Nosdyn silently walked the road to Ettermire. Many thoughts passed through his mind. The wind came in from the East that day. The damnable sun burned brightly overhead. He was an old Demon by that point, raised on a harsh world. He kept his cloak tightly around his person. The wind was a little bit warmer that day and several others travelled the road that day. All were wise to keep their distance from the mysterious traveller. His business in Ettermire was his own. He doubted there were many alive who would recognize him from his past exploits there. His memories had slowly returned from his previous state of amnesia.

As he moved he made sure to avoid other people. Humans and Elves had a tendency to be outright hostile to his presence. The Dark Elves, Drow, were more accepting of who he was. Nosdyn ahead, spotted a mysterious woman. Curious he slowly altered his course to intercept the woman. The curiosity was palpable. Immediately he wondered if she would make a good bed partner.

With his eyes narrowed he looked up at her and nodded to her directly. As a demon of the Tular Plains, he knew he did well to be on neutral grounds in Ettermire. Any other place the woman would have likely attacked. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a mysterious glow in his packs. That was clearly a reaction from the relic he was carrying. Curious. As he observed that reaction he stoped a few respectful paces away from the woman.

He looked at her calmly. His hand instinctively went to his prevalida sword hilt but he did not draw it yet. He was hesitating. The meeting with this woman would likely mean something. His arms were folded across his chest. He watched her response prepared for any eventuality...