldn’t exactly make out what it was in the dim light, but she could guess what it meant: a criminal’s branding or a clan’s marking. Easily identifiable to those who knew what it was and for those that didn’t, it could serve as a deterrent depending on the cultural ideals surrounding tattoos.

    The young woman couldn’t help but tense and roll her own shoulders before flexing her small wings, ruffling them slightly before offering what she hoped was a sympathetic smile. “I have something like that too. What’s the saying? Birds of a feather flock together?” Turning her attention to Kylie, Azza couldn’t help but ask in a teasing tone, “Do you have one hidden somewhere too?”

    Kylie looked to be caught off guard with her spoon halfway to her mouth in mid scoop. The girl looked quickly between her caretaker and her current guest before slowly continuing the spoon’s journey. It took another moment before she just shrugged. “I don’t think so, though it’s not like I can look at my own back. But I guess my horns and you know how hard it is to hide horns already.”

    There were several things that Azza wanted to say, but she bit her tongue to stop herself before looking over at Leoric. “Well, there you have it. Though I suppose I’m a bit more free from those clawing hands. They’re more guiding hands since I was the one doing the bad things, you know?” She gave another quick glance at Leoric’s form and studied it in the dim lighting for another moment before adding, “Maybe I could even guide you. Put what I’ve learned into practice and all that.” Resuming her own meal of the soup, Azza noticed that Kylie couldn’t stop glancing at her and Leoric as if considering something.

    “She’s right, you know?” Kylie suddenly said. “I mean, about guiding. You’re headed to Underwood, right Azza? Leoric, I think the recent troubles here are due to something happening over there.”

    That was certainly a surprise to Azza as she looked at Kylie. The mention of trouble at Underwood didn’t exactly sit well with her, but then again, it could be anything really. Trouble was, after all, everywhere and as minor as just the usual day to day or something more serious. Well, why not? Downing the rest of her soup, she then stuck out her hand towards Leoric with a bit of mirth, “What do you say? Want to hire me on as a guide? Maybe even a bodyguard from all the dangerous flora and fauna around in the woods?”
    Last edited by orphans; 06-01-2024 at 09:33 PM.

  2. #12

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
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    Leoric Blackwell

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    Leoric sighed, he really wasn’t in the habit of asking for help. After all he was a man, and a stubborn one at that, he liked to do everything himself. However, what they were saying did make sense.

    “I don’t really need a bodyguard, I can take care of myself in that regard. But if you know your way through Underwood and can get me to where I am going faster it would save me time and money.” Leoric looked at the ground, a little ashamed of himself for agreeing to help. “Kylie, we will head to Ruby’s first thing in the morning, you can play with Eric all day, and Ruby will keep you safe till i get back.”

    “Really?! They are so much fun to be around!” Kylie exclaimed, finally showing her age.

    “Yep! And I will give Miss Ruby some extra coin so you can go enjoy yourselves in town as well.” Leoric smiled warmly as he walked over and ruffled her hair. “Now finish dinner and go get ready for bed kay? I will take care of cleaning up.”

    It didn’t take long for Kylie to finish up her soup and dried meat before she quickly hugged Leoric and ran off into the disheveled stone hut. Before she quickly looked back and half whispered. “You may want to go for a bath as well, you stink a little”

    Leoric raised an arm and took a sniff before nodding his head in agreement as she giggled and went inside. Leoric grabbed the bowls and pot used for the soup and carried it over to woods where he emptied any leftovers into a pile and wiped the bowls down before walking to the pond to rinse them.

    “So if you are to be my guide for a few days, we should get to know each other so we aren't expecting a dagger in our backs. I am Leoric Blackwell, Former member of the Crimson Hand. I was one of their enforcers, their muscle, I got the job done no matter what. and then i got lost in the frozen wastes of Salvar, i only survived cause i found a cave with a naturally occurring hot spring inside. Animals tended to frequent it for safety from the elements so I harvested them to survive. After years of isolation I learned what I wanted to do….” He stopped rinsing the pot and looked back at his companion for a second before continuing. “Or I should say, what I want my legacy to be.”

