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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    As Nosdyn's splitting migraine forced him to kneel in agony, Kalestiya wasted no time. Stepping closer, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with determination. She had managed to heal him to some extent, but this was something different as she would soon find out. Closing her eyes, Kalestiya attempted to channel her healing abilities, willing the pain away. Yet as she delved into the depths of her power, an unexpected resistance met her efforts —something hindered her connection to his ailment. It was as if an unseen force, dark and insidious, obstructed her path. Her brows furrowed in concentration, her grip on Nosdyn's shoulder tightening slightly as she pushed against this unseen barrier.

    The pain within him was tangible, radiating through the bond she sought to establish. But alongside that pain, there was another sensation—a malevolent presence that seemed to wrap itself around his affliction like a sinister cloak. Kalestiya's focus wavered, her efforts faltering as she struggled to penetrate this mysterious barrier.

    Frustration stirred within her. She had encountered all kinds of ailments and injuries before, but this affliction was of a different natures, something that was more unnatural. It was unlike anything she had ever faced. Doubt crept into her mind, threatening to undermine her confidence. Drawing a steadying breath, Kalestiya summoned her willpower. With unwavering determination, she channeled her healing energy anew, her fingers pressing gently against the side of Nosdyn's head. Her touch was warm and soothing, a stark contrast to the dark influence she sensed lurking beneath the surface.

    It was a fierce mental struggle, as if she was engaging in a battle of spirits—one that she was determined not to lose. Gradually, her efforts began to bear fruit. The malevolent presence seemed to weaken, its grip loosening on Nosdyn's vitality. Kalestiya's brow creased with exertion, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she pushed against the unknown hindrance. Inch by inch, she felt herself gaining ground, her connection with Nosdyn's energies strengthening as the malevolent force retreated.

    And then, finally, she felt a breakthrough. The pain subsided, the oppressive weight of the barrier lifting. Nosdyn's knelt form seemed to relax, and Kalestiya released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her hand withdrew from his head, and she opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his with relief and weariness. Her breathing was heavy, as if she had taken a long sprint. She wobbled slightly.

    "We... we did it," she murmured, her voice sounding weak. She could still feel a residual presence of what affected Nosdyn, but it was significantly weaker, now merely a faint echo. She gave Nosdyn a small, tired smile, her fingers trembling slightly from the strain of the effort.

    "I managed to break through... whatever that was," she continued, her words carrying a note of wonder. "It's not completely gone, but I believe I've lessened its grip on you. I've never encountered anything quite like this before. It was... challenging, to say the least."

    Kalestiya's heart raced as she looked at Nosdyn, still concerned for his well-being. She hoped that her efforts had brought him some relief, even though she couldn't erase the lingering sense of foreboding that had been awakened within her.

    Merely a moment passed before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-23-2023 at 03:05 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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