Memories poured in the old Paladin's mind.

More images, thoughts and feeling.

The other time he met William Arcus. Lorenor strangely found himself laughing at the situation at hand. He knew he was greatly outmatched, but he would take his fate like a Man. Loenor landed with a crashing thud in the room further ahead. He laid there for a moment or a two gathering himself. But the laughter, the old laughter remained. He stood up slowly at that point...managing to stand up to his full height again. William was already upon him at that point, and Lorenor was prepared.

He continued his command of The Holy Light, feeling the comforting energies pour through his broken vessel. Blood freely poured from his mouth at that point. But Lorenor felt no pain. He was already numb from the broken ribs. He didn't know how he would continue going in, but he had Faith. And that was all that mattered to the old Paladin. Lorenor's eyes glowed brightly as William was upon him again. At that point, Lorenor struck out again. William came dashing forward....

Like striking a Steel door...

A statue made of marble...

Many thoughts cascaded in his mind. But he stood stalwart, brave, defiant. His power coursed through his hands one time and he held both fists together. He swung upward towards William's neck at that point for a quick moment, attempting to use the man's momentum against him. He's fast...but if I can just time this correct...I might buy myself more time. With glowing hands, his power focused with pin point and lethal intent, he aimed for the man's neck.

He swung upward attempting to intercept the man...