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  1. #11

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Thaat night...

    Nosdyn found himself alone in the house to his thoughts. He sat down at their table studying the Thayne relic Kalestiya put him in charged of. His eyes were narrowed as he observed the Eldricht markings. He wondered how it all worked and what was the trigger. He held two such devices in his possession. The shadows danced across his blue skin. He held the devices closely.

    He felt someone staring at him, it was Maester Cool. Nosdyn actually hated calling him a "Lesser Thayne". He nodded towards Cool. "I am studying the relics."

    "This late into the night?" He asked.

    Nosdyn nodded. "I don't sleep."

    "I can relate." Cool sat down next to Nosdyn. "What troubles you?"

    "We have to KILL N'Jal." Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. "I'm not sure if this can be done."

    "Men can kill the Thayne." Cool said. "You taught me that as did Joshua Cronen."

    Nosdyn nodded. "I have my doubts but I hope that's true." Nosdyn said calmly. "I wonder...what is the trigger..."

    "Such mysteries are best solved at their proper moments." Cool said.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Yes." He continued. "I am hoping the relics will be the key in our battle against her."

    "You are afraid." Cool noted.

    Nosdyn agreed. "Yes. I am. You are asking much of us that's why I wanted to come up with a suitable plan." Nosdayn said.

    "You have time." Cool said. "All the time you need to gather your resources."

    Nosdyn nodded. "I wonder..." He said. "I wonder if my people can be freed."

  2. #12

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya unfolded the delicate parchment, its texture worn from its journey. The ornate script leapt off the page, conveying Nosdyn's plea. As her eyes traced the words, she felt a mix of emotions—concern for her friend, a sense of duty, an unfamiliar excitement... and fear. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she couldn't turn away from the call for help.

    Nosdyn... facing a formidable enemy. The undead shackled by a dark force. A chance to bring light to the shadows.

    She took a deep breath, the crisp air of the grassy plains filling her lungs. The vast expanse stretched before her, a path of green leading to the distant silhouette of Ettermire. With the letter tucked in her bag, she began her journey, her white dress brushing against the tall blades of grass.

    What have I agreed to? A battle against a powerful foe, a task beyond the realm of healing. But Nosdyn believes in this plan. He believes in me.

    Kalestiya's thoughts danced between the anticipation of reunion and the ominous responsibility she had accepted. Her heart beat along with the rhythm of her footsteps, each one bringing her closer to the city.

    The Undead... twisted under the influence of N'Jal. Can my healing touch unravel the dark threads that bind them? Will my light be enough to dispel the shadows?

    The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as it began to descent. Kalestiya quickened her pace, her determination growing with every step. The wind stirred her hair as she walked.

    Kindness is my strongest weapon, and I am not afraid to use it.

    The words echoed in her mind, bolstering her resolve. She envisioned the faces of those she might save, the lives that could be touched by her abilities. But a lingering doubt crept into her thoughts—was she ready for a confrontation where kindness might not be enough?

    Nosdyn believes in me and trusts in the plan. I must believe in myself!

    As the city's towers grew on the horizon, Kalestiya's mind filled with trepidation, but also hope. What fate would await her? What weight would be placed upon her shoulders? Her doubts grew, but her sense of duty pushed her forward.

    I must not yield to doubt, this is for my friend. I will not falter.

    And so, the young healer continued her journey, her white dress a beacon of purity against the backdrop of the grassy plains, ready to accept the quest that awaited her in Ettermire.


    The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets of Ettermire as Kalestiya approached the city gates. The air was filled with the faint scent of evening blossoms, and the distant murmur of the city's activities reached her ears. A sense unease enveloped her as she stepped through the imposing archway that marked the entrance.

    "Back in Ettermire," Kalestiya whispered to herself with a brief smile on her lips. She didn't think she would return to the city so soon. A lot had happened in the brief time between her departure and her return. She tried to dismiss the events that attempted to replay in her head and focussed on the task at hand.

    The streets were adorned with flickering lanterns, their warm glow guiding her path through the alleys. As she walked, glances from the locals greeted her. Kalestiya's presence, though unfamiliar, seemed to invoke a sense of calm in those who crossed her path.

