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  1. #10

    EXP: 500, Level: 1
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 1,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,500

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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya stood, frozen, staring at the relic the burly man extended out towards her. Was she hearing right? She asked herself. N'Jal could have someone submit to his will. Did she? What if it was some sort of trick? The man had demonstrated an exceptional display of physical prowess. Was it wise to risk approaching him? Her apprehension seemed to heighten. Could he be toying with her, trying to entrap her, luring her into his grasp? She felt cornered. Thoughts raced in a flurry and questions plagued her mind. She had to think fast!

    Before the torrent of thought and questions could subside, the man knelt before her, offering the relic and submitting himself to whatever fate might befall him. A rush of disbelief filled her mind, the realization finally dawning upon her. "W-what are you doing?" she stuttered.

    The fog that had clouded her mind now dissipated, allowing her to think with clarity. The haunting voice had retreated, no longer entangling her thoughts. With a hesitant resolve, she approached the kneeling man and joined him in genuflection. Her hands reached out to delicately enfold his, encouraging his fingers to clasp around the artifact.

    "I have no need for this," she whispered softly, "it was never mine to begin with."

    Her gaze drifted to his palm, where a noticeable cut from the altercation caught her attention. "Please, let me..." Kalestiya offered, focusing her intent. She reached out to heal the wound, but strangely, she couldn't sense a connection to the man's vitality. Puzzled, she furrowed her brows.

    From her pouch, she retrieved a small vial and a piece of cloth. "May I?" she inquired, indicating her intention to apply salve to, and bandage the man's wound.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-20-2023 at 01:27 PM. Reason: Grammar corrections.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Pronunciation - Kalestiya: ka.les.ti.ah

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