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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Bound by Shadows: A True Ordeal (open)

    Kalestiya sat cross-legged in a small clearing nestled deep in the forest, surrounded by a vibrant array of herbs and wildflowers. The sun cast a warm golden glow upon her as she carefully plucked leaves and petals, her fingers moving with precision. With each pluck, a pleasant aroma filled the air as the botanical treasures released their natural essences.

    Lost in her craft, Kalestiya meticulously placed the herbs in an organized manner into a woven basket, ready to be used later on to create healing salves known to soothe even the most stubborn ailments. Her heart swelled with satisfaction, knowing that her concoctions could bring relief to those in need.

    Little did she know that as she worked, an unseen presence lurked in the shadows of the forest, observing her every move. A pair of sharp eyes followed her gestures, their gaze never wavering. As intense as their surveillance was, Kalestiya remained blissfully unaware. She continued to work with focused dedication but did occasionally glance around, but only to admire the natural beauty surrounding her. She noticed no evidence of another presence. The dense foliage kept its secrets hidden.

    With the late afternoon sun slowly beginning to descend toward the horizon, Kalestiya finally completed her herb gathering. Her basket brimmed with a colorful assortment of leaves, petals, and roots. Satisfied with her bountiful harvest, she secured the basket's contents with a piece of twine and slung it over her shoulder. Leaving the serene forest behind, she began her journey back to the capital. She followed the familiar path, and as she walked, the sights and sounds of nature accompanied her, their melodies soothing her spirit.

    The capital, with its towering structures, among which the citadel stood prominently, and bustling streets, drew closer with each passing step. The young girl's heart swelled with anticipation, her eyes fixed on the imposing city that loomed ahead. As she neared the city gates, a sight caught her attention—a guard detail stationed near the entrance. Kalestiya's brow furrowed with concern. Had she missed the curfew? She quickened her pace, hoping to reach the gates before any unwanted questions were asked. Her mind raced, conjuring excuses and explanations.
    As she approached, the guard's watchful gaze made her nerves tingle, amplifying the weight of her unease.

    Upon reaching the gate, the guard detail turned their attention towards her, their eyes scrutinizing her every movement. One of the guards, a burly man with a stern expression, stepped forward and held out his arm, motioning Kalestiya to halt.

    "Late evening stroll, miss?" he inquired, his tone firm yet tinged with curiosity.

    Kalesiya nervously flashed a warm smile and curtsied, her eyes sparkling with genuine innocence.
    "Kind sir, please forgive my late arrival to the capital. I was gathering herbs outside the city and lost track of time during my task. You know how it is when nature's beauty captures your attention," she replied politely.

    The guard's stern expression softened slightly as he glanced at the basket with fresh herbs she carried.
    "Herbs, eh? Are you a herbalist?"

    "Yes, indeed," Kalestiya answered with a nod, her enthusiasm evident. "I have a passion for healing and botanical knowledge. I was just on my way back to start working on making salve and potions."

    A hint of admiration flickered in the guard's eyes. He scratched his chin thoughtfully.
    "Well, we wouldn't want to hinder a healer's noble work. Consider yourself lucky, Miss. But do be mindful of the curfew next time. The city gates close after sundown for everyone's safety."

    Kalestiya nodded earnestly, expressing her gratitude.
    "Understood," she replied with another curtsy, "thank you kindly, good sir. I truly appreciate your understanding."

    With a final smile and a polite nod, the guard stepped aside, allowing Kalestiya to pass through the gate. She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling fortunate that the guards were understanding of her situation. As she continued her journey into the bustling streets of the capital, she noticed merchants had begun closing their stalls, folding canopies, and packing away their goods. Lost in her thoughts, she hurried herself to the workshop where she resided.

    Across the street, from behind a stone pillar, a figure clad in a dark cloak watched intently as Kalestiya made her way through the still bustling streets of the capital. The figure's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and determination, hidden beneath the shadowy hood. Despite the activity of the merchants closing their stalls, the figure's eyes remained fixated on its target.

    As Kalestiya's steps carried her closer to the workshop, her anticipation grew within her like a rising tide. Her mind was preoccupied with the tasks that awaited her at the workshop, contemplating the delicate balance of herbs between the salves and potions she would concoct. Unbeknownst to her, a veil of shadows followed in her wake, concealed behind the flickering flow of street lamps and the occasional passerby, its gaze dissecting every move Kalestiya made and every subtle shift in her expression.