    She navigated the city, guided by the directions in Nosdyn's letter. Ettermire was a tapestry of architectural wonders, each building telling a tale of the city's rich history

    What challenges does Nosdyn face? What can I do? Why me?

    Finally, after winding through the streets, Kalestiya stood before the grand entrance of Nosdyn's home.

    This is where Nosdyn's plea led me.

    Her heart pounded with trepidation as she reached for the ornate knocker. The metal made a resounding sound, echoing through the quiet night. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit corridor.

    The figure that greeted her was Ealladra, Nosdyn's wife, wearing a warm smile that held a glimmer of relief. "Oh hello, Kalestiya. Nosdyn has been waiting for you. Please, come in."

    Kalestiya curtsied gracefully and entered the house, leaving the city's buzz behind. The door closed behind her. The path to confront the shadows that loomed over Nosdyn and his people lay ahead, and Kalestiya was ready to face whatever awaited her.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 02-26-2024 at 12:03 PM. Reason: text change.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  3. #13

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Ealladra lead her indoors.

    Nosdyn was still concentrating on the relics. A studious scholar of sorts. He'd been studying the Eldricht runes. He wondered what was the missing piece the KEY he needed for it all to work. There must be some key I'm missing. He'd always been a strategic thinker. The fireplace was designed with Ettermire desing. The flames were warm and cast shadows across Nosdyn's blue skin. His eyes were narrowed in concentration when Ealladra enterred with a familiar presence in tow.

    Her scent immediately filled the room. Nosdyn immediately got stiff in attention in his nether regions in the familiar presence of his friend. She was a comfort through it all. She named him custodian of the Thayne relic in his possession. He looked at Kalestiya immediately. "My old friend!" The blue Demon said excited. He knew what her arrival meant. "You recived my parchment?" He asked. "I sent my most trusted companion to send you the letter." Nosdyn said calmly. He looked away for a moment. "I know I am asking such a selfish thing of you." Nosdyn considered a matter. "Does this mena you agree to the task we have been chosen for?" Nosdyn was always serious.

    He took all matters completely to heart.

    He looked at Kalestiya. He had fear in his eyes. He understood what Cool was asking of them all. He looked from Kalestiya to Lord Cool. "Forgive me where are my manners?" He chuckled uncomfortably. "Kalestiya. This is Maester Cool. He is a Thayne." He said.

    Cool looked at Kalestiya. "Greetings my lady." He said. He had dark blue hair, cropped tightly short and well combed. He wore robes of the Thayne. He seemingly carried no weapons. As a Thayne he needed none.

    Nosdyn became serious at that moment. "We will move on tomorrow's late eve." Nosdyn said. "N'Jal will be in the caverns. Outside of Ettermire she's been there this whole time gathering her power." He said. "We will strike when she is distracted."

  4. #14

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    As Kalestiya gracefully entered the room, Nosdyn's enthusiastic welcome embraced her with warmth. She chuckled politely, acknowledging the hearty greeting.

    "Here I am," she said with a warm smile, "your letter was well received, as my timely arrival has proven."

    Nosdyn, visibly relieved and grateful, gestured for her to take a seat. The room, adorned with the comforting glow of the Ettermire-designed fireplace, enveloped them in flickering shadows.

    Introductions followed as Nosdyn presented Cool to Kalestiya. "I am pleased to meet you, sir," she said politely, curtsying gracefully, "It is an honor to be able to meet a Thayne."

    Cool acknowledged her with a nod, the play of shadows on his well-combed, dark blue hair adding an air of mystique. "The honor is mine, Lady Kalestiya.."

    Attentively listening to Nosdyn's plan, Kalestiya pondered her role in the impending mission. Her gaze shifted between Nosdyn and Cool, thoughts weaving through the shared information.

    N'Jal in the caverns, gathering power. Tomorrow's late eve...

    "I'm here to assist in any way I can," Kalestiya spoke, her voice soft yet resolute. "While my abilities may not be suited for battle, healing and light may find their purpose in the shadows."

    Nosdyn's eyes reflected gratitude.

    Leaning forward, Cool fixed his piercing gaze on Kalestiya. "We've prepared a plan, and your role is essential. The Thayne relics will be at our disposal."