    After a few moments of silence he emptied the pot and bowls and started bringing them back towards the fire. “My life up to this point I detest, I consider myself a failure of a human being. So I decided to do everything I can to change, to make the last few decades of my life something worth sharing with others. Shortly after i decided this i met some fantastic people who i have to keep pushing for, Kylie is only one of the people i have to succeed for. She has had no one be there for her since her mother passed away. And I know that feeling, my whole life I have had no one there for me. And I won't let her life end up like mine.”

    He turned to face his new guide and hopeful new friend. He sat down on the log next to the fire a little distance away from her as he finally let his muscles relax and took a deep breath, finally trying to let his guard down for once. “What about yourself? Obviously only share what you are comfortable with.”
    Last edited by Leoric; 06-11-2024 at 10:32 PM.

  3. #13

    EXP: 31,692, Level: 7
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 3,308
    Level completed: 59%,
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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    Oh? Was the conversation turning a bit more serious now that his charge was headed off to bed? Leoric Blackwell, former member of the Crimson Hand. He stated it as if it was something that should have rung a bell or an inkling of notoriety to it in some way or other. It was something that anyone should have known had they been around in the last several years. For Azza? She was a stranger in her homeland.

    The fact that he offered his full name and background without trying to hide itched at the back of Azza’s mind a little. She had given her name as Sophia and while it was no lie, it didn’t sit well with her anymore. Rather, if he was willing to bare such secrets as he did, perhaps she should in kind as well. At least, that’s what she struggled with as Azza looked at the fire, considering how to respond. Only share what she was comfortable with, huh?

    Drawing in a deep breath and sighing, she sat up properly and looked over to Leoric. “I suppose I should reintroduce myself as well then. I am Azza Sophia Ambrose. I’ve been away for the last several years off in the secluded land where the white ship with black sails hails from.” Smiling a bit wistfully, she continued. “For me to say anything else though, I’ll have to partake in that drink you offered. I might be a lightweight in tolerance, but I’ll need to be rather deep before I divulge more of my secrets,” she finished with a wink.

    Whether Leoric guessed her path of words or simply knew his way around awkward girls like Azza, she couldn't tell, but Leoric was certainly quick to fill Azza's empty soup bowl from his liberated bottle, nearly pouring her half of the contents. The rest of the dark amber bottle he kept for himself to drink from. "How many secrets do I get to buy with that?"

    Azza snorted and raised her bowl carefully with both her hands to take a small whiff. Jerking her head back slightly, she gave a small cough as the smell of the alcohol tickled the back of her nose. "I think I might be bankrupt by morning."

    Still, Azza wasn't going to refuse the drink as she gulped down a mouthful. It burned. Not nearly as badly as she thought. The flavor was.... meaty? Oh- that was probably the soup mixing in. Bitter. A bit nutty maybe? Unsurprisingly Azza was a terrible connoisseur of alcohol. Why did she even drink? Thinking back on it, it was mostly due to the bad influences of those around her before she left of the island, on the island, and now that she was back...

    ... well, all of those were excuses. She enjoyed the warmth and bubbly feeling of the drinks, even if her head feels like it was kicked by a mule later when she woke up. Her cheeks darkened with the rush of blood and her robe was beginning to feel stifling. Glancing over at Leoric, she snickered. "You said earlier for me to share what I was comfortable with, yes? I'm comfortable with sharing everything about myself so long as we keep drinking. Ask, and I'll answer. Then I ask, and you answer. We keep going.... until whenever."
    Last edited by orphans; 06-10-2024 at 09:51 AM.

