Kalestiya keenly observed the swift shift in Nosdyn's demeanor, from tranquility to confrontation, as if the flick of a switch. The sanctuary they had sought in Ealadra's home was now besieged by an unexpected and hostile assembly of soldiers. The situation had blindsided her entirely, and she exchanged a quick, alarmed glance with Ealadra, recognizing the shared astonishment mirrored in the older woman's expression.

Feeling the weight of the urgent situation, Kalestiya moved forward, her instinct compelling her to stand by Nosdyn's side. The sight of the armed soldiers created an undeniable sense of unease within her, yet she gathered her faltering resolve, recognizing the necessity of defusing the tension. With a mixture of anxiety and determination tingeing her voice, she addressed the gathering, her words aimed at both the soldiers and Nosdyn, an attempt to foster understanding. "Please, let's not escalate this further," she implored, her tone carrying a blend of concern and the wish for a peaceful resolution.

Her plea seemed to fall on deaf ears as the guards remained steadfast in their stance. Nosdyn's gaze remained locked onto his adversaries, his body tensed and ready for whatever might transpire. The weight of the situation settled heavily upon Kalestiya's shoulders, and she came to a somber realization that this confrontation was poised to intensify rather than subside. The air crackled with tension, a brewing storm of conflict that seemed ready to break at any moment. As her eyes shifted between the determined guards and the resolute Nosdyn, Kalestiya's concern deepened.

A haze once again enveloped her thoughts. "Oh, not now," she murmured under her breath, a touch of frustration in her tone. She fought to regain her mental clarity, her internal monologue becoming a determined mantra. "Stay focused, stay focused," she whispered, trying to steady her mind.