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  1. #11

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015


    “I’m Koli,” he said after taking a deep breath, and turning to face the others. He nodded, appreciating the polite introductions.

    As for whatever stupor he had been in, his head felt clearer now. He supposed that any chamber would look stunningly beautiful after his experience.

    His vision sharpened as his ‘mind fog’ drifted, taking its own sweet time to vacate.

    “I can’t remember.” He said. “A hallway lead here.”

    Koli recalled silently how he passed directly through the door, which had no handle. This place had a strange, non-euclidean atmosphere.

    Koli had experienced stranger things though.

    Unsure what to do next, Koli was torn between further acquainting himself with the others, or looking around for an escape.

  2. #12

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,500

    Kalestiya's Avatar


    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    "Pleased to meet you," Kalestiya replied warmly as Koli introduced himself. She observed his demeanor, noting the familiar sense of bewilderment that had greeted Mirella and Aetos upon their arrival.

    As the four continued to search for clues, an unsettling development unfolded. The entrances to the room began to close, prompting Mirella to raise her voice in alarm. "H-Hey! We're going to get locked inside this room!"

    Her eyes widening, Kalestiya gasped as she witnessed the entrances gradually sealing shut. "She's right!" she exclaimed, with alarm in her voice. Panic set in as they all scrambled towards their respective hallways, but before they could reach them, brick walls swiftly closed off each passage. Kalestiya approached the brick wall, her hand gently pressing against the solid surface. To her dismay, there were no visible gaps or openings to be found. They were trapped.
    The young healer turned around and, with a sense of resignation settling in, leaned against the wall. "We're stuck in this room for sure now," she lamented quietly. Despite the dire situation, everyone appeared safe and unharmed.

    "Damn it!" Aetos burst out, his frustration evident. "Things have taken a turn for the worst! Now what do we do?"

    Mirella's panic was palpable as she voiced her concerns. "Is this it? Are we just left to rot in some room?"

    Kalestiya shook her head, her empathy evident as she stepped towards Mirella and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We will find a way out," she reassured, "We just need to have faith."

    Turning her attention to Koli, Kalestiya couldn't help but notice his calm demeanor. She silently hoped that the others could draw from the stranger's composure. "For the time being, let's try to calm ourselves," she encouraged, as they grappled with their uncertain predicament.

    Suddenly, a familiar voice resonated from above, echoing through the chamber. "Welcome, everyone! I hope you find your accommodations to your satisfaction!"

    All eyes turned upwards to the balcony where Seraphina stood, her presence dominating as she overlooked the group below. Kalestiya couldn't help but narrow her eyes, unsure if the woman was being facetious.

    "My apologies for locking you in, but this is part of the play," Seraphina explained casually, her hands elegantly poised behind her back.

    "Who the hell are you? And what are you talking about? Did you trap us here?!" Aetos questioned, his voice edged with anger.

    A wry smile played on Seraphina's lips. "This room represents the overarching theme of the play. As candidates, you will have to overcome trials, both mentally and physically, to proceed."

    Kalestiya furrowed her brow, Seraphina's choice of words striking her as peculiar. Overcome trials? Play? Mirella, with a glare that could cut steel, pointed an accusatory finger upwards. "I recognize you! You're that trader who told us about a bandit hide-out."

    Seraphina chuckled, her laugh a haunting melody. "Yes, that was I," she confirmed with a smirk that betrayed a sense of pride.

    Kalestiya couldn't hold back her disbelief. "N-no, you said your child was sick... was that a lie?" she questioned, her voice trembling.

    Seraphina leaned her weight against the balcony railing, her demeanor casual yet sinister. "Trader, troubled mother, all roles I've played," she divulged, her voice taking on a playful cadence.

    Unable to conceal her shock and frustration, Kalestiya bit her lip. Seraphina's unabashed pride in her deception left a bitter taste in their mouths.

    "Candidates, I've observed you from the shadows for quite some time," Seraphina explained with an amused glint in her eye, "you have all been carefully selected and brought together to participate in something truly extraordinary."

    Kalestiya couldn't help but shiver. "Selected? Extraordinary?" The vague and unsettling nature of Seraphina's words only deepened her sense of unease.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 02-20-2024 at 06:55 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  3. #13

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015


    Koli observed silently as his fellow “actors” reacted to the news.

    The balconied lady seemed to revel in the turbulent emotions swirling below. Koli had never before seen this person in his life; however, something almost seemed familiar about her.

    No, no. Koli was mistaken.

    Strange ladies rambling about plays and creating hostage situations commonly held Asylum, but Koli had no memory of entering such a sanctuary. Those who held hostages with assumed justification were generally unwell.

    Is this Asylum Commonplace aware of her criminal nature? Or does she think she is “encouraging participation” in this scheme of hers?

    Even more importantly, did she ever intend to release them?

    Koli slowly shifted his gaze from the adventurers to the unwell pedestrian, noticing an unfamiliar look on her face. Completely unreadable.

    Koli looked at Aetos, lingering until he caught the young adventurer’s eye by widening his. Obvious fright emanated from the traveler, but Koli hoped to reassure him that there was a longer game at stake. After all, if the strange lady intended bodily harm upon the group, it would have befallen them by now.

