Lorenor was not good at making small talk. One of the noble folks was a child. He looked at Lorenor curiously.

"My Lord is an Undead." The child said truthfully.

All eyes were on Lorenor at that point with his strong glowing blue eyes. "It is true." He said calmly. "I am a Paladin of the old Order."

The noble lord considered carefully. "There are not many of your kind around these days." The nobl4e said calmly.

"I am aware of this." Lorenor responded calmly. "Why were those sellswords after you?"

"Probably for want of coin..." The noble folk said calmly.

Lorenor pondered the situation carefully. "They won't bother you again." Lorenor promised.

"How long will you be in Radasanth for?" The noble lord asked.

"For a while." Lorrenor said truthfully.

"Can you stay wiht us?" The noble lord asked.

Lorenor thought of that. "I can." He said calmly.

The wagon moved calmly to Radasanth proper at that poin they conversed quietly while that happened. Lorenor became more comfortable as he spoke. He noticed the lustful stares of the noble lord. He liked it. He looked at him carefully. "I'll see you later on about a matter." Lorenor promised. The noble lord seemed to understand and nodded casually.

Lorenor was in good company that day...