  4. #14

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
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    Leoric Blackwell

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    Leoric let out a grunt of discomfort as he woke up and found that his head was pounding. How much did he drink last night? Or how much did they drink last night. The Hungover brawler tried to move his right arm but realized it was pinned down, so he rolled over to look at it and came face to face with a very exposed and very much asleep Azza.

    That is when a portion of his memory came back to him and he remembered that they had indeed Slept together. No matter how much he tried to remember most of the night was a blur. He remembered them talking for a bit here and there. Next thing she was resting her head on his shoulder as his arm was around her. Then he could remember pretty vivid details about once their clothes were removed.

    Shit! Kylie will be waking up soon! Leoric quietly slipped his arm out from under his companion and he quickly grabbed the blanket he had been using to sleep on and covered her with it as he grabbed his pants that were on the ground and carried them over to the edge of the pond where he immersed himself and tried to get the smell of sweat and lovemaking off of him.

    After a few moments he got up out of the water and put on his pants before walking over towards the fire to try and revive it. After all, he was quite busy last night and didn't keep as close of an eye on it as he would have liked.

    Within moments he had the fire started again and after a few more minutes the fire was back to hot enough to cook breakfast. He quietly walked over to the shack he and Kylie used as a current home base and gathered some things and walked back to the fire. Eggs, dried pork, tomatoes and onions, he chopped up everything but the eggs into small pieces and began to saute them on the pan he grabbed and once the onions looked nice and golden brown he cracked a few eggs over the top and mixed them all together. If the stirring of his late night companion was any indication she would probably be awake soon and his cooking would be tested. He sprinkled some salt over the top as he spoke softly

    “Well Good morning sleepy head, did you enjoy last night?”

  5. #15

    EXP: 31,692, Level: 7
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 3,308
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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    “Mmmm…” came the start of Azza’s answer as she rolled over so that she could look over at her previous night’s companion. After a moment of pondering, she simply smiled and watched Leoric cook. When he was about done, she rose and stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. Shaking the last bits of sleep from her mind with a yawn, Azza looked about for her robes before gathering them off the ground and headed towards the water.

    The beginning of how exactly they ended up together was muddled and easily blamed on the drink, though Azza knew that this was an excuse. The drink itself could only do as much as opening her up her shell. The rest was the man himself making her feel relaxed and wanted.

    Unlike the landbound and their fuzzy memories, the moment that the alcohol had run its course, Azza could remember everything clearly. Then again, being able to do so gave her the awkward memory of ‘suddenly’ being in the act. But her companion’s question of whether or not she enjoyed herself… to answer that with anything dignified was impossible.

    Washing away the evidence from her body, wings, and hair, Azza then dried herself off quickly and pulled her robe over herself once more. Rejoining Leoric, she looked at him and couldn’t help snicker a bit. “What are the chances that Kylie already knows?”

  6. #16

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
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    Level completed: 73%,
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    Leoric Blackwell

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    The hungover brawler chuckled for a moment before grabbing a wooden plate and sliding the breakfast omelet onto the plate and offered it to his companion. “I find it best to assume she knows everything you hope she doesn’t know, and that if she gives you a suggestion… listen to it.”

    He started cutting up some more toppings to go into the next omelet as a few more fun memories came flooding back to him and he couldn't help but smirk for a second before staring into the eyes of his companion.

    “Much like her suggestion to bathe. We definitely wanted to do that before she woke” he added as he added the cut up vegetables to the pan and started to brown them as he shifted closer towards Azza and shifted the pan to a cooler part of the fire.

    “I didn't want to be surrounded by…” Kylie was interrupted by a quick yawn as she walked out of the dilapidated shed. “... stinky people.''

    Leoric laughed and grabbed another few eggs and cracked them over the top of the cooked vegetables before reaching over and grabbing a wooden plate from his side. “Almost perfect timing this morning sweetie, looks like you will have to go get dressed before your breakfast is ready”

    An audible groan could be heard as she was halfway to the firepit before turning around and heading back inside to change. There were times she showed her age and this was one of them.

