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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A storm comes...(Open)

    The large raven sat on his humongous arm. Nosdyn looked at the messenger bird for a moment and fed the creature a small snack as reward for being a hard worker. Nosdyn was different those days. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the horizon. "Things have changed my old friend." He rubbed the giant raven's head gently for a moment as he thought deeply. Many years had passed since Nosdyn was last active. He was working on preparing the defenses of his city, Theselak. His eyes were narrowed as his chest rose and fell with each deep azure breath.

    His eyes observed, always watching.

    N'Jal had taught him patience and careful planning.

    His time as an N'Jal follower changed things for him. Changed things for him all. He now had a loyal cult of undead that he'd made with his own seed. And his own blood. They were his people and represented the future. A small group of undead that represented his people and his army, lived with him those days in Theselak. He was standing along side his advisor. Denethal. An undead warrior of tremendous skill. Nosdyn gave the fellow a side ways glance, acknowledging him. "Fear." Nosdyn said.

    Denethal nodded. "My lord, they are afraid." The undead warrior said calmly. "They are afraid of us, what we have accomplished. We are on the verge of challenging their power."

    Nosdyn thought carefully of what that meant. He turned towards Denethal and looked at his old friend. "How many of us stand ready?" The demon lord asked quietly.

    "Including the women you've taken as concubines we have five hundred strong ready to go." Denethal said.

    Nosdyn continued to look at his old friend. "How long have we been fighting now?"

    Denethal looked at his leader and nodded. "About twenty long years now."

    Nosdyn looked once more to the horizon. The enemy awaited deep in Tular Plains. Nosdyn took a deep breath, his powerful chest rose up and down for a moment. He took the parchment that he'd prepared a week since prior. "My old friend." He said to the large courier raven. "You know where this one goes." He attached the letter to his friend's leg. He let out a powerful caw and flew off with godspeed. "We shall strike when the moment is ready."

    Denethal nodded as well looking at his lord and savior. "I shall ready our forces."

    "I must talk to my son." Nosdyn said and it all began.

    ^Enter here.

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Through N'Jal, Nosdyn learned patience, timing, discipline.

    N'Jal taught the demon lord a lot about tactical strategy and out witting one's enemy.

    Nosdyn looked at his son. Tharak, son of Nosdyn. Named after Nosdyn's own father. He listened to the boy's counsel. He trusted his son a lot those days, more than most of other soldiers.

    "If the envoy in Xaliel comes through we can strike when the moon is full." Tharak said calmly.

    Nosdyn nodded, his arms folded across his chest. He was deep in thought.

    "What is it father?" Tharak asked.

    "Kortar Precept number 55. State it." Nosdyn said quietly.

    Tharak's eyes narrowed in concentration. "Always strike a wounded enemy when they are down." He began. "Enemy on the field deserves no mercy."

    Nosdyn listened and nodded. Nosdyn's mind was swirling with possibility. Ideas. Strategem. He looked at the boy. "The pieces are slowly coming together." Nosdyn said. "When we face him, Zieg will not be there." Nosdyn, the wizened old demon, considered what they were going to do.

    "Father, you might be killed. You're no good to us dead." The boy said carefully.

    He nodded. "I've dodged death for a long time. Perhaps...there will be a foe there worthy of my sword." He folded his arms across his powerful chest. He was thinking, military strategem was not a pup's game. The were going to kill a powerful enemy.

    There was a knock on the door. Nosdyn nodded to his son. "Come." Nosdyn ordered.

    Denethal entered the room carefully bearing a message.

    Five hours.

    Nosdyn admired the effectiveness of his Xaliel contacts...

    Nosdyn looked at his undead warrior. His trusted sword. "Read the message. Commander."

    Denethal unrolled the scroll he'd received prior. "They agree to your terms." The letter said simply, written in code.

    Nosdyn nodded. "All these years of fighting. Alerar. N'Jal. All of it, has come down to this."

    Denethal nodded. "Your army is ready." He said calmly. He was a good soldier.

