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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Hearts Gather...

    (Note: this project is open to ALL! Note # 2: use of Liquid Time between Kalestiya and Nosdyn in effect! Enjoy doods! Note#3: We're back in Ettermire thanks to a Cool teleport. Gonna switch this to a Mature thread thanks for understanding! Note#4: Guys this thread will feature the DEATH of N'Jal we're gonna attempt to make this canon. If you guys wanna join its fine. We have a plan here!)

    One night it happened...

    He was in Ettermire one moment going about his business...

    Suddenly, he awoke in Corone. The environs looked completely different and he gussed he was in Concordia Forest at that point. A splitting headache wore off at that point and he had to blink a few times to reorient his sight. He was whisked away to Corone, that much he knew but he did not know the purpose.

    It was night which provided ample cover. He began to gather resources from the forest to make himself a rudimentary camp. Thankfully, it was summer time so it was very hot. He liked heat in general. The blue orc readied his camp and soon had a campfire goinog. He had to figure out for what purpose he was summoned. He didn't understand the mysteries of the Thayne. He ate calmly a freshly caught creature of the forest. The forest could provide all needs of survival.

    He knew how to harvest all of the resources he needed.

    Years of living in the wilderness taught him that, once he slept in cavern floors with the followers of N'Jal. Once he was a lowly follower of N'Jal. The dark thoughts bothered him for a moment.

    That was years ago. The healer Kalestiya severed his ties to N'Jal and afforded him a new lease on life. As he ate many thoughts were considered. It was night time, mist swirled about the forest. Fireflies danced around the camp calmly. He readied a lantern to provide some light. He was not expecting company but it could happen and he knew it. He was waiting for some clue to pursue as to why he was summoned.

    He sat on a comfortable camp supply bed roll. Eating he had with him a bunch of rudimentary supplies to survive out in the wild. His senses caught something moving just outside of his vision. His eyes narrowed. "I know youre there." He called out into the night.

    Soon after, a follower of Hromagh emerged from the darkness. "Very good child of Demons." She paused for a moment and greeted the Demon Lord. "May I join your camp?"

    He nodded. The Thayne were a mysterious lot.

    She sat down next to him.

    He looked at her carefully observing.

    "Never seen one like you before." She said.

    "There are not many like me." He added knowingly.

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    Last edited by Nosdyn; 02-25-2024 at 06:57 AM.

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