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  1. #7

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The sword sliced through the air towards it's intended target...

    Suddenly it happened. Nosdyn acted he did not draw his sword there was no need to. Bare handed a giant blue hand caught the soldier's sword. Nosdyn held the sword at bay for a moment. He looked at the guard for a cold moment. Obviously torn between violence or somehting else. He held the sword for a solid five minutes. Blood trickling down his hand, black blood the blood of Demons. Nosdyn locked gazes with the guard. He could have easily over powered the soldier, but he chose not to. Instead....

    It happened all at once. He reacted and used his might to shove the guard away knocking him backwards a few feet. Nosdyn was clearly very strong. After that he paused. He looked at the gathered. A peculiar thing happened just then. The guards and the travellers who were gathered suddenly KNELT before Nosdyn. Nosdyn was somewhat familiar with Ettermire culture he knew they respected the strong. Nosdyn had beat one of the city guard soundly. He looked at the others for a moment. Momentarily confused. "You would accept me?" He suddenly asked.

    One of the female Dark Elves walked up to Nosdyn. "My grandmother used to speak of a blue skinned Demon Lord." She looked at Nosdyn and the young woman. "Forgive the soldier on our behalf Lord Nosdyn." She knew who he was.

    The legends were true. An ancient Demon Lord once walked the streets of Ettermire and lived with them as an equal. Many thoughts passed through Nosdyn's mind. "Does this mean you have come back to us?"

    Nosdyn looked at the young woman before him for a moment. The relic was clearly reacting to her. He sealed his own fat e by removing the satchel from his pack and offering it to Kalestiya. "I believe this belongs to you." Nosdyn said in a grim voice. The defeated soldier left returning to the city guard in defeat. The others gathered around Nosdyn and Kalestiya.

    "My grandmother used to speak stories of a Demon Lord named Nosdyn. He was trying to unite the houses of the Tular Plains and Alerar." She said calmly they were all looking at Nosdyn.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 08-19-2023 at 05:27 PM.

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