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Thread: Finger of God

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  1. #6
    I'm Asking you Icely

    EXP: 33,893, Level: 7
    Level completed: 87%, EXP required for next Level: 1,107
    Level completed: 87%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,107

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

    View Profile
    Ayleth didn't even react to her minor victory in her half-won strike. The blindly swung scythe was coming down fast. Agile as well as speedy, the half-elf rolled away from the massive pole arm as wood from smashed furniture flew around. While she dodged the warscythe, dust and splinters managed to find her. Ayleth's eyes watered from the irritation of the dust, and splinters embedded her upper legs and arms. To recover, ice started forming across her body - her icy healing. Her splinters began to heal. Ayleth's eyes were red like a faint, glazy blood moon.

    Only several feet away from her opponent, things only got worse. Heat. Severe heat. It was like she was close to erupting lava. No burns were being caused, so far it was only an annoyance. However, it was still enough to cause her to rather harshly back away. Unable to see her opponent clearly, she only saw his burning silhouette.

    An amused smile crossed her face, Ice versus fire? Classic.

    She had dropped her dagger somewhere within the last several moments all this happened. Still on her feet though, she drew her damascus hand-in-a-half sword, the Hailstorm's Daughter. Her posture was still sturdy, like a warrior. It maintained a level of elegance though, and showed she was intelligent as well as just plain good. Emotion driven and still young though, the tears falling down her face signified more than just how much dust got in her eyes. She took several deep breaths, recovering from the last several seconds. She still could not see clearly, and considered her missile options. Her handheld crosspistol, Parva, would be of little help with her current eyesight. Her abilities could be of use, but... not directly.

    For now, she needed to buy her own time. She would diplomatically use another sharp weapon: words.

    "Nice move," she approved her opponent, "Perhaps this would be a good time for introductions? My name is Ayleth."

    Her sentences were short, quick to the point. No matter what tactic she used, she did not "play with her food." Maybe even hearing his name would give her eyes enough time to adjust. Stupid dust... I hate this tower already.
    Last edited by Ashla; 10-24-2017 at 12:34 AM.

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