    In the dimly lit alleyways, the figure moved with stealth, mirroring the young girl's steps as she weaved through the closing market stalls. The merchants, their stalls laden with wares now covered and packed, bid their final farewells to the day's customers, their voices fading into a distant murmur. As Kalestiya turned a corner, her heart quickened, sensing a subtle change in the atmosphere. She glanced over her shoulder, a hint of unease creeping into her thoughts. Shadows danced in the flickering lamplight, elongated and twisted like eerie specters.

    Unaware of the figure trailing her, Kalestiya quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing through the empty streets. The once lively thoroughfares now bore a deserted air, as if the city itself held its breath, awaiting something unknown. The shadowy figure maintained a cautious distance and remained silent, its intentions shrouded in mystery. With each step Kalestiya took, the unseen observer matched her stride, its watchful eyes never wavering from her form.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-02-2023 at 07:06 PM. Reason: Spelling corrections.

  2. #2

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    As Kalestiya neared the workshop, a chilling breeze whispered through the deserted alley, causing her to shiver involuntarily. Her instincts screamed at her to pick up the pace, and escape the encroaching darkness that seemed to close in around her. She couldn't help but feel the urge to run. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes darted from side to side in search of any sign of danger.

    Just as panic threatened to overwhelm her, a firm hand landed on her shoulder, causing Kalestiya to jump and gasp in surprise. She spun around, her breath caught in her throat, only to come face-to-face with a woman standing behind her. The stranger's own eyes widened in surprise, mirroring Kalestiya's startled reaction.
    Goodness, my, I didn't mean to startle you! Are you alright?" she exclaimed.

    Kalestiya caught her breath, placing a hand on her chest as she took in the woman's composed demeanor. The woman had blonde hair tied in a sleek tail, piercing blue eyes, and fair, porcelain skin. Her presence seemed both alluring and enigmatic, leaving Kalestiya intrigued yet wary. She brushed off her unease and gathered her composure, managing a hesitant smile.
    "Oh, I am fine, thank you. You just caught me by surprise, that's all. I thought I saw something in the shadows for a moment."

    The woman chuckled. "I completely understand. The mind can sometimes play tricks on us, especially in the presence of darkness. By the way, may I ask, are you Kalestiya? The Kalestiya I've heard so much about?"

    "Yes, I am Kalestiya," she replied, her voice now filled with curiosity. "And may I kindly ask who you are?"

    The woman's smile widened, and she extended a hand in a friendly gesture.
    "I'm Seraphina. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, her voice carrying a warm and welcoming tone. "I've heard tales of your remarkable healing abilities and the many lives you've touched."

    Kalestiya's eyes widened in surprise, her apprehension giving way to a sense of pride.
    "Y- You've heard about me?"

    Seraphina nodded, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
    "Oh yes, indeed. Your reputation precedes you, and I must say, it's an honor to encounter someone with such extraordinary talents."

    As surprised as she was, Kalestiya felt a sense of joy filling her heart, and any remaining tension had completely dissipated. If what the woman said was true, her skills had made a meaningful impact far beyond the boundaries of her homeland. It was a humbling realization that her actions had resonated beyond her awareness, and it reaffirmed her commitment to her path as a healer.

    The shadows that had once seemed ominous now appeared less threatening, replaced by the light of Seraphina's friendly presence. "Again, I apologize for startling you," Seraphina continued, her voice filled with sincerity. "I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to meet you in person and see your abilities firsthand."

    Kalestiya offered a reassuring smile. "No need to apologize. I'm perfectly fine, really. Startling reactions happen to the best of us. But with that out of the way, is there something I can help you with, Seraphina?"

    Seraphina's smile softened, and a hint of sadness flickered in her eyes. "Kalestiya, I find myself in a dire situation. You see, my child is gravely ill, and all the healers I've sought help from have failed to bring about a cure. When I learned of your extraordinary healing abilities, I wondered if you would be willing to lend your expertise."

    Kalestiya's heart swelled with empathy, her healer's instincts taking over. She couldn't bear the thought of a suffering child and felt an overwhelming urge to help. "I... I would be honored to try and help, Seraphina," Kalestiya replied hesitantly. Her voice contained compassion but betrayed a hint of self-doubt. However, I must warn you, though, that my abilities have their limits. Healing a gravely ill child is no small feat, and I can offer no guarantee that I can be of help."

    Seraphina's smile remained unwavering, undeterred by Kalestiya's hesitation.
    "Thank you, Kalestiya. Your willingness to at least try means the world to me."

