Once he was a lowly servant of N'Jal.

That all changed when a woman named Kalestiya severed his ties to N'Jal. N'Jal even saying her name made his blood boil with rage. He a child of the Tular Plains reduced to fighting for scraps as a servant of N'Jal. Never again! He swore he would end the Greater Thayne himself with his own bare hands. A mortal could kill the Thayne it was proven! Nosdyn had a maelstrom of thoughts in his mind as he slowly marched to Hromagh's temple.

Fireflies danced around the temple as the shadowy killer approached it that night.

Guards were lazily falling half asleep due to lack of action.


He would kill them all.

As Nosdyn approached, there were no words. There was no hesitation. There was merely a fluid action of one consequence. Murder. He would Kill. Them. All. His prevalida sword singed through the night air as he slashed at the two front guards. One fell immediately as he was cut down. The other reacted too late. He managed a muffled scream as he was cut in half and destroyed. The silent killer made his approach into the temple...