Soemtime later...

One night Nosdyn found himself in a state of half sleep. He kissed his woman and got up for a moment, completely skyclad. That night Ettermire was sleepinig peacefully. However, something happened Nosdyn had not planned for. When he saw the Child of N'Jal approach his house he looked out of the window, seeing the robed figure. He swore and stepped outside to intercept the robed figure. He had too much to protect by that point. "What do you want?" Nosdyn swore at the robed stranger. He was an agent he did not know.

Nosdyn was completely naked. He tensed as he stood before the Child of N'Jal. Nosdyn clenched his fists tightly preparing for the worst. He had too much to protect by that point.

The Child of N'Jal called to Nosdyn. "Lord Nosdyn." The man's gruff voice came out. "We want you to return to our fold." He said.

Nosdyn thought about it for a moment, just a moment. He responded roughly a minute later. "...No." He said answering with conviction.

The Child of N'Jal began to step forward towards Nosdyn. "Is that your final answer?"

Nosdyn knew things by that point that they did not. "It is and I'd go back to N'Jal if I were you." Nosdyn mentlaly prepared himself for a fight.

The Child of N'Jal walked up to Nosdyn and paused directly in front of the blue orc. The man spoke. "If I were you I'd reconsider this offer. It is a one time choice."

Nosdyn shook his head. "No." He said once more. "Go and never come back."

The man drew a sword. It was marked with N'Jal's markings.

Nosdyn narrowed his eyes and stared forward looking directly at the Child of N'Jal. Nosdyn tensed up, his muscles bulging already.

The Child of N'Jal prepared himself to attack Nosdyn. The man brilliantly attacked with his elegant sword.

Something happened at that point...Nosdyn reacted. He caught the sword bare handed with his left hand. He gripped tightly against the sword and held it in place. "You have no idea what you are getting yourself into." Nosdyn said calmly.

The Child of N'Jal held his sword against Nosdyn. "We thought you would try something like this." The man said coldly. "The blade has a nasty surprise for you..."

Nosdyn heard enough. "Silence!" He yelled and pulled the sword out of the Child of N'Jal's hands. Nosdyn tossed the sword harmlessly away. "Don't make me kill you."