    "So, um, shall I visit your home first thing in the morning?" Kalestiya offered, her voice filled with a touch of unease. She hoped for a brief reprieve, a chance to gather herself and mentally prepare for whatever lay ahead.

    Seraphina's eyes softened, but she seemed determined. "I do appreciate your consideration, Kalestiya, but time is of the essence, so I'd rather prefer your immediate attention to this matter," she replied, gently gripping the girl's arm.

    Kalestiya's heart fluttered, a sense of worry creeped into her thoughts. She paused, caught between her longing for a moment of respite and Seraphina's insistence on immediate action. With a slight tremor in her voice, Kalestiya gathered the courage to ask, "F- fine then. May I inquire where you reside, Seraphina?"

    Seraphina's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she revealed, "My home lies beyond the city walls, in a remote cottage, far from the chaos of city life."

    Kalestiya's reluctance instantly returned, her mind grappling with the implications. The thought of venturing outside the safety of the city's walls, especially during the curfew, made her anxious. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and voiced her concerns, "Seraphina, while I understand the urgency, is it truly impossible to address this first thing in the morning? I mean, passing the night won't exacerbate the situation surrounding your child's condition significantly, will it?"

    Seraphina's expression retained its determination as she tightened her grasp on Kalestiya's arm. "My dear, I really wish we could delay, but the nature of my child's condition necessitates immediate action. Every passing moment brings us closer to a critical juncture, and the actions we need to take are time-sensitive. I implore you to come with me right now."

    The young healer's internal struggle intensified. The conflict between her sense of duty, the weight of the curfew, and Seraphina's conviction muddled her decision-making process. She considered the risks and the potential consequences. After a moment of silent contemplation, Kalestiya met Seraphina's gaze with great apprehension and made her decision. "Very well, Seraphina... Even though I think this isn't very wise, I will respect the importance of your request; I shall accompany you."

    An expression of relief and gratitude blossomed on Seraphina's face as she gently squeezed Kalestiya's hands.
    "Thank you, Kalestiya! I knew the rumors about you were true. I promise that we shall exercise caution as we venture outside the city."

    As they stood in the dimly lit alley, Kalestiya considered the practicality of their departure. She couldn't ignore the fact that the city's exits were guarded, especially during the curfew. "Seraphina, I do not mean to sound pessimistic, but how exactly do you plan to navigate past the city guards at the exits? They are usually vigilant during this hour."

    The woman smirked and exuded an air of confidence as she replied, "My dear, trust me when I say that I have a plan in place. We will employ a discreet and unconventional route that will allow us to slip past the guards unnoticed. I have connections that will assist us. Just have faith in my ability to overcome this obstacle, okay?"

    While Seraphina's words did inspire some confidence, the reality of the situation still gnawed at Kalestiya. Nevertheless, she chose to trust in Seraphina's judgment and the unknown possibilities that awaited them. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and mustered her courage. "Alright. Lead the way, and I will follow."

    Seraphina clasped Kalestiya's hand tightly, their palms interlocked, and whispered, "You have nothing to worry about, Kalestiya. Everything is going to be fine, trust me."
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-02-2023 at 07:10 PM.

  3. #3

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Seraphina ventured through the winding alleyways, with Kalestiya following close behind. The young girl's mind was still plagued with doubt, she felt as though she was doing something criminal, yet her sense of duty and Seraphina's determination were enough for her to carry on with the endeavor. As they approached the city wall, Seraphina subtly directed them towards a concealed part of the fortification. There, the woman let out a soft but distinct whistle, and to Kalestiya's surprise, a figure above dropped a rope ladder. The ladder gently swayed before them. Seraphina shot a knowing smile at Kalestiya, urging her to climb the ladder first.

    With trepidation, Kalestiya gripped the rope ladder and began ascending, her heart pounding with each rung she climbed. Seraphina followed close behind, her movements fluid and confident. Once on the city wall, they found themselves concealed by the night's darkness and the wide parapet. From this vantage point, the city sprawled before them like a slumbering giant, its streets illuminated by distant lanterns and torches. Adrenalin coursed through Kalestiya's veins. Even though things didn't feel right, she appreciated the awe inspiring view, and for a moment, it all seemed like an exciting adventure.

    Seraphina glanced around cautiously and quickly assessed their surroundings before decisively unhooking the rope ladder. With a practiced motion, she lowered it down to the other side of the wall, where it dangled precariously. Before descending down the ladder, Kalestiya took a deep breath as if to consider her actions one final time. She closed her eyes, exhaled steadily, gave a quick nod to reassure herself, and then slowly proceeded to climb down the rope ladder. Once her feet touched the ground on the other side, Seraphina followed suit, her graceful descent a testament to her experience in navigating such challenges. Kalestiya quickly realized that Seraphina must have done this on many occasions.