    He kept his arms folded across his chest. "Tharak. I am leaving you in charged when we are gone. If I should fall to him. You take over House Krotar." Nosdyn carefully gave the instructions.

    Tharak nodded. "Me and Lilly will prepare father, you have our word."


    A few hours later, Nosdyn entered the travel carriage and several other carriages mobilized with him.

    It was time.

  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    N'Jal had taught the demon lord patience.

    Nosdyn stepped out of the carriage once they arrived and he looked around. Xaliel. The demon city. It was all bullshit to him. He would change it all, the training he received in Alerar's Ettermire had prepared him for that exact moment. Zieg was away on a mission, they'd carefully planned and prepared. The demon general would be alone that day. He looked at Denethal. "Is it all ready?" Nosdyn asked.

    Denethal nodded. "Everything is in place."

    Nosdyn looked at the gates of Xaliel for a moment. "It has all come down to this."

    "He think you are coming to pledge allegiance to him." Denethal said.

    "Fools. All of them." Nosdyn responded. "Our demon army will be the stuff of legends. The stuff legends are made of." He turned to look at his friend. "Our forces are in place lock the city when it happens."

    Nosdyn had been carefully placing the trap in place. They were going to get rid of Demon King Aidos. They were going to kill the past. Nosdyn was ready for his destiny. He knew he could fall. He was ready to take the king with him. N'Jal had prepared the demon lord for his destiny. The very moment he had been raised and trained for. His concubines were ready, his soldiers were ready, his agents on the inside were ready. He looked at Denethal once more. "It is time my old friend. You know what to do." With that, Nosdyn began to walk slowly towards the audience chamber.

    Denethal was on the move, and a few moments later the entire city was in lock down and the demon king's army was held hostage by undead.

    He would be completely alone for the slaughter.

    The gates of Xaliel were soon closed, shut out from the outside world.

    Nosdyn held the city hostage.

    He walked forward with his eyes narrowed to the king's chambers. His glowing amber eyes, full of hate and anger.

    The rage N'Jal had taught him.

    He entered the king's chamber. The old fool was sitting on his throne. "Ah Nosdyn. You have come to join my forces then I take it?"

    (Nosdyn's thoughts in italics) What a fool he is. He doesn't know he is trapped in his own city. Nosdyn readied his prevalida weapon as he walked forward. "You old fool." Nosdyn began. "I've come to kill you and take what's yours."

  4. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Demon society. A society built on contracts and demon negotiation.

    Nosdyn had carefully planned for that day. "No. Don't bother getting up you are fine where you are. Dead." Nosdyn rushed forward with his prevalida swort and thrust his legendary weapon at the king's chest.

    At the last second Aidos blocked with his own sword. "Are you mad?" The old fool asked.

    Nosdyn held his weapon against the demon's sword. "I have prepared for this day. You are trapped in your own city and I am going to kill the past."

    King Aidos looked at Nosdyn with fear. It was only then he realized how alone he was in an empty chamber. He stayed Nosdyn's weapon at that point holding him in place. King Aidos looked at Nosdyn. "Why we could have been allies!" The old demon said calmly trying to make sense of it all.

    N'Jal had trained Nosdyn for that moment. "As we fight your city is held hostage. You are completely alone. my king. I made sure of it all." He took another warm up thrusting slash at the demon king. He blocked that off. "We've watched you for years. Gotten to know your routines. Waited until your previous Ziege was away on a mission. You knew the threat, the possibility. You are no longer wanted on your empty throne." Nosdyn said. It was time. Time to get serious. He followed up that second thrust with a slash from his powerful crushing attack. He knew his undead waited from the shadows. Waited for his order. A few moments later, it was time.

    Nosdyn slashed once more and raised his right fist.

    Denethal saw it and gave the order to their agents. Tharak's bombs that were carefully placed around the city went off.

    Nosdyn held the demon king hostage at that point and placed his sword against the demon's throat.

    "N'Jal sends her regards." At that point he swings and removes the head of the old demon king. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as he killed the past with explosions going off around the city.

    It had all come down to that.

    Aidos's body fell down dead.

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