He spent the better portion of that night writing Kalestiya the letter.

He was not sure where she'd be but he had a good idea. He was invitring her to use her abilities to free the undead from N'Jal's grasp. He was a tactical thinker and he wanted his people to be free.

The letter was completed at the wee hours of the night.

(Nosdyn's thoughts in italics) Once he was done writing on the parchment, he folded the letter and candle wax pressed the Krotar house emblem on the envelope. He thought of his Father at that point. And what he'd been forced to do. "I'm sorry Father for all of it." He said. He took the letter and attached it to his messenger bird. A large black raven. He attached the letter to his old friend. "To Kalestiya brother. You know how to find her."

He kawed in approval. Nosdyn gave the large bird a treat as payment. He watched his old friend fly off to Kalestiya.

"You are a curious speciment." Cool said he'd been staying in their house that whole time.

Nosdyn nodded. "Thank you. It's been a long time since N'Jal."

"Are you confident you can do this?" Cool asked.

Nosdyn agreed. "I can. It must be done. I will free my people and kill N'Jal."

Cool sat down next to Nosdyn. "I know I am asking for a lot here."

"The Undead will be the final key to the puzzle." Nosdyn explained. "She uses them to do her bidding and grow stronger. I think if we free them it will disrupt a lot. Will you be present Maester Cool?"

Cool considered. "Do you want me to be?"

"Yes my lord. We will need your skill here." They spoke until the next day...