Kalestiya happily indulged in the wonderful selection of food Ealadra had prepared for her and the rest. As she ate, she was lost in her thoughts, considering everything that had transpired. She wondered what it must be like for Nosdyn right now, considering all that had happened to him, and the consequences of his possession. She knew this wouldn't be easy for him... or anyone for that matter. As she pondered, she realized Nosdyn's gaze seemed... somewhat fixated. She couldn't help but giggle inwardly, wondering if perhaps Nosdyn had become entranced by the sight of her eating.

'Well, perhaps it's a way to show appreciation...' Kalestiya mused thoughtfully to herself, considering it might be quite normal to observe with delight one enjoying a good meal. Kalestiya couldn't deny it was delicious, so she savored every bite, enjoying the taste of Ealadra's cuisine. The rest of the company ate in a cheerful and content atmosphere, and the atmosphere felt somewhat celebratory to Kalestiya. She had fulfilled her duty, and healed Nosdyn... and yet, her mind remained troubled, wondering what he must be going through at the moment.

'He must feel lost right now...' Kalestiya thought, as she slowly chewed her food. She didn't have to ask, she could tell it would be a difficult and complex ordeal. Kalestiya glanced toward Nosdyn from time to time, smiling gently between bites of food, her emerald green eyes carrying a compassionate gaze.

'Whatever the outcome... He'll be fine. With Ealadra, and the rest of his children, he will be well cared for. He will heal, in time.' Kalestiya reassured herself, a faint smile forming on her lips.

When everyone was done eating, Ealadra took their trays to be washed. Kalestiya was grateful for the opportunity to finish her meal at her leisure, appreciating Ealadra's hospitality and care. She remained seated on the edge of the guest bed, glancing toward Nosdyn and observing him quietly, sensing an unspoken weight on his shoulders.

"So, what will you do now? You are free... where will you go?" Kalestiya finally dared to ask, the question weighing on her mind since she'd heard him express gratitude toward her for helping him.

"Is there anything I can still do to help? You don't have N'Jal controlling your actions any more..." Kalestiya spoke calmly, as if she didn't wish to trouble Nosdyn, or push him to a decision. After all, the matter was entirely up to him.