    Whistling once more, the rope ladder was pulled up by a shadowy figure on top of the wall. "Who was that?" Kalestiya asked, peering into the darkness above. "I saw no one when were at the top of the wall." Seraphina flashed a cryptic smile, her eyes gleaming with intrigue. "No need to concern yourself with that, my dear," she replied, "some things are best left to mystery, and not all answers are meant to be revealed."
    Kalestiya hesitated for a moment, but she respected Seraphina's desire for secrecy. "Oh- okay..."

    "All that is important is that we get to our destination, do you understand?" the woman continued, her tone firm.
    "Y-yes, of course," Kalestiya replied, nodding fervently. Even though a lot of aspects of their journey were veiled in uncertainty, she still chose to trust Seraphina's judgment.

    In the shadows of the city outskirts, they made their way through the quiet fields, the dim moonlit paths guiding their steps. A short walk brought them to a dense forest on the outskirts of the capital, where towering trees loomed overhead. "We should be free to move without scrutiny now," Seraphina said in a hushed voice, "beyond this point. we can venture onward as we please."
    Kalestiya felt a profound sense of relief and gratitude. The fact that they had successfully slipped away from the city without raising any alarms left her astounded. It solidified her trust in Seraphina's capabilities and ignited a growing curiosity about the enigmatic woman she has promised to aid.

    The duo pressed on, the forest growing more treacherous with each step. Thick underbrush and steep hills made progress slow and difficult, and the moonlight cast eerie shadows that danced around them. Kalestiya was no stranger to navigating forests, but this one was particularly daunting. The trees were taller and more tightly packed than she was used to, and the undergrowth was so thick that it was often impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. The hills were also steeper, and Kalestiya found herself struggling to keep her footing on the loose, uneven ground.

    "Isn't there an easier path to your home?" Kalestiya panted, her breaths labored from the effort of navigating the difficult terrain. She wondered why Seraphina had chosen this perilous route. Holding on to a small tree, Kalestiya took a moment to catch her breath. Seraphina walked a few steps back and extended her hand to Kalestiya. "I apologize for the challenging path we've taken. The truth is, this is actually the fastest route. If we had taken the path around, it would take us 10 times as long to arrive," she explained. Kalestiya nodded, appreciating the explanation. "I understand. We would not want to take longer than necessary, given the urgency of our endeavor."
    "Indeed," Seraphina replied, "the path may be difficult, but it also ensures that only those with true determination can reach my home in time."

    After a brief respite, the duo continued their journey. The forest eventually opened up into a clearing, and in the distance, atop a hill, there was the silhouette of a large mansion. Seraphina pointed, "do you see that, Kalestiya? That is my home. We are almost there."
    "Oh, yes... I see it," Kalestiya huffed, feeling tired and beads of sweat forming on her forehead, "Any more climbing and I could faint," she admitted with a sheepish smile, exhaustion evident in her voice. Her legs felt like lead but the sight of Seraphina's home provided a renewed determination to push forward.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-02-2023 at 07:11 PM.

  4. #4

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya's anticipation grew as they pressed onward and the mansion came into view. Its grandeur became more apparent with each step they took. The magnificent structure stood tall, its architecture reminiscent of a castle, adorned with towering spires. Gargoyles perched on its facade. The mansion seemed cradled in the hill, and behind it, a sheer cliff cascaded down to the sea, with sharp rocks protruding from the surface. The sound of crashing waves echoed in the distance. As they arrived at the entrance, a sense of nostalgia washed over Kalestiya, for the sight reminded her of her old home, albeit on a much grander scale.
    As the duo stepped into the mansion's grand hallway, a sense of awe washed over Kalestiya. The interior was a sight to behold, with its elegant archways, vaulted ceilings, and magnificent chandeliers casting a soft, warm glow. Seraphina led her through opulent corridors, and as they walked, the air seemed to carry a hint of mystery. The young healer couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, but she attributed it to her tired mind playing tricks on her.

