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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 113,151, Level: 14
    Level completed: 62%, EXP required for next Level: 5,849
    Level completed: 62%,
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    Revenant's Avatar


    William Arcus

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    The attack struck true, but rather than be driven back into the looming darkness behind him, Lorenor twisted enough at the last second to ensure that the Snapping Turtle strike bounced him to one side. Without Lorenor’s mass to stop the momentum of his charge, William had little choice but to prepare himself as the darkness of the pit claimed him. From his previous experiences dropping floors within the maze, William knew that the next ledge down would only be a dozen or so feet beneath him. He braced himself for the shock of yet another hard stop. Luckily he’s become quite proficient at being slammed into the ground at break-neck speeds.

    The glow of his molten core illuminated the rusted iron edge of the next floor only a moment before it crashed into William. He tucked in on himself as best as he could and dutifully bore the blow as he landed. William’s breath caught as he rebounded from the iron like a child’s doll and sailed half a dozen feet into the chamber below. He did his best to hope that this room, like the one above, held no traps. But the sound of ceramic cracking beneath his body told William that his luck had run out.

    An acrid scent washed over William as he struggled to rise. Every movement felt like his body had been encased in solid stone and it took a moment for him to realize that the breath which had been knocked out of him was still gone. Mastering his animal panic, William pushed himself upright and calmed himself before taking a deep breath.

    That proved to be almost as bad an idea as plunging down into the lower level had been. His bouncing descent had shattered the floor in several places where thin ceramic tiles had been disguised as the chamber’s normal rusted iron plates. A toxic liquid was seeping through the cracks in the ceramic plates and the liquid was steaming quite thickly into the air around William. He coughed, involuntarily as his first breath filled his lungs with acid rather than air, and then scrambled back to the central shaft as quickly as he could manage. He struggled to draw breath as he moved but inflating his chest felt as much like trying to swim through stone as trying to move his heavy limbs. William spied greenish-black droplets of the caustic liquid spattered across the bone carapace on his limbs and had no doubt about the reason why he was feeling the way he was.

    Lorenor was snarling something at him from the chamber above and William forced himself to look up at the mutant. There was a delighted lack of sanity in the blazing eyes that stared down at him and even battered Lorenor maintained an imposing figure. A spasm wracked William’s body and he was forced to turn away from his opponent. He was unsurprised to see solid chunks of dark, wet meat spattered on the ground after the coughing fit subsided.

    William chided himself for allowing the thrill of the fight to overtake him. True it was the ultimate pleasure for him, but in doing so had lost awareness of the maze’s dangers. He’d come a long way in mastering his feral nature since last facing Lorenor and yet he’d simply thrown that all to the wind when the first opportunity arose. He could feel his regenerative powers striving against the poisonous acid eating away at him, but he couldn’t be certain that it would be enough. And even if his regeneration was capable of restoring him there was no chance that it could do so before Lorenor attacked again. In a way, William felt like he deserved this fate.

    He was close to finished, but he wasn’t completely out if it yet. Lorenor had stopped ranting for the moment and William forced himself to look up at the undead creature again. If he was going to die again at Lorenor’s hands it would be a death that the mutant would have to earn. Mustering what strength he could manage, William drew forth his power and concentrated it into a single point and then hurled that energy up at Lorenor in an explosive magma shot.
    "I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." - Call of Cthulhu

    David vs. Goliath: History's first recorded critical hit.

  2. #2

    EXP: 11,761, Level: 4
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next Level: 2,239
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Paladin_Lorenor's Avatar



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    Something had changed since their last meaning.

    A fundamental change that made Lorenor who he was meant to be. The magma blast William Arcus burnt through the air, sizzling and hot, shot at Lorenor. Lorenor took it dead on in a surprising show of endurance and psychotic frenzy of his own. Though in his hysteria and sheer amount of pain he felt, he powered through the attack as it happened. Normal folks would have been burnt to ash. But Lorenor's sheer survival instincts had saved him that time, he would not be able to handle a second blast. Instead Lorenor made his way down to the lower chamber, jumping down as best as he could in his injured state. He fell to one knee at that point, his flesh scarred and burnt horribly. One arm was useless to him. One of his eyes was several sizes too big, and blood-shot

    He noticed that William Arcus was also hurt badly, the mad sprint through several traps and several floors had left his friend really hurt. Lorenor limped forward after having jumped down from the floor above. He was in a lot of pain, but he was still conscious. As long as The Holy Light could hold him intact, he would continue to fight. But...The Holy Light compelled Lorenor to a different mission. At the time, he didn't know for what purpose The Holy Light showed him this mystery. He only knew that it had. Lorenor felt an instinctive to desire to SAVE William Arcus. He could not bring himself to destroy the warrior a second time, regardless of the fact that the fellow would likely not show him any mercy.

