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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,500

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    Kalestiya Brightheart

    View Profile

    Suvryael fe der Lerm...

    Floating in the realm of her subconscious, Kalestiya felt weightless, suspended in a sea of muted colors and ethereal lights. A gentle breeze, warm and comforting, caressed her form, and the vibrant hues around her seemed to pulse in rhythm with the unseen energy that permeated the space.

    The ethereal voice, soft yet commanding, echoed through the expanse. "Bearer, your destiny unfolds as you seek the elusive reflections of your true essence. Seek the echoes of concealed truths, for within the intricacies of your path lies the cryptic key. Unravel the threads of your essence, and in the shadows, discover the enigma that will define your destiny."

    As the voice spoke, kaleidoscopic visions unfolded before her. Glowing symbols danced in intricate patterns, each one carrying a story of its own. An unseen force guided her through this dreamscape, revealing snippets of a destiny that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

    But just as the revelations began to take shape, a faint, distant voice called her back. It was a whisper, a thread woven into the tapestry of her subconscious, pulling her away from the mysteries that awaited.

    "Kales... ti... a"

    The faded voice echoed, its urgency cutting through the serenity of her subconscious world. The vibrant colors dulled, and the symbols retreated into the background. The warm breeze became a gentle tug, coaxing her away from the ethereal revelations.


    Reality beckoned, and Kalestiya found herself drawn back, leaving behind the mysteries of her subconscious for the pressing concerns of the waking world.


    Whimpering softly, the wounded girl slowly opened her eyes, finding herself cradled in Nosdyn's arms. She tried to speak, but the weakness that engulfed her left her voiceless. Glancing downward, she observed her dress saturated in a crimson substance.

    Her head rolled against Nosdyn's shoulder as her eyes fluttered, hanging on by a thread of consciousness.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-10-2024 at 10:59 AM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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