    After some time, they reached an ornate wooden door. Seraphina gestured to the door and said, "This is where my child is resting."
    Kalestiya took a deep breath, feeling as ready as she could be, and placed her hand on the iron handle. "Ouch!" she yelped, quickly pulling her hand back.
    "Huh? What's wrong?" Seraphina asked, concerned.
    "I think I touched something pointy," Kalestiya responded, looking at her finger.
    "That's odd; there is nothing pointy here," Seraphina replied, puzzled, as she reached for the handle herself. She turned the handle and opened the door. "See? You must have imagined it."
    "I suppose so," Kalestiya mumbled, her mind still puzzled by the odd sensation in her hand. Shaking it off, she entered the room, her eyes scanning the surroundings. To her surprise, it was empty. "There's nothing here," she said, her voice tinged with confusion. Before Seraphina could respond, a sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed Kalestiya. She staggered, reaching out for support but finding none. Panic gripped her as her vision blurred, and she could feel herself losing consciousness. "Wha... what is happening?" she managed to whisper, her words barely audible.

    Seraphina's voice sounded distant and distorted, as if coming from an echo chamber. "Don't worry, dear. All will become clear to you soon enough. This is just a measure to ensure your cooperation."
    The combination of her fading awareness and the haunting quality of Seraphina's voice sent shivers through Kalestiya's body. With a resounding thud, she slumped to the floor. "What a delightfully naive girl," Seraphina chuckled ominously.
    An old man, who appeared to be a servant, entered the room. "Another candidate, mi'lady?" he asked, addressing Seraphina with a hint of deference.
    "Yes, she will be a magnificent addition to 'the play'. Take her to a room and keep her sedated," Seraphina replied with a calculating glint in her eyes.
    "Very well, mi'lady," the man responded, moving with a sense of purpose.
    As Kalestiya lay unconscious, the man beckoned to unseen figures, and additional servants appeared, swiftly and silently. Working together, they gently carried Kalestiya away.

    "Now, I just need one more pawn to complete my set for 'the play', and things can get started," Seraphina cackled, her laughter echoing ominously through the room.

    Seraphina's laughter ceased abruptly, and a cold, serious expression replaced her previous demeanor. "Now, the last participant will make for the most interesting addition," she muttered to herself. "Bringing in that last 'set piece' should be quite fun." She focused on her own words as she stood alone in the room. Then, with a haunting cackle, Seraphina laughed again, her voice echoing ominously through the empty chamber.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-18-2023 at 06:36 AM.

  5. #5

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015


    Koli opened his eyes, only to see a flat stone ceiling.

    He could have sat upright and wondered why he had no memory of getting to this place.
    If he really wanted, he could look around and gain his bearings.

    But severe disappointment caked onto the ceiling, oozing down and enveloping Koli. Foaming frothy emotions fogged up his mind, resulting in great lethargy. Hopelesness heavied the air, and an overwhelming nothingness made him yearn to close his eyes.

    Scraping of wood against stone interrupted Koli’s trance. He took a breath and sat up, feeling a cold and tingling sense wash over him. Koli’s looking around proved absence of doors, passages, and exits. Gray unpainted stone created the uniformed walls. A white lantern of some unknown fuel source distantly cast shadows on the wall from the grate it submitted behind. Never wavering, never flickering, the light simply shined thoughtlessly.

    The scraping noises continued.

    Koli decided to pace his room to see how large it was, but any time he moved a severe headache kept him from moving.

    After a time, he tired of nothingness and attempted to stand. He awakened on the floor, apparently having fainted.

    Koli soon realized that he could stand if he did so slowly, and he could walk for short periods at a time.

    Koli repeatedly drifted off into dreamless sleep, whereupon he would wake and strengthen himself small bits at a time.

    And all the while, he woke when the scraping began, and slept when the scraping ceased.

    Bound inexplicably, yet completely unshackled, Koli turned inward to escape as much as he could each day.
    Last edited by Koli; 08-22-2023 at 11:56 AM.

  6. #6

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya eyes slowly opened, and found herself in a dimly lit room. An eerie silence hung in the air, and her mind was still clouded from whatever she had been administered. Shifting her body slightly, Kalestiya noticed that she had been put in a soft and comfortable bed. However, as she looked around the room, she noticed that there were no windows and the only source of light came from a white lantern on a small night stand. She had no idea where she was or how long she had been out. Her heart racing, she tried to calm her nerves by taking several deep breaths.

    Kalestiya attempted to remember the last thing that happened but all she could recall was being in Seraphina's mansion before passing out. What happened to her? Where was she? And most importantly, where was Seraphina? The young healer laid there for what felt like an eternity, her mind plagued with doubt and her body paralyzed with fear. She slowly shifted her body and placed her feet on the floor. As she stood up, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her, and she wobbled slightly.