    William Arcus reminded Lorenor too much of The Vampire Urei. There was a similarity there, a complex driving force acting beyond what Lorenor could comprehend at that point. "William...I want you to live." Lorenor suddenly said. "I know you're hurt...likely dying too...but in this case...I want you to live." Lorenor understood, in his insanity what The Holy Light wanted of him. Lorenor reached out with a hand extended towards William Arcus. "I am going to sacrifice myself so you can live." Lorenor said as if that didn't matter one bit. He said it because it was the harsh truth of the moment.

    He knew his old friend was hurt, and that was all that mattered to him at that precise moment. "I have the power to save you." With that, The Old Paladin did the unthinkable. As he had sacrificed himself during The Demon's War, he sacrificed himself once again to safe a friend. "Remember me...always." Lorenor suddenly said. And used the full extent of The Holy Light directly on himself in a brilliant showing of power. He was transferring the purification, healing nature of The Holy Light over towards William Arcus. At the cost of his own life. Lorenor strangely did not cry in pain or in agony. He merely smiled at William as his body was disintegrated. Lorenor burned up in ash as was the nature of his Undeath. His hand finally reaching forward and touching William Arcus to transfer the energy of his very SOUL to heal The Revenant. it was not an attack, but rather a chance to save his friend and further redeem himself.


    Lorenor woke up next in Healing Wards of The Citadel.

    He was in a warm bed and he sighed heavily, The Healers of The Order were working on him night and day to restore him. One of The Monks was looking at The Old Paladin. "What you did was very foolish." The Monk said as Lorenor woke up.

    "Perhaps." Lorenor responded. "But he needed my help, more ways than one." Lorenor knew that at that point William Arcus had been in pain, he was suffering. But his suffering was deeper than the traps of the cube. There was something hidden there, behind those rage filled eyes. Lorenor had tasted that suffering for a long moment whilst they fought. He also knew from personal experience that you ever only knew someone when you fought them in battle. "It is the nature of My Code to help those in need, regardless of the circumstances." Lorenor said, he felt a tremendous amount of pain at that point. However, he would recover in time. And would be ready to face the next challenge that Fate through his way.

    "When you recover, I would like a word with you. Paladin." The Monk said, and left the chamber.

    Leaving Lorenor alone with The Healers.

    Lorenor sighed and went back to sleep...


  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 113,151, Level: 14
    Level completed: 62%, EXP required for next Level: 5,849
    Level completed: 62%,
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    Revenant's Avatar


    William Arcus

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    “Spirit’s damnation,” William thought. His tried to actually speak the words but it simply caused a wracking spasm to ripple through him. He coughed and spat out more dark, glistening chunks of the ruined things that he called his lungs and then looked back to Lorenor.

    The explosive shot had damaged the undead thing severely, but in the end it still hadn’t been enough to bring him down. William slumped to his knees as Lorenor dropped down to join him. There was almost more searing holy light in the Lorenor’s silhouetted outline than there was solid mass, and yet his enemy persisted. Despite his predicament, William found himself grinning through the patina of blood painting his face. The two of them were very similar, each proud and unwilling to yield. It was what had made this fight so enjoyable. He wouldn’t shame their conflict by releasing himself and admitting defeat at the end of it. If Lorenor could stand, so could he.

    Fighting back against the terrible pain that filled him, William stood. He grimaced and prepared to die once again at Lorenor’s hands. He was vaguely aware that the mutant was talking to him, proclaiming some judgement or other against William. All of that had faded to background noise in the aftermath of the acidic pain that was consuming him. William noticed, with an odd detachment, that his charred skin had started to slough off where the liquid had splashed on him. So much for his regenerative capabilities.

