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  1. #2

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    As Kalestiya neared the workshop, a chilling breeze whispered through the deserted alley, causing her to shiver involuntarily. Her instincts screamed at her to pick up the pace, and escape the encroaching darkness that seemed to close in around her. She couldn't help but feel the urge to run. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes darted from side to side in search of any sign of danger.

    Just as panic threatened to overwhelm her, a firm hand landed on her shoulder, causing Kalestiya to jump and gasp in surprise. She spun around, her breath caught in her throat, only to come face-to-face with a woman standing behind her. The stranger's own eyes widened in surprise, mirroring Kalestiya's startled reaction.
    Goodness, my, I didn't mean to startle you! Are you alright?" she exclaimed.

    Kalestiya caught her breath, placing a hand on her chest as she took in the woman's composed demeanor. The woman had blonde hair tied in a sleek tail, piercing blue eyes, and fair, porcelain skin. Her presence seemed both alluring and enigmatic, leaving Kalestiya intrigued yet wary. She brushed off her unease and gathered her composure, managing a hesitant smile.
    "Oh, I am fine, thank you. You just caught me by surprise, that's all. I thought I saw something in the shadows for a moment."

    The woman chuckled. "I completely understand. The mind can sometimes play tricks on us, especially in the presence of darkness. By the way, may I ask, are you Kalestiya? The Kalestiya I've heard so much about?"

    "Yes, I am Kalestiya," she replied, her voice now filled with curiosity. "And may I kindly ask who you are?"

    The woman's smile widened, and she extended a hand in a friendly gesture.
    "I'm Seraphina. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, her voice carrying a warm and welcoming tone. "I've heard tales of your remarkable healing abilities and the many lives you've touched."

    Kalestiya's eyes widened in surprise, her apprehension giving way to a sense of pride.
    "Y- You've heard about me?"

    Seraphina nodded, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
    "Oh yes, indeed. Your reputation precedes you, and I must say, it's an honor to encounter someone with such extraordinary talents."

    As surprised as she was, Kalestiya felt a sense of joy filling her heart, and any remaining tension had completely dissipated. If what the woman said was true, her skills had made a meaningful impact far beyond the boundaries of her homeland. It was a humbling realization that her actions had resonated beyond her awareness, and it reaffirmed her commitment to her path as a healer.

    The shadows that had once seemed ominous now appeared less threatening, replaced by the light of Seraphina's friendly presence. "Again, I apologize for startling you," Seraphina continued, her voice filled with sincerity. "I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to meet you in person and see your abilities firsthand."

    Kalestiya offered a reassuring smile. "No need to apologize. I'm perfectly fine, really. Startling reactions happen to the best of us. But with that out of the way, is there something I can help you with, Seraphina?"

    Seraphina's smile softened, and a hint of sadness flickered in her eyes. "Kalestiya, I find myself in a dire situation. You see, my child is gravely ill, and all the healers I've sought help from have failed to bring about a cure. When I learned of your extraordinary healing abilities, I wondered if you would be willing to lend your expertise."

    Kalestiya's heart swelled with empathy, her healer's instincts taking over. She couldn't bear the thought of a suffering child and felt an overwhelming urge to help. "I... I would be honored to try and help, Seraphina," Kalestiya replied hesitantly. Her voice contained compassion but betrayed a hint of self-doubt. However, I must warn you, though, that my abilities have their limits. Healing a gravely ill child is no small feat, and I can offer no guarantee that I can be of help."

    Seraphina's smile remained unwavering, undeterred by Kalestiya's hesitation.
    "Thank you, Kalestiya. Your willingness to at least try means the world to me."

    "So, um, shall I visit your home first thing in the morning?" Kalestiya offered, her voice filled with a touch of unease. She hoped for a brief reprieve, a chance to gather herself and mentally prepare for whatever lay ahead.

    Seraphina's eyes softened, but she seemed determined. "I do appreciate your consideration, Kalestiya, but time is of the essence, so I'd rather prefer your immediate attention to this matter," she replied, gently gripping the girl's arm.

    Kalestiya's heart fluttered, a sense of worry creeped into her thoughts. She paused, caught between her longing for a moment of respite and Seraphina's insistence on immediate action. With a slight tremor in her voice, Kalestiya gathered the courage to ask, "F- fine then. May I inquire where you reside, Seraphina?"

    Seraphina's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she revealed, "My home lies beyond the city walls, in a remote cottage, far from the chaos of city life."

    Kalestiya's reluctance instantly returned, her mind grappling with the implications. The thought of venturing outside the safety of the city's walls, especially during the curfew, made her anxious. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and voiced her concerns, "Seraphina, while I understand the urgency, is it truly impossible to address this first thing in the morning? I mean, passing the night won't exacerbate the situation surrounding your child's condition significantly, will it?"

    Seraphina's expression retained its determination as she tightened her grasp on Kalestiya's arm. "My dear, I really wish we could delay, but the nature of my child's condition necessitates immediate action. Every passing moment brings us closer to a critical juncture, and the actions we need to take are time-sensitive. I implore you to come with me right now."

    The young healer's internal struggle intensified. The conflict between her sense of duty, the weight of the curfew, and Seraphina's conviction muddled her decision-making process. She considered the risks and the potential consequences. After a moment of silent contemplation, Kalestiya met Seraphina's gaze with great apprehension and made her decision. "Very well, Seraphina... Even though I think this isn't very wise, I will respect the importance of your request; I shall accompany you."

    An expression of relief and gratitude blossomed on Seraphina's face as she gently squeezed Kalestiya's hands.
    "Thank you, Kalestiya! I knew the rumors about you were true. I promise that we shall exercise caution as we venture outside the city."

    As they stood in the dimly lit alley, Kalestiya considered the practicality of their departure. She couldn't ignore the fact that the city's exits were guarded, especially during the curfew. "Seraphina, I do not mean to sound pessimistic, but how exactly do you plan to navigate past the city guards at the exits? They are usually vigilant during this hour."

    The woman smirked and exuded an air of confidence as she replied, "My dear, trust me when I say that I have a plan in place. We will employ a discreet and unconventional route that will allow us to slip past the guards unnoticed. I have connections that will assist us. Just have faith in my ability to overcome this obstacle, okay?"

    While Seraphina's words did inspire some confidence, the reality of the situation still gnawed at Kalestiya. Nevertheless, she chose to trust in Seraphina's judgment and the unknown possibilities that awaited them. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and mustered her courage. "Alright. Lead the way, and I will follow."

    Seraphina clasped Kalestiya's hand tightly, their palms interlocked, and whispered, "You have nothing to worry about, Kalestiya. Everything is going to be fine, trust me."
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-02-2023 at 07:10 PM.

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