    With a nod, Kalestiya accepted the responsibility settling on her shoulders. "I will do my best, for the sake of your people and for the light we aim to bring."
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  5. #15

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    She always was so mysterious and spoke of matters Nosdyn did not understand. What is this light she always speaks of? Nosdyn frowned for a moment but then became serious once more. "I thank you Kalestiya. Perhaps by your side we stand a chance to pull this thing off." Nosdyn considered what he just said. He was terrified of N'Jal he made no secret of that. "Our chances look pretty slim here." Nosdyn admitted. The shadows dancing across his face. It was night that night.

    He knew he could not sleep. Nosdyn never slept.

    Cool retired to his room hours later. Nosdyn was eyeing Kalestiya gently. His grim demeanor accentuated by what they were about to attempt.

    "The journey to N'Jal's caverns is not far from Ettermire proper." He told Kalestiya. "You must be very tired you can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms." He took the two relics in his possession and replaced them in his packs. They would be the key. He stood up at that point and went outside to sit on the front porch of the house. There a chair built in the Ettermire design awaited. He sat down on it after motioning for Kalestiya to join him.

    "Your company soothes me." He said to her. "I'm afraid."

    "I don't think I have the skill to defeat N'Jal." He told her.

    He sat down in silence for a moment letting her speak. He was a gentle soul after all, he'd changed so much.

    Why am I so afraid? He thought to himself as he sat there.

  6. #16

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya observed Nosdyn's serious expression, his fears laid bare in the shadows of the night. His admission of terror resonated with her, and a gentle understanding filled her eyes. She approached him, the Ettermire porch creaking slightly beneath her steps, and took a seat beside him.

    "I am truly glad I can offer some comfort, Nosdyn," she spoke with a soft reassurance, her gaze meeting his. "Facing something as daunting as N'Jal is quite a challenge, for all of us. But together, we may discover strengths we didn't know we possessed."

    She placed a comforting hand on his arm, offering a gentle squeeze. "Your honesty about your fears is a strength in itself. It shows that you're aware of the challenges ahead."

    Kalestiya took a moment, letting the night breeze carry her words. "I believe in the light, Nosdyn, and there's a light within you too. You have changed, grown, and that transformation is a powerful force. Strength is not just in physical might, but in the resilience of the heart."

    As she spoke, she couldn't completely mask her own insecurities. The enormity of the task at hand weighed on her as well, but she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on being a source of support for Nosdyn.

    "You're not alone, Nosdyn. I see you bravery, and I am sure that others do so as well; it gives us courage too. Keep believing in what you can accomplish, and do not let your fears hold you back." She smiled warmly, hoping to offer him the encouragement that he needed.

    As Kalestiya stared at the sky, her own words echoed in her mind. Did she genuinely believe them herself? She knew she had to, for Nosdyn's sake.

    It's okay to be afraid, I am too.

    "Good night, Nosdyn," Kalestiya said warmly, giving his arm another gentle squeeze before heading back inside. Pausing at the doorway, she added, "I stand with you, no matter what. Sleep well, and let hope fill your dreams." With that, she disappeared inside, leaving Nosdyn to ponder her words under the night sky.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  7. #17

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    He had no idea what challenges lay ahead.

    All he did know was that he had to save his people. It was a personal mission for him. Each day that N'Jal grew stronger was a day that they could no longer defeat her. BUT...something about the situation troubled him. He knew soon it would be time for the task at hand. Kalestiya's words were like honey dripping off of his flesh. He nodded as she spoke and eventually retired to get some sleep herself.

    I can't sleep...I never sleep. He thought to himself and returned to his troubled thoughts. There would be no negotiation. Only a complete obliteration of N'Jal would suffice. It was almost killing time. He places his large two hands under his chin deep in thought.

    He wished he could sleep it would replenish his energy but alas, he was sleep deprived for most of his life.

    He was preparing himself for the battle ahead. It would be one for the ages. He carefully decided to stand and return to his own bedroom.

    Ealladra awaited his presence. He hugged her as he enterred their bed there was time to kill. He kissed her deeply. Wrapping the warm bedsheets around the two of them. He sighed. "My wife." He kissed her deeply.

  8. #18

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    The next morning at the Ettermire household was cozy and warm. When the soft light of dawn filled the rooms, Kalestiya woke up, stretched her arms. and let out a sleepy yawn, embracing the start of a new day. The air felt hopeful, and as she got ready, she felt a calm strength welling up from within.

