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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,500

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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya eyes slowly opened, and found herself in a dimly lit room. An eerie silence hung in the air, and her mind was still clouded from whatever she had been administered. Shifting her body slightly, Kalestiya noticed that she had been put in a soft and comfortable bed. However, as she looked around the room, she noticed that there were no windows and the only source of light came from a white lantern on a small night stand. She had no idea where she was or how long she had been out. Her heart racing, she tried to calm her nerves by taking several deep breaths.

    Kalestiya attempted to remember the last thing that happened but all she could recall was being in Seraphina's mansion before passing out. What happened to her? Where was she? And most importantly, where was Seraphina? The young healer laid there for what felt like an eternity, her mind plagued with doubt and her body paralyzed with fear. She slowly shifted her body and placed her feet on the floor. As she stood up, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her, and she wobbled slightly.

    Taking a few tentative steps forward, Kalestiya began to explore her surroundings. The room was small and bare, with only a bed and nightstand. There was no exit in sight, and the walls were made of dark grey stone. Realization began to dawn on Kalestiya that she was most likely in some kind of cell. But why? Did Seraphina do this to her?
    "Hello?" She called out, hoping someone would answer her. "Is anyone there?" Her voice echoed in the empty room, but no one responded. Kalestiya stood in silence for a few moments, the weight of her situation finally beginning to sink in.

    With no way out and no one to turn to, Kalestiya sat down on the bed and buried her face in her hands. "I don't understand.. Why would Seraphina do this to me? She seemed so nice and I trusted her..," she mumbled to herself, her face sad and defeated. "I should have never gone with her.."

    As Kalestiya lamented her situation, she heard a faint sound of scraping from outside the room. She perked her ears and listened closely. The sound got louder and Kalestiya realized it was someone moving around outside of her cell. She stood up and approached the wall where the sound was coming from.
    "Hello? Please, can you help me?" Kalestiya called out, hoping whoever was there would hear her. The scraping ceased. "Hello? Can you hear me?" She asked again, turning one of her ears closer to the wall. The scraping resumed, but no one answered her.

    Kalestiya continued to listen carefully and she could tell that it was more than one person. She also heard them conversing in hushed tones, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. "Please, I need help! Can anyone hear me?" She cried out, banging her fist against the stone wall.
    The scraping and voices suddenly stopped, and Kalestiya heard the sound of footsteps receding. She pressed her ear to the wall once more, but all she could hear was silence. She sighed softly and returned to her bed, feeling hopeless and alone. Kalestiya wrapped herself in the thin blanket and curled up into a ball, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

    "I will get out of here.. somehow," Kalestiya whispered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. She closed her eyes and tried to find comfort in the darkness, hoping that when she woke, she would be free from her prison.
    As her eyes slowly began to droop, she could faintly make out the sound of scraping once more. Kalestiya ignored it, figuring it was just the sound of the people outside her room. Her body relaxed and her breathing became steady as sleep took hold of her, whisking her away from her waking nightmare.
    However, she would soon come to realize that the reality was far worse than she could ever imagine.
    As the young healer slumbered, the scraping sound continued. It grew louder and faster, until finally, the stone wall in front of her cell collapsed, revealing a passageway. Kalestiya shot up from her bed, startled by the noise. "What's going on?" She asked, her voice shaky. She stood up and approached the opening in the wall, her eyes squinting to see what was beyond.

    At the end of the passage, she could see a faint light and she could hear people talking. With trepidation, she stepped through the opening and into the long passage. As the light on the other end grew brighter, Kalestiya could make out the voices better; one was of a young man and another of a woman. Reaching the end the passage, Kalesiya found herself in a well-lit, rounded room with entries to this room from various directions, possibly leading to other 'cells' like the one she came from. In the middle of the room a young man and woman, both clad in armor were standing, talking to each other.

    "Hello?" Kalestiya called out timidly, her voice echoing in the empty space. The two turned towards her, their eyes full of surprise and suspicion. "Who are you?" The woman asked, her voice cold and sharp. Kalestiya took a few tentative steps forward and responded," My name is Kalestiya.. who are you two?"
    "My name is Aetos, and this is my friend Mirella," the young man spoke, his voice soft and pleasant. "Did you get captured as well?" Kalestiya nodded," Yes.. I was lured into Seraphina's home and knocked out, only to wake up in that cell." Mirella raised an eyebrow," Seraphina? Are you sure?"
    "I..I think so.. that's the last thing I remember."

    Aetos sighed and shook his head," I don't know who you're talking about, but it's clear we were all tricked by someone and are now prisoners here. We've tried searching for ways out, but each door seems to lead to new areas that are more confusing than the last." Kalestiya walked towards them," I see.. I could help if you want me to."
    Mirella crossed her arms," And what makes you think we can trust you? You could be a spy or something."
    Kalestiya expression saddened, "I don't have a reason to deceive you.. and besides, we are in a similar situation. Don't you think we would have better chances if we worked together?"
    Aetos pondered for a moment," I agree. We should work together, if we want to get out of this place. What do you say, Mirella?" The warrior sighed," Fine, but the moment you do something suspicious, I'll kill you on the spot." Kalestiya swallowed nervously," Understood. But really, I mean no harm, I am just a healer."

    The trio looked around the room but there seemed to be no other exits than the one they emerged from. Looking up the circular room, they did see a balcony overlooking the room below, but it was high out of reach.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-18-2023 at 04:03 PM.
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