One day...

Two months later...

Nosdyn returned from a hunting sessions with some acolytes of Cool when something disturbed him. He looked at the young messenger that was before him and they exhanged words. "What is wrong young one?" Nosdyn asked of the young courier.

"Nosdyn, it's Lord Cool. He's been killed you must come at once." The messenger said calmly.

Nosdyn nodded he looked at the lad. "Let's go right now." He said and immediately returned to the caves they called home. True enough, Lord Cool's body laid dead having been brutally ravaged by someone. The killer remained at the scene and was staring at Nosdyn.

"It seems the rumours are truth." The agent of N'Jal said calmly. "We have been keeping tabs on you since your return."

A part of Nosdyn recognized the black, dark robes of the agent of N'Jal somehow. Some memories never faded. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. "If I decide to join your group can you spare my followers?" It was a simple request he was willing to join if they saved the lives of his companions.

The follower of N'Jal thought carefully of Nosdyn's proposal. "If I spare your people you will rejoin the cult?"

Nosdyn nodded in agreement. "This I swear."

The knight of N'Jal looked at Nosdyn. "I agree to your terms."

Nosdyn sighed, a part of him felt bad for Lord Cool but it did not matter in the end. The war between the Thaynehood was absolute. Nosdyn looked at the knight. "Can we stay here though?" Nosdyn asked pleadingly. He did well in sparing the lives of his acolytes.

The knight of N'Jal considered carefully. "You can stay here. People will relocate to this cavern network in a few days once everything is ready. Nosdyn it is good to have you back sire." The knight said calmly.


A month later...

The cavern of Nosdyn became alive with the followers of N'Jal in due time. It was rumored N'Jal herself graced the acolytes with her presence.

One day a meeting was called for between N'Jal and Nosdyn. Nosdyn agreed and went to go meet with their new leader.

"You have returned." N'Jal said calmly. She looked at Nosdyn with an ancient lust. "I want you to fuck me." She said calmly.

Nosdyn was always ready to go. But he hesitated for a moment only. "I have mates will you spare them?" He bargained for their lives.

N'Jal considered his request. For her plans, their lives mattered not. She would spare them. "I can spare them." N'Jal said as she walked up to Nosdyn carefully. She eyed him with hungry eyes.

Nosdyn looked at his goddess but again, he hesitated.

"What troubles you?" N'Jal asked.

Nosdyn looked at his lady. "I have no title, no house, no clan." He added. "I am just a follower now do you still want me as before?" His memories were slowly returning.

N'Jal stared at the demon, Nosdyn for a long moment. "I want you just the same." She said. She continued to stare at him with her hypnotic gaze. After a few moments they kissed deeply.

He fucked his woman right there for hours that night, days.