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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,500

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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Seraphina smirked as the adventurers exchanged glances below, a flurry of emotions simmering. Aetos's ire was palpable as his teeth ground in obvious frustration. Mirella's panic swirled around her like a tempestuous cloud. Kalestiya's confusion wafted around her in waves. Koli's resolve was strangely observable, his subtle actions drawing Seraphina's interest.

    "Candidates, all will be revealed in time," she assured with a chuckle, "But first, you must pass the trials."

    Seraphina snapped her fingers, the sound reverberating across the chamber. Suddenly, a number of objects began to materialize out of thin air, floating above the heads of the adventurers. As the objects appeared, Seraphina spoke again. "Each of these items holds a power that you may claim as a prize if you pass a trial. There are five trials, and you must unlock the power of each item before the final trial."

    Aetos narrowed his eyes, his distrust evident. "Powers? How do we know what they are?" Seraphina waved a hand dismissively. "They are as you see them, and you have nothing to fear. The items are gifts from me, a token of appreciation for your participation."

    Aetos frowned, his skepticism evident. "And if we refuse to participate? Will you release us?" Seraphina's tone took on a more serious note. "Refusal is not an option, I'm afraid," she answered, her voice grave. "You are here because I chose you. If you do not complete the tasks I've laid out, you will be eliminated."

    Kalestiya swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. As she listened to the conversation unfold, she could feel her fear mounting. She desperately wanted to believe that Seraphina's words were just empty threats, but her gut told her otherwise.

    "Will you let us go if we play along?" she asked timidly, her hands pressed close to her chest in an attempt to gain sympathy. Seraphina's expression softened as she looked down at Kalestiya. "Yes, dear," she assured gently, her tone kind. "If you play along, you have nothing to fear."

    Kalestiya felt a twinge of guilt, but she reminded herself that she had no other choice. She glanced around at her fellow adventurers, her concern evident. "Are you all going to do this?" she inquired, her voice barely above a whisper. "If any of you don't want to play along, I understand," she added, her eyes glistening with tears.

    Seraphina's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and cold. "There's no choice, my dear," she declared, her tone stern. "If you refuse to cooperate, you will be eliminated immediately. Is that what you want?"

    Kalestiya bit her lip, her body trembling with fear. She glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on each of her companions. After a moment of silence, Mirella spoke up. "What are the trials?"

    Seraphina grinned, her expression fiendish. "You will see," she replied, "I'm sure you will have no trouble completing them."

    As the final word fell from her lips, the floating objects began to descend. With a gasp, Kalestiya reached out and snatched a glowing pink orb from the air, her hands shaking as she clutched it tightly. Aetos caught the object next, a bright blue star, and tucked it into his belt. Mirella caught a golden wand, its tip emitting a soft light. Koli caught a small silver bell, its handle emitting a faint glow. Each item was a prize, a token of appreciation for their participation.

    The group looked at each other, puzzled expressions on their faces. Seraphina grinned, her demeanor wicked. "Good luck, candidates," she teased, her laughter echoing throughout the chamber. And with that, she disappeared from the balcony above, and a hole opened up in the middle of the room, revealing a spiraling stairway leading down.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 02-20-2024 at 09:39 AM.
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