    Kalestiya began her morning with a refreshing ritual, cleansing herself with the cool touch of water. As droplets trickled down, she embraced the simple pleasure, a gentle awakening for both body and spirit. Afterward, she adorned herself in her plain yet comforting attire, the fabric caressing her skin with a tender intimacy, and added her feather hairclip with care. It was a pure and innocent indulgence.

    After readying up, she decided to join the others. With careful steps, she walked down the wooden stairs, their soft creaks blending with the dawn's quiet melody. In the common room, Nosdyn prepared calmly, creating a serene atmosphere. Ealladra, wide awake and understanding, exchanged glances with Nosdyn, their silent connection bringing reassurance to the room.

    "Good morning," Kalestiya greeted with a warm smile, her voice a soothing melody. Her eyes sparkled with a gentle radiance as she moved about the room, a warm presence in the midst of preparations.

    She glanced at Cool, already present in his Thayne robes. He exuded a calm authority that brought a sense of order to the impending tasks.

    "Isn't it a beautiful day?" she remarked, her words a gentle invitation to appreciate the simple joys that the morning bestowed upon them.

    Kalestiya took a seat at the table and waited for the others to speak.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-02-2024 at 02:39 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  9. #19

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    I don't sleep...

    I never sleep...

    A familiar scent drifted into the room. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. He looked up at Lady Kalestiya. "Good morning. We have a long journey ahead."

    He looked at Cool. "Stay here my Lord." Nosdyn said calmly. "I need someone looking after the house and my family should the worst come to pass."

    Cool nodded. "May the All-Thayne guide you."

    He shook hands with Cool. Gathered his things. He readied his Prevalida sword last. Sheathing it in it's scabbard and placing it across his back. It is almost killing time and we have to be ready to get this deed done. Nosdyn thought to himself. He was terrified he had no idea what woul happen. Nosdyn kissed his wife possibly for the last time.

    He looked at Lady Kalestiya. "Almost a time for Killing." He said grimly. He was afraid, he had not been so afraid in a long time. He looked at Kalestiya. "The walk to the Caverns of N'Jal is not far from Ettermire. We can go on foot." Nosdyn said. They were already on the move. He looked at the large house for a moment. Possibly for the final time.

    He was no fool.

    He knew N'Jal could outright kill them all.

    Noosdyn was prepared for the worst. He looked at Kalestiya. "I'm afraid." He said to her calmly. "I have no idea what to expect or even if we can do this thing." They walked for what seemed like hours.

    Instinctively Nosdyn guided them both home. He was coming back home as an unwelcome killer. He kept his steely gaze forward. They were almost upoon the specific set of caverns. Nosdyn was clenching his hands nervoudsly. He looked ahead suddenly to find...

    Tharak Son of Nosdyn awaited in fron of the caves having sensed his Father's approach. "Father! You have returned!" Tharak yelled. He ran to Nosdyn and hugged his Father Nosdyn hugged his son tightly back.

    "Son." Nosdyn said. "I am here to kill N'Jal and free you all."

  10. #20

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya's boots padded softly on the trail beside Nosdyn. Bright flowers seemed to mock the heavy feeling in the air. Sunlight peeked through leaves of trees, painting the floor with warm, golden patches. She looked at Nosdyn, his shoulders slumped with worry. Kalestiya reached out, her touch light on his arm, a silent message of support. Their eyes met, hers filled with understanding.

    "It's okay to be scared, Nosdyn," she said gently. "and I know what it is like to be scared. The way it can tighten your chest and make the world seem a little smaller. But remember, fear is just a feeling, and it won't control us."

    She paused for a moment, the only sound the soft sigh of the wind through the leaves. Nosdyn didn't respond, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. Taking a deep breath, Kalestiya whispered, "You will find a way to endure and overcome, just like I have-"

    Their seemingly long trek was nearing its end as the caverns loomed, dark and imposing. Stepping through the threshold, Kalestiya's breath caught in her throat. Before her, Tharak and Nosdyn embraced, a reunion she hadn't anticipated. A warmth, like a spark ignited, bloomed in her chest, witnessing the powerful bond between father and son.

    She stood quietly, smiling and allowing Nosdyn to explain the reason for their arrival.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-04-2024 at 06:13 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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