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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    A few hours was over.

    The temple of Hromagh fell to the last man.

    This is the first step... Nosdyn thought to himself. Grimly. As he stepped outside of the temple, something happened. A familiar person was waiting for him outside. Memories sparked from the past. "You...." Nosdyn said.

    She removed her hood. She was a follower of N'Jal. LILLY. She looked at him with sad eyes. She had been a lover at one point.

    Nosdyn's chest rose up and down with exctement. "What do you want?" Nosdyn asked.

    She looked at Nosdyn carefully. "Heard you got free." She sighed. "Didn't think that was possible."

    Nosdyn sheathed his weapon. Lilly was not a threat...not yet. "Men can kill the Thayne." Nosdyn said plainly.

    She knew Nosdyn had come a long way without N'Jal. Once he was just another lowly servant. Now...he was so much more. She looked at him. "How did you do it, how did you free yourself?"

    Nosdyn hesitated for a moment. "There is a Healer, she works them miracles." Nosdyn paused. "Tell our people they can be freed."

    "Who are they?" Lilly pleaded with Nosdyn. "I need the name."

    "...The healer is named Kalestiya." Nosdyn said. "Lilly. Come with me." He pleaded with her.

    She considered. "I've done too much Nosdyn." She sighed. "It has been years since you left. Things have happened. I don't know if they can welcome us now."

    He nodded knowingly. "They accepted me. I'm a Demon. They will accept you too." He extended his hand out to her. "Come with me." He asked pleading once more.

    "I can't Nosdyn not while N'Jal yet lives." She paused for a moment preparing to leave. She had a name. She planted the seed of a mission in Nosdyn's mind. She looked at Nosdyn one last time. "You look good freed. It's hard to realize how much she takes away from you."

    Nosdyn nodded. "We will meet again." He swore. She was an Undead follower of N'Jal. Nosdyn watched her raise her hood as she left. He sighed and took his own leave.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 02-08-2024 at 10:08 AM.

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