    “Get it together,” he chided himself, pulling his focus back to Lorenor. For some reason the mutant hadn’t killed him yet. And it took a confused moment for William to figure out why. Years before he’d seen and barely restrained power and fury lurking behind the Lorenor’s eyes. Now he was surprised to see that though the power remained, the fury had become a deep and compelling well of compassion. He’d thought that the two of them were repeating the same vicious blow-by-blow that they’d gone through all those years ago. And for him that was true. He’d reveled in the release of reverting to his primal self, unanswerable to anything but the roar of slaughter in his ears and the desire for destruction in his chest.

    Lorenor was different however. The years had changed him just as much as they had changed William. But instead of throwing that change aside as William had, Lorenor had embraced that change and had made it into a fundamental part of who he was. The thought staggered him with shock, his knees nearly giving way under the weight of the realization. What was he doing here? Was this really the person that he wanted to be? Perhaps he deserved this fate, to die at the hands of the man who’d already defeated him.

    But instead of taking his just victory, Lorenor turned his power inward and, to William’s surprise, used the resulting energy to banish the poisonous toxin from William’s body, consuming the dark liquid with holy light. In the process, William saw, the undead creature consumed himself, what was left of him crumpling to ash at William’s feet. William froze, unsure just what to do or how to react to the action. It had caught him completely off-guard.

    “Why, Lorenor?” he thought, looking down at the other man’s ashes. He stayed that way until the magic of the chamber faded around him, taking Lorenor’s physical remains with it. He knew that Lorenor had already been healed by the monks’ magic and was likely to be resting in the medical ward at the moment, but for some reason he couldn’t reconcile that knowledge with the sight of Lorenor giving up his own life to cure William of something that just as ultimately wouldn’t prove fatal. Congratulations, he’d won. But if so, then why did it feel like he’d lost?

    The question haunted William until long after the Ai’Brone attendants returned the gear he’d lost.
    "I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." - Call of Cthulhu

    David vs. Goliath: History's first recorded critical hit.

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    All rewards added!

  5. #5
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Revenant: 19/30
    Lorenor 17/30

    One of the stronger parts of this battle, for me, was the story element. I find this to be quite rare in a Citadel battle. It wasn't so much that the plot was particularly complex, but that you both did a good job of portraying and using the history between William Arcus and Lorenor before, during and after the battle.

    Revenant, I felt you did particularly well in setting the scene by putting William Arcus through a set of difficult trials at the behest of the Ai'Bronne monks. Even though the main battle took place in post four onwards, the work you did in the opening section was excellent and fun to read. You were original with your arena, creating a pseaudo-nightmare with all sorts of terrible traps and testing pitfalls. In particular, I was a big fan of the wax trap, a result of having your war form forced on you due to poor lighting. You then introduced a little of your past with Lorenor to the fray without overindulging on big details, which left me wanting to read more of your history without feeling starved, and you filled the subsequent battle with hints of nostalgia (including a nod to the Orlouge way of doing things which didn't go unappreciated). Your conclusion made sense without being spectacular, but it at least gave the reader something to think about.

    Lorenor, you were also strong in this category. I felt you provided more detail than Revenant with regards to Lorenor and William's history, referring more often to memories and shards of the past to add splashes of colour to Revenant's own work in this department. At times it felt more of a collaboration than a competitive fixture, which is testament to the way you both write together. However, and this is a big however, I do have one gripe. Given that the Citadel's entire purpose is to battle without the fear of permanent death, your conclusion made very little sense. An act of self sacrifice in a place where resurrection is more or less guaranteed seemed pointless and really detracted from the otherwise fine work you did in getting to that point. I could understand the conclusion a lot more if this were a battle outside of the confines of the Citadel, especially as the ideal aligns nicely with what Lorenor is now about, but knowing that you will revive as soon as the battle is over anyway sort of makes Lorenor's selflessness a moot point. I'd also like to see you utilise setting a bit more - I felt Revenant was carrying the thread on the back of his use of the arena, which is not to say you did a bad job, just not as good a job as him. That said, there were plenty of positives in your overall performance. You worked hard, wrote an otherwise enjoyable piece and with a little work you can really make a difference to that score.


