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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    As soon as Nosdyn became aware of where he was he'd wandered at least a mile into Ettermire city. He blinked a few times, he didn't feel the effects of sleep, he felt something else. A serious malady had stricken him. He knew he could not sleep, that was something else entirely. He made his way to the Temple of Lloth to seek comfort from his High Priestess, Llethra. He entered the Temple and a robed priestess he did not know noticed him.

    "Oh. Lord Nosdyn, welcome how can we help you tonight?" The woman asked curiously.

    "Hello. Is Lady Llethra here?" He asked hopefully.

    "She's in her quarters at the moment shall I tell you're gonna join her?" She asked.

    "I'll walk with you My Lady." Nosdyn said calmly and walked with her to Llethra's office.

    "Lady Llethra." She began. "Lord Nosdyn is here to see you." She bowed and took her leave.

    After that, Nosdyn entered her office. "My lady I have a serious problem tonight." He began. "I walked off in a state of half-sleep tonight. I ended up coming here because I need some answers. The humes call this state narpilepsy is my understanding." Nosdyn said, airing his grievances. He sought his priestess out for comfort that night....

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    In the shadows...

    In the darkness...

    An old enemy lurked, waiting for a chance at revenge. He'd sought relics of the past and the secrets needed to defeat Nosdyn Krotar. As he prepared for his strike upon the enemy he sat in silence. He was an enemy defeated a long time ago. Once a general of the Ettermire forces, once he had honour. Once he had power and a name. Krotar, son of the Tular Plains took all of that away from him.

    In one fell moment, Nosdyn defeated him by siding with that bitch, N'Jal and unleashing unspeakable terror upon them all.

    Now it had come to his attention that the very same son of Krotar defeated N'Jal right underneath them all.

    It was all so disgusting. He knew they didn't need the Thayne but he also knew they did not need Demon kind. Krotar possessed the Demon's Blood which was the reason they were able to win. Using tactics not seen in an age since the Demon's War. The former General once had a name. But he had long since forgotten it. Now he had a new identity. The undead who allied with him were a faction not linked to Nosdyn. He looked at the woman he was mating with at the time. "When?" He asked.

    She expertly sucked him off. She removed him from her mouth looking at him with a soft wink. "Soon." She promised.

    Soon...they would all have their revenge or die trying.


    Nosdyn finished talking to his Priestess. She gave him a remedy of sorts for the narpilepsy and told him they should excersize extreme caution with his walking off. He agreed and took the medicine into his packs. He consumed his priestess for a time and headed back home content he had caring allies. Never once realizing an old enemy lurked in the shadows....

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