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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    [Ettermire] ~I am Nosdyn Chapter 2~

    (Solo Quest. Continues off the events of I am Nosdyn chapter 1)

    Nosdyn was awake that night. He was having a talk wiht one of his children. "State Krotar Precept number one."

    The blue skinned child of Nosdyn thought car4efully. "One must never surrender to an enemy. One must always use whatever means to win a battle sire."

    "Very good my son." He considered for a moment. He was teaching his children the same way he was taught the House Krotar precepts by his own Father. "If you are to be a student of House Krotar, I have to make sure you know the teachings." Nosdyn continued giving the boy rudimentary lessons. "Explain the precepts overview in battle and politics my son."

    "The precepts guide our swords and provide our shields with durability and strength." The boy was trying to think hard. His name was Lordres. He was a halfbreed between Dark Elf blood and Demon blood.

    Nosdyn knew the boy was meant for greatness. "You are doing well my child." Nosdyn said with approval. He was raised in the harsh lands of Tular Plains and forced to assassinate his own House by a usurpuer. He hated thinking of those days but they brought him a sense of duty. Those days made him restore the Krotar House oath and family crest. Nosdyn hugged the boy. "Swear to me you will become strong my boy; You represent Althanas's future."

    "I swear Father." He was also a proud Demon.

    Nosdyn considered the situation as it occurred. He stood up at that point. "You will all be proud members of House Krotar" Nosdyn explained he was looking at a new generation of proud Krotar warriors. Nosdyn knew he had to make up for his own past sins.

    "Still can't sleep?" It was his wife, the Dark Elf Ealadra.

    Nosdyn nodded to her and kissed her deeply. "I was going over lessons with the boy." He explained. "But yes I did not want to wake you." He said as he kissed her deeply.

    His son yawned at that point. "Father can I go to sleep now?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "You may." He got up and accompanied his wife.

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    He kissed his wife lovingly. The two headed out to the front porch and sat down. There were two Ettermire style rocking chairs. The entire house was designed in classic Ettermire archiecture style. "I want to see the High Priestess later today." Nosdyn mused out loud, they had unfinished business.

    Ealadra nodded. "Of course just come back safely."

    Nosdyn nodded at that. "It has been an adjustment." Nosdyn considered that for a moment. The wind came in from the East that day. Nosdyn observed that change. Normally the wind came from the West. "The wind..." Nosdyn said.

    Ealadra observed. "I notice it too something is wrong."

    "I'll go check on the temple." He looked at her carefully. "Keep our family indoors." Nosdyn got up and grabbed his sword and sheathed it carefully. His sword was a prized weapon. He looked at Ealadra and kissed her deeply. "I should not be gone long. I'll be certain not to cause trouble for you."

    She paused a moment and looked at Nosdyn as he left. "Nosdyn Krotar..." She said to herself as the wind came in from the West she hurriedly walked indoors.


    Nosdyn arrived at the temple. As he suspected the doors were flung open and the temple was under attack by the same house as before. Nosdyn unsheathed his sword and moved to protct his friends. Nosdyn intercepted the man who was their leader and slashed to block his sword.

    "YOU!" The man yelled.

    "Nosdyn they came a little while ago again and started to attack!" His high priestess said.

    "I spared you won't get another chance to escape." Nosdyn said calmly he held the man's sword at bay. "You made a huge mistake today."

  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    The High Priestess immediately joined Nosdyn and drew her combat staff.

    They immediately kissed. "I'm here to save you guys." Nosdyn prepared a combat stance, very tight and moved on the leader. He slashed forward expertly keeping his prevalida sword at a strtange angle. He slashed with tremendous skill.

    The leader looked at Nosdyn. He was thinking of many matters as they attacked one another. The leader slashed at Nosdyn and their two weapons intercepted.

    There was a loud clashing of weapons and a small burst of energy.

    Nosdyn held his ground and kept the man at bay. "You should not have returned." Nosdyn swore. He was going to protect his High Priestess. Nosdyn was in pure warrior mode and attacked the man mercilessly. Soon, Nosdyn bested the warror and the four othe combatants. "You should not have come back." Nosdyn held his blade pointed at the man's throat. He was waiting for the High Priestess to give the order.

    She licked her lips with lust and gave the order knowing full well he would do it. "Kill him." She said simply.

    He quickly decapitated the man's head severing it from his body and soon mercilessly slaughtered his companions. He was gasping heavily when he was done, sheathing his weapon. "Are you all well?"

    She suddenly kissed her lover. "My lord you came back."

    He held her close. Massaging her ass lovingly. "I had to check on you all." He said truthfully. He held her closely letting her rest against him. The others gathered around Nosdyn.

    "Thenk you my lord it could have gotten pretty bad." The high priest said calmly. They all thanked Nosdyn and left the lovers alone.

    "I have taken you lot in my charge. I will always protect you." He said.

    She held him tightly. "I was so frightened my lord. Is there a way I can repay you?"

    "There is as a matter of fact." He licked his lips. "I think you know what I want." He held her closer.

    She nodded. "Yes my lord. Come with me, I want the same thing."

    He walked with her to her main office chamber. She closed the door behind them and locked it. "We won't be disturbed my lord."

    He licked his lips with lust and kissed her with hunger. They kissed deeply she sat on the table. "Thank you for the save my lord."

    He nodded. "What you did for me, I can't quite put into words how to thank you. If there is anything you need let me know." He told her.

    She hugged him. "You know what I want." They kissed lovingly.

  4. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Nosdyn looked at her very seriously. "I am always going to protect you." He said. They continued to kiss.

    "Why...?" She asked in response.

    "Because I want you so..." He kissed her deeply.

    "You have me, Lord Nosdyn." She greedily began to undo his pants. Freeing his large erection from it's prison. "Let me pleasure you my Lord." She said haughtily.

    He took off her clothing. Fondling her lovely full breasts. He sucked one of her breasts into his mouth sucking on the breast. Grabbing her ass firmly. "Whenever you want I am always here." He sucked her. His large erection going into her honey spot.

    She wrapped her long legs around his waist. "Take me."


    A few hours later he came in his high priestess. Making her his own. By that point he had two wives. Dark Elves were more open about certain other mortal races. His hand massaged her large bottom. She was well endowed. He liked her a lot, he knew Ealadra would also approve. He came several times into her that night, taking his reward. They kissed lovingly as he held her. "I will always protect you my love."

    "That has a nice ring to it." She smiled sultrily at him.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 10-06-2023 at 05:20 PM.

  5. #5

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    A few nights later....

    A candle was lit in the chamber Nosdyn sat in. He'd done well for himself. He'd gone from a lowly child of N'Jal to a citizen of Ettermire. He'd gone from sleeping on cavern floors to having an actual grand bed to sleep in. That had done wonders for his lack of sleep every night. The shadows danced across his blue skin as he thought deeply on what had gone on. He sat in the bed with Ealladra next to him. His wife his woman.

    He kissed the top of her forehead and she smiled waking from her sleep.

    She awoke. "What troubles you my lord?"

    Nosdyn thought about his reply for a moment. He looked at her. "I'm just thinking of some matters of the past. As you know I've done horrid things."

    She nodded. "As a child of N'Jal." She said. She continued. "We all have skeletons in our closet my lord." She sat up at that point to sit next to Nosdyn easier.

    He kissed her deeply. "Some sins run too deep. But even someone like me can find forgiveness."

    She nodded. "We all can be forgiven my lord."

    He thought of that for a moment. "It's been a huge relief." He said. "I'm still not sure how to feel about any of this some nights."

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