    “I’m too tired to get changed.” she muffled as leoric’s ears perked up.

    “You know you can't whisper to the wind, it tells me your secrets.” He picked up a stick and poked the fire slightly to move around some coals as some embers were caught with the breeze and flew off into the distance. “Besides, me and Sophia have to get ready to head out pretty soon. We have a long day of travel to reach the next town before sundown. Which means…”

    “I get to see Miss Ruby?!” the young girl interrupted and ran off into the shed to quickly change.

    “And just like that she goes from complaining to being excited” He shook his head slowly in amusement before flipping the omelet over as he got ready to plate it. “And don’t worry, if she knew something was going to happen before we did. She only knew it would happen, not the details.”

    "Don't worry, if she knows, she knows. If not, I'm sure she'll find out. Eventually. Why? You want to give her the details?" His companion asked as the brawler’s face filled with shock before quickly going red before he composed himself.

    “No, God no! She is way too young to know about that stuff yet! Besides, it would be quite awkward explaining a lot of what we did…” he trailed off as he plated Kylie’s omelet and placed it on a nearby stump that was used for sitting. “... not that i can remember most of last night right now anyways.”

    After a moment of silence the hungover brawler was the one to break it. “Besides, she has told me in the past that if she sees it before it happens it is more just a feeling that it will happen, she can’t see the details as it hasn't actually happened yet.”

    "Then there's nothing to worry about! Life is rarely fair about what you see and what you don't." she said, almost comforting the impromptu father figure.

    “Anyways, Eat up and get ready for travel, Kylie! Breakfast is done, get your butt out here and eat!”

    It wasn’t long before all three had eaten, washed up, and put everything away before they were off towards town. Stopping on the outskirts at a building that looked like it was a little on the run down side. The yard was kept nicely, with a beautiful garden, but it looked like the fence and anything that would require replacing or intense manual labor to fix had begun to fall apart. There was an old man sitting on the front porch with a cup in his hand that smiled and waved at the trio as they approached.

    “Hey Donovan, How’s the bones treating ya today?” Leoric joked as he gingerly opened the front gate and ushered Kylie in.

    “Oh you know the usual, Creaky and popping as usual” he chuckled before he continued. “I take it you are off to find out what's wrong with our shipments today?”

    “Yeah, that would be it. Is Ruby around? I got some coin for her for taking care of Kylie for me.”

    “Of course I am around for you,” a sultry voice said as a slender female frame came around the corner of a nearby street. “You know you don’t have to pay me for taking care of your kid, you know. You already take care of us more than enough for us to gladly do this for free.”

    “Yeah well, I made a promise to Ryndall that I would make sure you three were always taken care of. It wouldn't sit right for me to ask you to do something for me for free.” Leoric chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand. “Oh! Donovan, Ruby, This is Sophia, Sophia, These two are my best friends. I help take care of them, and they help me out in return when I need it.”

    “I wouldn’t call it helping you out if you pay us every time.” Ruby said as she stopped right next to Leoric and crossed her arms before playfully jabbing him with her elbow. “Anyways, it is a pleasure to meet you. If this big oaf does anything to bother you let me know and I will straighten him out.”

    Leoric went red as a lobster and quickly stood in front of Ruby and pulled out a small coin purse and placed it in her palm before kissing her on the cheek and turning to Azza to get ready to leave.

    “Oh! And tell your Little one i will bring him back something from my trip, as he is going to be sad he missed me when he sees Kylie is here.”

    Ruby chuckled and casually waved off Leoric. “You know he is only going to want some training. That poor boy looks up to you too much.”

    “Yeah yeah I know, maybe i can bring something back that will have him focus on being a kid for a bit longer.” Leoric said as he walked past Azza and threw one more casual wave behind him as he walked away. “Kylie, Behave and don’t give Miss Ruby a hard time.”

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