    So the silent fellow allowed his pupils to dilate smoothly and shrink back to normal size. Though they could not escape, there were still controllable parameters, however small.

    If Koli could help it, injury would befall the group with neither ease, nor simplicity.

  4. #14

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,500

    Kalestiya's Avatar


    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Seraphina smirked as the adventurers exchanged glances below, a flurry of emotions simmering. Aetos's ire was palpable as his teeth ground in obvious frustration. Mirella's panic swirled around her like a tempestuous cloud. Kalestiya's confusion wafted around her in waves. Koli's resolve was strangely observable, his subtle actions drawing Seraphina's interest.

    "Candidates, all will be revealed in time," she assured with a chuckle, "But first, you must pass the trials."

    Seraphina snapped her fingers, the sound reverberating across the chamber. Suddenly, a number of objects began to materialize out of thin air, floating above the heads of the adventurers. As the objects appeared, Seraphina spoke again. "Each of these items holds a power that you may claim as a prize if you pass a trial. There are five trials, and you must unlock the power of each item before the final trial."

    Aetos narrowed his eyes, his distrust evident. "Powers? How do we know what they are?" Seraphina waved a hand dismissively. "They are as you see them, and you have nothing to fear. The items are gifts from me, a token of appreciation for your participation."

    Aetos frowned, his skepticism evident. "And if we refuse to participate? Will you release us?" Seraphina's tone took on a more serious note. "Refusal is not an option, I'm afraid," she answered, her voice grave. "You are here because I chose you. If you do not complete the tasks I've laid out, you will be eliminated."

    Kalestiya swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. As she listened to the conversation unfold, she could feel her fear mounting. She desperately wanted to believe that Seraphina's words were just empty threats, but her gut told her otherwise.

    "Will you let us go if we play along?" she asked timidly, her hands pressed close to her chest in an attempt to gain sympathy. Seraphina's expression softened as she looked down at Kalestiya. "Yes, dear," she assured gently, her tone kind. "If you play along, you have nothing to fear."

    Kalestiya felt a twinge of guilt, but she reminded herself that she had no other choice. She glanced around at her fellow adventurers, her concern evident. "Are you all going to do this?" she inquired, her voice barely above a whisper. "If any of you don't want to play along, I understand," she added, her eyes glistening with tears.

    Seraphina's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and cold. "There's no choice, my dear," she declared, her tone stern. "If you refuse to cooperate, you will be eliminated immediately. Is that what you want?"

    Kalestiya bit her lip, her body trembling with fear. She glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on each of her companions. After a moment of silence, Mirella spoke up. "What are the trials?"

    Seraphina grinned, her expression fiendish. "You will see," she replied, "I'm sure you will have no trouble completing them."

    As the final word fell from her lips, the floating objects began to descend. With a gasp, Kalestiya reached out and snatched a glowing pink orb from the air, her hands shaking as she clutched it tightly. Aetos caught the object next, a bright blue star, and tucked it into his belt. Mirella caught a golden wand, its tip emitting a soft light. Koli caught a small silver bell, its handle emitting a faint glow. Each item was a prize, a token of appreciation for their participation.

    The group looked at each other, puzzled expressions on their faces. Seraphina grinned, her demeanor wicked. "Good luck, candidates," she teased, her laughter echoing throughout the chamber. And with that, she disappeared from the balcony above, and a hole opened up in the middle of the room, revealing a spiraling stairway leading down.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 02-20-2024 at 09:39 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  5. #15

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015


    Koli looked upon his gift with surprise. Clearly, the quickest way through was to cautiously explore the process.

    He looked at the newly recognized staircase. Everything about its awe-striking presence radiated glorious majesty as its wonderful vibrance rejuvenated Koli’s spirit. They would continue. They had to continue. This staircase’s stunning ferocity reminded the jaded man that life held much more than this simple play. They couldn’t let the staircase down.

    Greater an experience than they had ever conceived, awaited the heroes, but not without great peril. The trials could hold nothing but grief; however, if the party held together and worked as a team, they could keep each other safe.

    Koli looked down at the bell in his hand, and rang it. He narrowed his eyes as the format began to change.

    Mirella: A golden wand. What does this mean?

    Aetos: Maybe you can learn how to use it for magic. I have no idea what this star is for.

    Koli: *Rings bell to get everybody’s attention*

    Kalestiya: Is that how you would prefer to talk with us?

    Koli: *Rings bell for ‘yes’*

    Kalestiya: Does that mean yes?

    Koli: *Rings bell for ‘yes’*

    Aetos: But what means “no” then?

    Koli: *Mutes bell with his thumb*

    The glowing handle of the bell begins to glow brighter.

    Mirella: Okay, so ‘ring the bell’ for yes and shine the light for “no.”

    Koli nodded, satisfied with the beginning means of easy communication with his fellow adventurers. In spite of a disturbing awakening, and adverse circumstances, Koli was grateful to have some company. His chest swelled with warmth and he gazed kindly at his new party members. It had been a long time since he had met new people.

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