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  1. #1

    EXP: 6,985, Level: 3
    Level completed: 50%, EXP required for next Level: 2,015
    Level completed: 50%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,015



    The Wandering Healer (Drake Post March 2021)

    Koli Level 1 (Post March 2021 Update)

    Name: Koli

    Age: 33. ages at 1/4 the rate of a normal human, keeping his appearance at his prime longer

    Race: Hero-Human

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 155lbs

    Occupation: Ex-Priest

    While in an undisclosed organization Koli learned a wide variety of traits. Some were even instilled into his mind. He valued humility, tolerance, and the power to tell right from wrong during his formative years. Koli was raised as a righteous man, learning to give 100% of himself to any cause he commits to. In the organization he had to hold his tongue and only speak when spoken to, or when speaking was an absolute necessity. He uses very few words, but each word is extremely powerful when he does speak. Although he has left his past behind, some old practices die hard.

    Koli does not speak unless absolutely necessary. He values life and does not take it for granted. Even though he does not hesitate to save life, he will not hesitate to alter it from those who will endanger or kill others. Not only does he ponder his every word, but he ponders every action as well. He can think things over and work out situations in his mind with fractions of a second. He always finds the best possible solutions to problems, and does not regret when plans go south. Regret is a poison which has been burned out of him.

    Koli was born of two heroes. Both his mother, and his father were born of heroic blood which now courses through Koli's veins. After a particularly vicious battle with a narrow escape, his parents decided that they did not want Koli to have the life they did. They always had to keep moving, with no home. Always having to change their identities and being in constant danger, they made the decision to leave Koli in the hands of an old friend's organization.

    The heartbroken mother reluctantly handed a happily gurgling baby Koli to the head priest, Abbas Amo. Ever since Koli could walk, Amo taught him the ways of his organization. Abbas Amo had raised many children before, but he felt an attachment to this one. He raised Koli the closest that he ever could to being one of his own sons. He taught him everything he knew and vowed to make a fine priest out of him. When Amo could not train Koli in specific areas, he had others teach him in his place, so Koli was always learning from the most experienced masters in proximity.

    Naturally, Koli excelled at everything he did, and learned faster than any other monk had in the history of the organization. By age 26 Koli had completed every task a monk must complete to be named a priest. By age 28 Koli had mastered every one of the tasks, and by age 30 Koli was named as the youngest monk to ever become a priest in the history of the region. From then Koli began his advanced training among the priests to become a priest advanced in the lore, but all came to a screeching halt when Abbas Amo had fallen deathly ill.

    After Abbas Amo died Koli was left in a grieving state for roughly a year. When he returned to his duties and training in the organization, he found that the new head priest wanted to make many changes within the organization’s mission statement. Each monk trained thoroughly, but such power was only used to protect the city the stronghold dwelt in. The city was always under attack from monsters, enemies, and spies. The new head priest would change everything.

    When the head priest came to power, he turned a noble defense force into a corrupt group of power hungry warriors. The town they once defended no longer needed protection as even monsters and mercenaries feared the corrupt head priest.

    Staying true to himself and to Abbas Amo, Koli left the group he once called his own in search of the righteous path. What was once a strong, humble protection now towered over all as a vicious cult. Koli saw what this did to those he loved, and from then on a new hatred was etched into his heart.

    Because of his lack in training of his attributes, Koli looks smaller than other civilians. He is skinny and uses his smarts rather than pure strength and speed. His eyes are a pure white, though not one solid color. His hair is dark black and is usually up in a ponytail. Koli wears a white hood that covers most of his face. Koli wears a long white robe with a black belt around his waist. The belt buckle is a shining gold. Koli wears a black iron shoulder piece on his left shoulder.


    Martial Arts:

    Lesi- The organization’s own blend from mixed masters adapting form based on necessity and previously existing principles, Koli is an Expert in a locally developed fighting style. The art is constantly changing, so that noncurrent practitioners’ styles become obsolete. To learn the form, one studies how it adapts over time, and synchronizes oneself. Koli employs the lesi’s form of circular movements, continued motion, visualization and intentional breathing.


    Koli has at least a small understanding in all languages known to Althanas. Those that are the most common are the languages he speaks best.

    Koli is also skilled in other skills that are necessary to staying alive. Based on his current lexicon of experience, he is able to deduce and translate theory to learn incredibly quickly. He is proficient, or able to learn skills on the fly (unskilled at beginning of thread- proficient at end of thread). His currently retained proficiencies include but are not limited to:
    Alchemy, fishing, hunting, cooking, carpentry, orienteering; wilderness survival.


    Being raised to the organization, Koli has been taught the lore of the Priests. One of the organization's most valued techniques is the power of illusion. Koli can create illusion so powerful as to be visible, audible, and giving off odor. He can create an illusion the size of a dog with sounds and odors visible, audible, and detectable from about 15 feet away from the projected area. The illusion lasts for a maximum duration of 2 posts, and can be used one time every 5 posts.

    Soul Forged Weaponry:
    Another valued art of the organization taught to Koli is the power to create weapons out of mind, energy, and willpower. Koli can use this technique to create any particular weapon suited to his liking or fighting style. Any weapon he creates will have the strength of iron, and can only be used for 9 posts, at which point Koli must wait another 9 posts to use again. The weapon can either be dispelled by Koli, or disappears when moved more than 10 feet away from himself. Koli cannot create any ranged weapons that are not thrown. (So he can create throwing knives or javelins)

    Powers of Heroism

    Eyes of a Hero:
    Because his parents were part of a rare heroic species, their bodies each have unique powers added to them. Koli's special powers are added to his eyes. Naturally his irises are plain white, but when he needs assistance with his work he will draw upon his innermost power called heroism to gain techniques or advantages. When he draws heroism power, it alters the very physics of his body. The colors of his irises change according the advantage or technique he gains.

    Calming (Bright Green)-
    When Koli meets any person in a traumatized, shell shocked, panic stricken, or grief stricken state he will draw upon his inner heroism which will turn his irises bright green. Upon drawing from his heroism and using the power in this manner, victimized characters will be calmed upon looking into Koli's eyes. If the victims need assurance, Koli will speak and the sound of his voice will soothe the agitated. Koli can calm angered, or irritated characters with his voice, and soothe the pain of wounded characters by looking into their eyes and speaking softly to them.

    **LOCKED** Fear (Blazing Purple)-
    Whether in battles or everyday life, Koli absolutely DETESTS evil. If he sees somebody in the act of, fighting for, or about to do evil he will stare at them and draw from his heroism. The hatred in him is visible in his irises which blaze a violent yet righteous purple, instilling fear of evil into the hearts of foes. After sustaining this mental wound, they will have an extreme fear instilled in them whenever they think of doing evil, assisting with evil deeds, or just think of evil in general.


    Koli has no real weapons, instead relying on his conjured weapons. as for supplies, he gets everything he needs from his surroundings, whether it is food or shelter.
    Last edited by Koli; 08-13-2023 at 08:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    My apologies for the wait. It has been a long few weeks at my job. I hereby approve your character sheet. Welcome back to Althanas, officially

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