    Taking a few tentative steps forward, Kalestiya began to explore her surroundings. The room was small and bare, with only a bed and nightstand. There was no exit in sight, and the walls were made of dark grey stone. Realization began to dawn on Kalestiya that she was most likely in some kind of cell. But why? Did Seraphina do this to her?
    "Hello?" She called out, hoping someone would answer her. "Is anyone there?" Her voice echoed in the empty room, but no one responded. Kalestiya stood in silence for a few moments, the weight of her situation finally beginning to sink in.

    With no way out and no one to turn to, Kalestiya sat down on the bed and buried her face in her hands. "I don't understand.. Why would Seraphina do this to me? She seemed so nice and I trusted her..," she mumbled to herself, her face sad and defeated. "I should have never gone with her.."

    As Kalestiya lamented her situation, she heard a faint sound of scraping from outside the room. She perked her ears and listened closely. The sound got louder and Kalestiya realized it was someone moving around outside of her cell. She stood up and approached the wall where the sound was coming from.
    "Hello? Please, can you help me?" Kalestiya called out, hoping whoever was there would hear her. The scraping ceased. "Hello? Can you hear me?" She asked again, turning one of her ears closer to the wall. The scraping resumed, but no one answered her.

    Kalestiya continued to listen carefully and she could tell that it was more than one person. She also heard them conversing in hushed tones, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. "Please, I need help! Can anyone hear me?" She cried out, banging her fist against the stone wall.
    The scraping and voices suddenly stopped, and Kalestiya heard the sound of footsteps receding. She pressed her ear to the wall once more, but all she could hear was silence. She sighed softly and returned to her bed, feeling hopeless and alone. Kalestiya wrapped herself in the thin blanket and curled up into a ball, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

    "I will get out of here.. somehow," Kalestiya whispered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. She closed her eyes and tried to find comfort in the darkness, hoping that when she woke, she would be free from her prison.
    As her eyes slowly began to droop, she could faintly make out the sound of scraping once more. Kalestiya ignored it, figuring it was just the sound of the people outside her room. Her body relaxed and her breathing became steady as sleep took hold of her, whisking her away from her waking nightmare.
    However, she would soon come to realize that the reality was far worse than she could ever imagine.
    As the young healer slumbered, the scraping sound continued. It grew louder and faster, until finally, the stone wall in front of her cell collapsed, revealing a passageway. Kalestiya shot up from her bed, startled by the noise. "What's going on?" She asked, her voice shaky. She stood up and approached the opening in the wall, her eyes squinting to see what was beyond.

    At the end of the passage, she could see a faint light and she could hear people talking. With trepidation, she stepped through the opening and into the long passage. As the light on the other end grew brighter, Kalestiya could make out the voices better; one was of a young man and another of a woman. Reaching the end the passage, Kalesiya found herself in a well-lit, rounded room with entries to this room from various directions, possibly leading to other 'cells' like the one she came from. In the middle of the room a young man and woman, both clad in armor were standing, talking to each other.

    "Hello?" Kalestiya called out timidly, her voice echoing in the empty space. The two turned towards her, their eyes full of surprise and suspicion. "Who are you?" The woman asked, her voice cold and sharp. Kalestiya took a few tentative steps forward and responded," My name is Kalestiya.. who are you two?"
    "My name is Aetos, and this is my friend Mirella," the young man spoke, his voice soft and pleasant. "Did you get captured as well?" Kalestiya nodded," Yes.. I was lured into Seraphina's home and knocked out, only to wake up in that cell." Mirella raised an eyebrow," Seraphina? Are you sure?"
    "I..I think so.. that's the last thing I remember."

    Aetos sighed and shook his head," I don't know who you're talking about, but it's clear we were all tricked by someone and are now prisoners here. We've tried searching for ways out, but each door seems to lead to new areas that are more confusing than the last." Kalestiya walked towards them," I see.. I could help if you want me to."
    Mirella crossed her arms," And what makes you think we can trust you? You could be a spy or something."
    Kalestiya expression saddened, "I don't have a reason to deceive you.. and besides, we are in a similar situation. Don't you think we would have better chances if we worked together?"
    Aetos pondered for a moment," I agree. We should work together, if we want to get out of this place. What do you say, Mirella?" The warrior sighed," Fine, but the moment you do something suspicious, I'll kill you on the spot." Kalestiya swallowed nervously," Understood. But really, I mean no harm, I am just a healer."