    Revenant: 20/30
    Lorenor: 19/30

    Lorenor, for the most part I think you did a good job with the paladin persona. There was an obvious emphasis on the difference between Mutant Lorenor and Paladin Lorenor, and it easy to see that his good nature shines through a lot. I did feel that perhaps there was a little personality clash halfway through when Lorenor mentions being a monster, but overall, considering the history, it didn’t feel too jarring. I’ve said before in previous judgments that I think you would benefit from finding one particular direction in a thread with your characters and sticking to it, and on this occasion you probably got as close to that as you can do with the effort applied. The obvious exception was jumping back and forth between that little bit of Mutant Lorenor and then the odd conclusion, which highlighted minor inconsistencies in Lorenor’s persona.

    I mentioned this in your last judgment, but I did like your use of internal dialogue to allow the reader to follow his way of thinking. You were a little more conservative with your spoken word than previous battles and I actually think it helped you here because this particular bout had story connotations that verbally needed to be addressed, but without the long, dramatic monologues.

    Revenant, the one thing I love about the way you write William is that you leave very little grey area when it comes to his persona. Almost every nuance, every line of dialogue and action that he took was consistent with the type of person he is – powerful, intimidating and intelligent. Again, I believe your shortcomings stemmed mostly from small things – perhaps I expected more of a showcase of William’s abilities – but these were few and far between.

    Your actions absolutely defined you here. I loved the fast back-and-forth combat and especially enjoyed little details like William acknowledging the effects of his de-weighted warscythe on his balance. The outstanding “Snapping Turtle” technique filled my head with all sorts of Orlouge related nostalgia, and generally the way you carry Arcus around the arena, utilising the setting to further the action and even bits of his persona, was superb. Dialogue was kept to necessary lines only, really, and one criticism I have is that it might have perhaps been nice for the reader to crawl into William’s head in the same way Lorenor allows the reader to do so with use of internal dialogue.


    Revenant: 24/30
    Lorenor: 18/30

    Lorenor, let me begin by saying that you have improved vastly since my last judgment for you. There were still spelling and grammatical errors which interrupted the pace of my read a little and threw me slightly off kilter, but it was nothing like threads of the past. I always fully understood what was happening and what you were saying or doing. Again, it wouldn’t hurt to run your work through a spell-check to eliminate as many “silly” errors as you can, just to help improve the overall quality and feel of your writing.

    Your technique differs to Revenant, but your delivery of the writing itself is still of a good quality. You used some nice literary devices but I believe you could profit from perhaps using a few more to add splashes of color to your work in the right moments. There was very good use of paragraphing, but I do believe you could have perhaps benefited from separating out your dialogue from the main body of text to ensure it has the appropriate impact on your reader. An improvement of your technique by combining the above could really take you onto the next level because you are a good, creative writer with plenty of tools in your box.

    Revenant, I thought the overall technique employed was fantastic. I could really visualize every small detail of each attack, the employment of the arena itself and even the detailing on the wounds given and received as they occurred. I’ve said this before but you have a natural gift for bringing everything to life with your vivid descriptions and you gave this thread the texture it deserved with some of your more potent devices. A personal favourite was the way you described the traps at the start of the thread, and how William dealt with each one. I almost felt the consequences of that wax trap from where I was sitting!

    Mechanically speaking, my gripes are limited to basic things and seem a bit nit picky but are still relevant. You suffered from a few typos and a couple of grammatical errors, but nothing major. There were one or two questions on punctuation as well. None of these issues stem from a lack of understanding of mechanics but I suspect instead were simply overlooked. A quick spell-check and read through might have eliminated these issues entirely, but they were present nonetheless.

    The final word was on your clarity, which was pretty much spot on. Rarely (other than in the case of the issues highlighted above) did I not understand what was going on. Good work.


    Revenant: 7
    Lorenor: 7

    Gentlemen, I am awarding you both equal points for collaborating to provide us all with a very entertaining piece of writing. I enjoyed seeing a continuation of William and Lorenor’s past and look forward to seeing more from both of them in the future!

    Final scores

    Revenant: 70
    Lorenor: 61

    Revenant wins!

    Revenant receives 4200 EXP and 85 GP!

    Paladin Lorenor receives 1050 EXP and 40 GP!

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