    The trio looked around the room but there seemed to be no other exits than the one they emerged from. Looking up the circular room, they did see a balcony overlooking the room below, but it was high out of reach.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-18-2023 at 04:03 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  7. #7

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015


    Koli repeatedly gained consciousness to the same findings. He opened his eyes and routinely turned his head to investigate.

    But today was different.

    Koil noticed a metal cot with a crudely stuffed mattress across the breadth of the room from his. Atop, an unconscious humanoid form rested beneath the covers.

    Koli sat up, and felt the familiar limitations, which he adequately resisted.

    This was too important.

    Pushing himself to his feet, Koli trudged across the room; whenever, during this short trek, the physical sensations overwhelmed Koli, he stopped himself to adjust and rebalance.

    Finally, Koli reached the foot of the cot.

    Koli slowly pulled the cover back to see a dark haired, gaunt-looking man. Obvious youth stained his face, but grief and stress had borne deep wrinkles and fissures of artificial age. Darkness radiated outward from his entire body.

    Koli grabbed the bed's horizontal support and slowly brought himself to a kneeling position.

    The monk closed his eyes and focused on his breath. He inhaled deeply and warmed his throat, strengthening his voice. In spite of what he had gone through, Koli managed to remain present.

    “We will escape,” Koli uttered softly, “This is not the end.”

    Not even had Koli fully finished speaking the words when the far wall instantly crumbled to dust- as though uniformly turning into a greyt piling of loose salt, all dissolving away. Gray matter swept throughout the room, pushing Koli back.

    He looked down at the cot, now finding it empty. He looked around, soon remembering to move slowly, else the sensations would worsen. No trace of anyone existed, only Koli, two cots and the gray sandy grains.

    The monk took a moment to close his eyes, and clear his thoughts.

    He opened his eyes.

    The cot was still empty.

    Koli slowly rose to his feet and trekked over the treacherous grainy terrain. Step by step, he made his way to the room’s opening. He stepped into the wide stone corridor which extended beyond his vision in both directions.

    One step outside the room cured most of his physical ailments, but nothing could cure his lethargy and grogginess. Turning to the right, he began dismounting the artificial sandbar the wall had created, entering the long hallway. Orbs which omitted some kind of light fastened to the upper walls of the hallway towards the ceiling.

    Koli looked around, hoping to discern the source of the scraping sound that continued to echo throughout the empty chamber.

    Just outside of his holding chamber, Koli noticed a arched doorway, blocked with brazen grates. Behind was some "turnie-turnie" pillar which rotated against a great block which Koli noticed to be crafted from special red wood. The stone pillar was about chest height, and the block seemed to be directly mated to the stone wall where 2 walls met the ceiling.

    Koli had never seen one of these devices before, and he had no idea how it worked.

    Understanding contraptions fell low on Koli's list of priorities though, so he turned to his right and began down the corrodor.

    The monk slowly explored the tunnel, grateful for the chance to walk at his own pace again. He had been walking for quite some time, when he came to a doorway.
    Last edited by Koli; 08-22-2023 at 12:15 PM. Reason: clarification/mechanics

  8. #8

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya frowned," Well... there's got to be a way up, maybe we can try to find something to help us reach it." Aetos sighed," It's useless.. that wall looks too high for any of us to climb." Kalestiya looked around," There has to be a way... there's always a way!" Aetos groaned," You keep saying that, and nothing's turned up yet.. we're stuck here.." Kalestiya shook her head," We just haven't found it yet, that's all.."

    The young healer's determination burned in her eyes as she scanned the room, her mind racing for any possible solution. She refused to accept defeat, not after everything she had been through. "Aetos, Mirella, we can't give up now," she insisted, her voice firm. "There's always a way to overcome obstacles, even if we can't see it immediately."

    Aetos looked at her with a mix of frustration and skepticism, but Kalestiya's unwavering resolve seemed to resonate with Mirella. The warrior uncrossed her arms and stepped closer to Kalestiya. "She's right," Mirella said, her voice unexpectedly gentle. "We've faced tough challenges before, and we've always found a way. We can't lose hope now."

    Kalestiya nodded in agreement, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes. "Exactly. Let's search this room again, carefully. There might be something we missed, a hidden passage or a tool that can help us reach that balcony." With renewed determination, the three of them began to scour the room, inspecting every nook and cranny.

    As they searched, Kalestiya's mind raced with possibilities. She recalled the stories of her childhood, tales of brave adventurers overcoming impossible odds. Perhaps they were meant to be the heroes of their own story now. She refused to let fear paralyze them – they had each other, and that was a strength that shouldn't be underestimated.

    After what felt like hours of searching, Mirella's voice broke the silence. "Look, there's a loose stone here," she said, her fingers prying at a seemingly ordinary stone in the wall. With a bit of effort, Mirella managed to remove the stone, revealing a small compartment hidden behind it. Inside the compartment was a rusty key.

    Kalestiya's heart raced as she looked at the key. "This could be it," she said, excitement coursing through her. "Maybe this key opens a door that leads us to the balcony." Aetos took the key from Mirella's hand and examined it closely. "Yeah, nice... a key... but what does it open?" Aetos questioned skeptically, his brows furrowing in uncertainty. Kalestiya's excitement dampened slightly as she realized Aetos's point. The key in his hand was a promising find, but it was useless without knowing where it belonged.

    Mirella leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. "It's not like there are a lot of doors in here to choose from," she mused, glancing around the room as if hoping a door would suddenly appear. Kalestiya bit her lip, frustration gnawing at her. She had hoped that the key would provide a clear path to their escape, but it seemed like they were back at square one.

    Suddenly, a new passage materialized from the wall, its emergence accompanied by the appearance of two outstretched hands. These hands were followed by a skinny man who cautiously entered the room through the newly formed passage. The trio of Aetos, Mirella, and Kalestiya watched in astonishment, their thoughts suspended in the unexpectedness of this development.

    Before them stood the newcomer, his gaze flickering from Aetos to Mirella to Kalestiya. They observed his initial bewilderment, a reflection of their own feelings when they had first emerged in this puzzling space. Caught in a moment of uncertainty and shared intrigue, they collectively took in the sight before them.

    "Hello there," Kalestiya's voice, filled with concern and curiosity, broke the silence. Her question hung in the air, an inquiry directed at the newcomer who appeared just as disoriented as they had once been. The man blinked as if coming to terms with his surroundings, his gaze eventually settling on Kalestiya.

    "Are you trapped in here too?" she continued, her tone soft yet laden with empathy. Her words conveyed a sense of shared experience, a thread of understanding that connected them all.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  9. #9

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
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    Koli squinted, adjusting to the lights.

    “Are you trapped in here too?”

    Koli slowly nodded at the others, assessing risk. He decided it best to proceed with caution, slowly lowering his hands.

    Koli stood completely still as he observed their reactions. The two armored people gave him a look that Koli was unfamiliar with. Perhaps they waited impatiently, or maybe they watched him skeptically, but neither of them spoke, nor bore their arms.

    The third figure looked almost concerned. Hoping to reassure all, Koli took his time and a very deep breath, and began to notice his surroundings.

    Trapped, she had said.

    The realization dawned on Koli that the others must have experienced some form of solitude as well. They seemed acquainted with one another, and perhaps Koli could work with them to escape. Perhaps Koli could be of help. This brought a deep calming, which restored his strength to ground himself in the thread.

    Looking around, Koli noticed smooth walls which formed a tall chamber. Gazing up, Koli noticed a large balcony in from which flooded light. He noticed as it bounced off the walls and cascaded down, stopped by the floor.

    Koli looked at the group and pointed up to the Balcony.

    “We haven’t found any stairs or passages leading up there,” Koli heard from behind him.

  10. #10

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya studied the newcomer, noticing the way his gaze drifted upwards towards the balcony.

    "We haven't found any stairs or passages leading up t?here," came Mirella's voice from behind her. Kalestiya glanced over her shoulder briefly, turning her attention back to the stranger as Mirella continued.

    "But we haven't looked everywhere either," the female warrior reasoned.

    Kalestiya watched as the stranger nodded, slowly taking a cautious step forward. A sign of trust, Kalestiya thought, a small smile gracing her lips. Turning her head to glance at Mirella, Kalestiya gave a slight nod, a sign that it was okay to lower her weapon. After all, Kalestiya sensed no ill intent from the stranger. She directed her attention toward him, her emerald eyes meeting his with a gentle curiosity. Within the depths of his gaze, she sensed an air of tranquility and serenity. With a silent hope that her companions could perceive the same, she offered the newcomer a reassuring smile, aiming to dispel any tension.

    "Allow me to introduce myself," she began, her voice calm and welcoming. "I am Kalestiya," she continued, gesturing towards the two figures beside her. "And these are Aetos and Mirella," she added, indicating the duo of warriors. "Just as you've entered this room now, I met them under similar circumstances," she concluded, hoping to establish a sense of camaraderie.

    "May I ask for you name perhaps? Or at the very least how you arrived in here?" Kalestiya inquired, her manner gentle and inquisitive.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

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